Religious People Need Evidence TOO!

Guys I have a problem. I have muscleman blocked but everytime he posts I still get a email saying that he has posted. I dont want to get that email unless someone elses posts something. How do I go about doing that?
Muscleman's post always signals the death of a thread. Fun when it lasted, I for one do not need to stick around to watch an intellectual debate turn in to a pissing contest.
Voodoo child, may be you didn't understand the question, I asked you to give me Proper examples of evolutionary transitions in which one species changes into another. All you have done is give me similarities between species

Those were "Proper examples of evolutionary transitions in which one species changes into another" in every sense of the words. See Raithere's post. There is no deductive proof that these salamanders evolved, but your only alternative is that God constructed and arranged a series of subspecies around this valley.

If you refer to acknowledge that transitional forms are transitional, then explain why dolphins have DNA that codes for the smell of volatile compounds, remembering that it is close to the same DNA as in wolves. Why do chimps share (the same) endogenous retroviruses with humans? Why do the number of retroviruses in common in two groups DNA correlate positively with their proximity on the tree of life?
excuse my language but people who are compulsive liars that claims to be smart just ticks me off, when I was 16 i wasnt that stupid and a liar, i know when to behave and say what is right, not falsely accuse anyone because of FACTS that is hard to handle. Xelios, your atleast 16m, dont act like your 8 yrs old, by that age you should have normal and straight judgment, unless drugs took that away. You need to observe, listen, learn, THEN TALK. For few years now I have been hearing frim atheist this random chance thingy, quantum mechanics, laws of physics, etc. etc. and they make it sound so true, WHEN THE TRUTH IS OPPOSITE, fact is they are claims without proof. Anyone can be a liar, but not anyone can be honest.
"excuse my language but people who are compulsive liars that claims to be smart just ticks me off, when I was 16 i wasnt that stupid and a liar, i know when to behave and say what is right, not falsely accuse anyone because of FACTS that is hard to handle. Xelios, your atleast 16m, dont act like your 8 yrs old, by that age you should have normal and straight judgment, unless drugs took that away. You need to observe, listen, learn, THEN TALK. For few years now I have been hearing frim atheist this random chance thingy, quantum mechanics, laws of physics, etc. etc. and they make it sound so true, WHEN THE TRUTH IS OPPOSITE, fact is they are claims without proof. Anyone can be a liar, but not anyone can be honest."

Sigh, I thought you left so I took you off ignore, now I see that was a mistake. And I think you're the one who needs to grow up, not me. You huge mistake is that you think by proving chance wrong you automatically prove God right. It doesn't work that way. Not only does it not work that way, but you haven't even proved chance wrong, all you've done is say "In my opinion the universe couldn't have come about through chance", and that is not proof. If you want to delude yourself into thinking it is then go ahead, just don't start whining when other more mature people don't buy in to your delusions.

That said, welcome back to ignore.
Hey will this fits with the topic.. sort of, and I thought it was interesting.

Friday, August 30, 2002

Premise #1: The God in the Bible is real because the Bible says so.
Premise #2: The Bible is true because the God in the Bible says so.
Premise #3: If you have any questions or doubts, see premise #1.

Naturally I recognize that this is an oversimplification of the matter, but none-the-less, this simple list, to a large degree, succinctly encapsulates the only Christian “proofs” of God’s existence and involvement with humans.

While a Christian,I demanded irrefutable proofs for what I considered the outrageous allegations and claims of Evolutionists and Atheists. Why did I not demand the same type of evidence for the even more remarkable claims of the supernatural made by the Bible?

My thought process seems so much clearer now than it was when the “eye of faith” guided me. There can really be only one explanation as I look back in retrospect: I believed what I wanted to believe. In some measure, I chose to believe the Bible because it gave me a sense of security, purpose and control over reality that is not available in an existential worldview.

Whether or not I now have something better than Christianity to offer is not ultimately relevant to this discussion. What is relevant is that I be honest with myself by demanding the application of the same type of irrefutable proof criteria to the claims of religionists as are routinely expected of scientists.
Originally posted by Xelios
It doesn't work that way. Not only does it not work that way, but you haven't even proved chance wrong, all you've done is say "In my opinion the universe couldn't have come about through chance", and that is not proof. If you want to delude yourself into thinking it is then go ahead, just don't start whining when other more mature people don't buy in to your delusions.

That said, welcome back to ignore. [/B]

Here we go again, I didnt prove chance wrong by opinion. I proved chance wrong by observation, study, experimentation, and demonstration, in other words scientifical facts, need I say more? Scientist with far far more better technology cannot even create a living cell, why then do you propose lightning and earthquake or someother "THINGY" did it. Your the one deluding yourself, I am reffering to HARD FACTS, now Im not speaking for the future like you do in saying "Scientist can create a life form like God", thats your delusionary wish, well good luck hoping to reach the stars and doing the impossible (currently speaking that is). Again then yur going to give me the primitive analogy in saying "Earth was believed by all as flat, but now science proved them wrong", and indeed your right, back then they were guessing and science proved the round earth. Therefore I only listen to scientific facts, the argument is current, therefore the evidence needs to be current, if we argue in the future then hope for evidence in the future, if we argue now presenbt evidence now, PERIOD. I HOPE YOUR BRAIN FINALLY ABSORBED THAT.
Originally posted by Xelios

My thought process seems so much clearer now than it was when the “eye of faith” guided me. There can really be only one explanation as I look back in retrospect: I believed what I wanted to believe. In some measure, I chose to believe the Bible because it gave me a sense of security, purpose and control over reality that is not available in an existential worldview.

Whether or not I now have something better than Christianity to offer is not ultimately relevant to this discussion. What is relevant is that I be honest with myself by demanding the application of the same type of irrefutable proof criteria to the claims of religionists as are routinely expected of scientists.

WOW! Yeehaay! Xelios made it to step one. Now he understands what "faith" is. Good good indeed, so my work here in going down to your childish brain is worthit. And Xelios another thing, the bible isnt written to give you marvel super heroes type of fascination, maybe for kids, but thats how kids always are. The bible wasnt written to amuse you, it is written to give you "understanding" of how human life should be lived. How people makes mistakes, how people comes back for forgiveness, over all HOW PEOPLE SHOULD LIVE A GOOD MORAL LIFE. Again the bible isnt a book of science neither is it a book of mathematics, but a book of moral guidance, when you encounter people, science will do you no good in dealing with painfull situation such as family lose, hatred, enemy, etc. the bible have effective solutions from such problems, thats what the bible is. But if your looking for "SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT VIRTUE REALLY HAVE GOOD EFFECTS ON HUMANS" then I tell you yes it is scientifically proven, but if u ask "Scientific proof that Abraham was a good person and Samson and Delilah really exist, etc." Well then that is left to faith.

And yeah one more thing, I must stress that you are right, God is a myth, so is King Henry, Shakespeare and all the others, give me proof otherwise. All u have given me is written literature which can be made off, therefore u really have not provided any proof.