Religious people only care about nature because they are told to

Simon Anders

Valued Senior Member
Religious people have rules for living. If their religion tells them to treat nature well, they do. If it doesn't, they don't. The only possible motivation for caring about something is because one follows rules. No one knows what the future will bring. It would be foolish to worry about the future of nature, except if your God has told you to do this. One cannot recognize the value in anything without being told what to value.
Yeah, we're brainwashed from birth. No independent thought processes.
No, its quite good actually, we don't worry about anything.

Its all karma or qadr or destiny. Like biology.
Look at dolphins. Do they worry about the environment? No, its all karma.
Yeah, we're brainwashed from birth. No independent thought processes.
Tell me what is wrong with the OP. I don't agree with it. See, I see you as being evasive. You have come back with sarcasm. Wonderful. Tell me what is wrong with the thesis above. What are your motivations or independent thought processes that lead you to care about nature that atheists cannot also have?
It would be foolish to worry about the future of nature, except if your God has told you to do this. One cannot recognize the value in anything without being told what to value.

Worrying about somehting does not mean helping, some people like to hear themselves talk and point fingers.
Do you feel attacked or something ? Why are you so evasive ?

Whats evasive about following rules? I brake on empty streets when the red light comes on, even if no one is there. Is that evasive?:confused:
Whats evasive about following rules? I brake on empty streets when the red light comes on, even if no one is there. Is that evasive?:confused:

Since you deny not being serious, I can only ASSUME that you are being serious..

In which case I have nothing more to say to you, except maybe to visit a good psychiatrist.
Yeah, we're brainwashed from birth. No independent thought processes.
Again. I do not agree with this. I think religious people have other reasons/motivations for caring about nature. However I see these as, in some cases, shared by atheists.
Since you deny not being serious, I can only ASSUME that you are being serious..

In which case I have nothing more to say to you, except maybe to visit a good psychiatrist.

You mean I should not follow the rules? Red light be damned eh? Boy you atheists sure live dangerously:p
Yeah, we're brainwashed from birth. No independent thought processes.
Again. I do not agree with this. I think religious people have other reasons/motivations for caring about nature. However I see these as, in some cases, shared by atheists.

It seems implicit in your sarcasm that you believe there are other motivations than simply following rules. We can move on and talk about this missing piece. I would be interested in hearing about your sense of why religious people, those that do, care about nature, that is not simply following rules, and how atheists cannot care about nature for similar reasons. I am not sure where this will lead, but it seems central.
"God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars." - Martin Luther, German theologian

That pretty much sums it up. :)