Religious Nonsense

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Assuming you have an issue with the bit in bold, the DOI (If you want to take it as a catalyst for engineering the basis of all our modern democracies that incorporate equality as a cornerstone for justice) is a transcendental proposition. If there is a materialistic means to gauge equality, it is not, as yet, forthcoming.
Assuming you have an issue with the bit in bold, the DOI (If you want to take it as a catalyst for engineering the basis of all our modern democracies that incorporate equality as a cornerstone for justice) is a transcendental proposition. If there is a materialistic means to gauge equality, it is not, as yet, forthcoming.
It is self-evident that all men are created equal (no need for "by their creator"), under the law.
What made you conclude that atheists are not capable of understanding metaphysical concepts of ethical behavior. The discipline even has a name; "metaethics".
Spidergoat said,
It is superior to analyze one's moral values and alter them in light of new information and understanding (slavery is bad). It's not superior in the sense that atheistic values will always be superior to religious ones. Atheists could be wrong. But if wrong values are encoded into a religious doctrine, they will be wrong forever.
If scripture ever was of help in drafting secular ethical law, it has long outlasted its' usefulness.
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So you have never encountered a muslim who questioned bin Laden's claim to authority on the strength of scripture?
3000 innocent people died, all because Allah told bin Laden that he was justified in his actions.

Let's face it, theists have lots of problems with the larger secular community, because of their religion. A baker cannot refuse to sell a loaf of bread to a gay person. A city clerk cannot deny a gay couple a marriage license. A husband cannot give his wife a thrashing. These things must be painful decisions, but in the spirit of generosity in recognition that all men, and women, are equally valuable as human beings, they are nobly suffered by theists.
That's nice........the human thing to do..........:)......................................:?
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If there is an inextricable (dare we say, "exclusive"?) connection between empathy and atheism, you didn't establish it.
If your argument is that atheists are not subject to an impetus of punishment/reward orchestrated by an authority to determine the behaviour of the said atheists, it becomes yet again a question of where the falsity lies when examples are brought to the contrary.
Two examples of the typical bullshit "if", as continually employed by overt Abrahamic theists on science forums.
So you have never encountered a muslim who questioned bin Laden's claim to authority on the strength of scripture?
Another form of the typical Abrahamic theist's dishonesty on a science forum - the Fox question format.

Why do they do that?
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Two examples of the typical bullshit "if", as continually employed by overt Abrahamic theists on science forums.

Another form of the typical Abrahamic theist's dishonesty on a science forum - the Fox question format.

Why do they do that?
If you continually fudge attempts to explain what you are on about, you will advance from a position where no one understands what you are on about, to a position where no one cares what you are on about.
It is self-evident that all men are created equal (no need for "by their creator"),
Actually the opposite is true. It is self evident that all men (sic persons) are created unequal (physically, economically, socially, intellectually, etc ... no two are equal, what to speak of everyone), if you assign their ultimate creation to their biological origins.
under the law.
Law as a precursor to philosophy is a joke at best, terrifying at worst.

What made you conclude that atheists are not capable of understanding metaphysical concepts of ethical behavior. The discipline even has a name; "metaethics".

Metaethics doesn't operate on the provision that religion is prohibited territory.
3000 innocent people died, all because Allah told bin Laden that he was justified in his actions.
And, lo and behold, many muslims cite that as grounds to discredit his authority. There was an incident of a terrorist, midway through the act, in London, being chastised from a bystander, "You ain't no muslim, bruv."

So by the same standard, when atheists display behaviour outside your definitions, are they false atheists or are your definitions of atheists false?
A toddler can pick up a cell phone and talk to practically anyone on the planet, but a god can’t muster up enough divine mojo to access a phone network and do the same thing? Gods can create stars, planets and people, but don’t have the communication skills of a 3 year old child?
What do you suppose He would need to tell us or that we would need to tell Him?

Our ignorance? Who are you including in this population?
I am more surprised that you would think I wasn't.

I recognize my own inability to communicate with gods, and I’m not aware of anyone who can. Are you able to communicate with gods? If not, can you give an example of anyone who can?
It's probably not the time, place or audience to discuss these things, but you are advocating the perfectional stage of religion as the initial stage.
Its more extreme than expecting bunsen burners and strontium-90 to be broken out during a university open day.

So which specific Googled theidiocy have you adopted?

At this stage, I would have hoped you would have at least a few critiques of defenses for theodicy up your sleeve if you were still hoping to float your bluff about being familiar with "all manner of theological contortions".

My atheism, like that of many others is based on a lack of substantive evidence that gods exist. I see empiricism as the only means that humans can effectively know reality. So if a god wants to expose itself to me, I would expect it knows where to find me. I’ll even spring for the trench coat.

How do you assess the value of your belief system? Does it involve any aspect of your material existence? Or are you in denial of such an existence?

I keep asking you the same simple question, and instead of a simple answer, you launch into a Bill Clinton imitation on the definition of terms.
So what would a "meaningful interaction" with God look like, if you want to demand such experiences be contained within the language of empiricism?

Remember, this is not my challenge, or some onus I put on you. This is your language, your choice in epistemology and your choice in defining the parameters of an accountable reality.
(For the record, I already offered to broaden the subject by talking about the pros and cons of several epistemologies, all of which you hastily discredited in favour of empiricism).

Personally I think the task you have set yourself is as fruitless as trying to determine the quantity of water in the pacific ocean with a thimble, but I don't own the stupid here.

Again, did you or did you not have relations with a deity. If yes, what color dress was it wearing?
What's the point in asking such q's if you can't bring anything to judge the merit of the answer?
Suppose I said "Yellow".
What next?

But that’s not what you implied with your original comment.
To be consumed by one's modesty is to not be modest.
I guess one can be proud of one's humility, but it tends to suggest an inferior level of performance.
Exactly. There are no atheist values, so you can't blame fictitious "atheist values" for anything. What makes religious beliefs backward and superstitious is reality: observation and logic.

Yes, they are permissible, just like religious beliefs are permissible. Atheists are not a cabal that decides what is permissible and what is not.

And no paramilitary forces either. No atheist navy. No atheist air force.

I'm bringing human values to the table. Even some religionists support human values.

It isn't. Atheism isn't an end in itself. It's more like a symptom of progress in human thinking. Hopefully, that progress will also be reflected as progress in human values, as opposed to religious "values".
Tiassa said it with more eloquence and patience than I could muster, and it's doubtful you made it further than the first line ...

... so I will keep it brief, since you are obviously being economical with the time you wish to spend thinking about these subjects.

In short, if you say atheism has no values, then you can't talk of it in relation to progress, reality, education etc .. or at least you can't do that and refrain from being a douche.
Atheism doesn't have values but atheists do. So yes, the values that atheists have - human values, not arbitrary "values" imposed by some alien overlord for his benefit, no ours - do relate to progress.
I can see you have seriously thought this through.
This is such a clusterfuck of stupidity, I was almost certain you had skipped a few critical typos or sentences or something that would magically provide a semblance of something defensible. Anyway ..

Atheism doesn't have values but atheists do.
Gee thanks for clearing that up. For a second there I thought there was a relationship between atheism and atheists.

So yes, the values that atheists have - human values, not arbitrary "values"
I missed the part where "" renders things non-arbitrary ...

imposed by some alien overlord for his benefit,
.... and the part where you valulessly established these as distinct from aliens, overlords, or the benefit of such.

no ours - do relate to progress.
It must come as a great relief to know you can gauge progress without values.
I consider that tactic as part of the world of Religious Nonsense.

Yes, your arguments are religious nonsense.

Well then, if I am incapable of explaining why atheists have no worse ethical standards than theists ...

Are you actually incapable, or simply making excuses?

... then you explain the theist's "rational justification of these human values"? Who wrote the bible? God???

Again: Do you have anything to offer that doesn't depend on theists?

Stop and look at what you're arguing:

Atheist 1: Human values as alternative to religious belief. (#208↑)

Inquiry: Human values, sure, but what is the rational justification of those values? (#209↑)

Atheist 2: Explain the theist's "rational justification of these human values". (#215↑)

No, really, you're demanding one project a theistic rational justification of an atheist's counterpoint to religious belief.

And let's just be clear, here:

And I certainly do not appreciate your dismissive attitude, where I have shown you only respect and courtesy. So stop that line of diversion by aspersion, please??

You call that behavior showing respect and courtesy?

How about the perpetual vendetta, not being able to discuss this subject without perpetually bawling what about theists? No, really, you appear to have entered the thread with it at #195↑, in which it's pretty much the whole of the post (less one paragraph telling someone to read something, and apparently perceive everything just the way you do); then pushed the bit again in #206↑, in which it is the whole of your argument. So, we've just accounted for it in #215; the rubber-glue tit for tat is the whole of #213↑, eighty-two percent (nine of eleven apparent paragraphs) of #212↑. You keep it up in #221↑, and #222↑. I did want to congratulate you, though, on #225↑, in which you broke form long enough to appropriate the Golden Rule.

(Does anyone ever wonder why Desmond Dekker said, "Golden Rules", or does that only stand out to people who know there is more than one, and the one most commonly in circulation is an inversion of its original form? Or does nobody listen to Dekker, these days?)​

But, yeah; you're back to it in #231↑.

And we should note, in the moment, that you accidentally got close in #234↑, but you're also making a certain point for me, and I thank you, about the bigotry of a prejudicial zealot replacing one irrationality with another. "Common sense"? Really? In a society that is mostly theist? Common sense: In a time featuring Afro Celt Sound System, Willie & Lobo, Carrie Akre, Tanita Tikaram, &c., people bought Britney Spears. Just saying; left to common sense, music performance instruction in the future won't be about breath control, form of the wrist, or efficiency of motion; it will be about making sure the unit is powered and turned on, finding the appropriate software library, and how to send your demo portfolio archive to which businesspeople, and if young musicians are lucky, they won't have to pay extra for the course in releasing their own album and booking their own shows. Remember: Actual musical instruments are inefficient, or, at the very least, can be said to be so according to any number of theses that might address "music" and "society".

Nonetheless, take that moment in which you're looking at the Deadly Sins and how they work in society, and please understand that such examinations are indeed possible once you get beyond your tit-for-tat, rubber-glue vendetta.

The atheist rejecting the subjectivity of projected divinity is what it is, but replacing it with the subjectivity of personal aesthetics is no less irrational or dangerous.

#237↑ ... oh, hey, depoliticize #240↑, and you're nearly in a useful range; the next thing to do is offer more than mere vagary: "The question thus becomes if atheists would be unable to come to transcendental conclusions, without the aid of transcendental literature written by theist humans." Yeah, actually, you're pretty close to a starting point. Because the next thing to do is start identifying those questions, conclusions, and discursive processes, and as I noted in #209:

If one puts anything on the table, it is subject to the same rational scrutiny as anything else, such as, oh, let's say, a religious argument. Actually defending against that rational scrutiny means having a clue about history and philosophy, and that requires effort.

If the punch line would be that it must suck to have only one story to write, I would point out that this eye-for-eye jealousy is in other threads, too. Check the freedom of religion thread; my critique of your post at #554↗, to Billvon, would have something to do with imposing definitions on people in history; watch the transformation, though, in #555↑↗—Jeeves was insufficiently condemning of religion in a response to Iceaura, so you jumped in with tit-for-tat rubber-glue. (And then you're back to sympathy with Billvon in #567↗, imposing your definitions on history.) And then, as I'm going rounds with Jeeves, you decide to get in on that, in #576↗, with more tit-for-tat vendetta.

Can we just confirm that you really do describe this behavior as "respect and courtesy"?

You're just trying to quash discussion you're not up to participating in. That's neither courteous nor respectful. Hell, even when you're not doing that, you're imposing fallacies on history, which is hardly respectful or rational, though it might qualify, behaviorally, under some iteration of commmon sense according to how much people do it. Kind of like making an uncreative song the foremost example of a society's musical culture because it gets middle aged men hard. Y'know. Britney Spears.

#242↑. Oops, you did it again?

At least you went for variation in #243↑, but refusing to address the question is neither respecful nor courteous, though to cover the pedantry it's true, you said me and nothing about Musika.

So what's that? You "have shown you only respect and courtesy"?

So stop that line of diversion by aspersion, please??

No, seriously, the one who can't stop crashing discussion with petty vendetta? The one who disrupts discussions for slothful non sequitur fallacy?

You're beginning to sound like a theist.

And you are a bigot.

(Diversion, aspersion! You sound like a theist!)​

I would think that in your position you would adhere to the ethical secular standard of a staff member.

I would think someone ostensibly advocating some manner of rational argument would know better than to try that cheap fallacy to be applied in circumstances you are ignorant of. What, you want the summary without the green ink?

• Go read the rules. We're still ostensibly on about rational discourse. Your bigotry and fallacy fails that standard. We can either put on our hats and kick pretty out pretty much the entire Religion subforum, or we can do what we've been supposed to do for years, which is constrict as little as possible prejudices that reflect Administrative sentiment, and just deal with it. And this is how we deal with bigoted politics we're otherwise supposed to go out of our way to take it easy on. There are certain groups we're not supposed to accept this behavior out of, and then there are certain groups who get some manner of pass under the rules.​

So don't don't give me that self-righteous political bullshit. Seriously, this piss-poor advocacy is the sort to make us wonder if simply expecting an identifying atheist to have a clue is somehow violating his or her civil rights, and whether that applies to all political advocates, or just atheists. The coddling everyone else needs to put on in order for these atheistic advocates to feel smart is unacceptable; everyone else should not have to run around and put more effort into kissing your ass than you're willing to put into complaining, and you might notice I didn't even limit you to rational complaint. Your bigoted bawling, above all else, lazy.

Look within yourself before you try to reflect poorly on someone else.

If an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind, I don't understand why you would gouge yourself. Watching people embarrass themselves in pursuit of moral satisfaction is a strange experience. Remind me again, why should theists have a rational justification of atheistic argument?
For a second there I thought there was a relationship between atheism and atheists.
As I keep trying to tell you, there is no such thing as an atheist organization to which every atheist belongs. Each atheist has his/her own set of values. Those values may be similar - and they tend to be progressive - because they're based on conscience, empathy, etc. instead of the capricious dictates of some alien overlord.
It must come as a great relief to know you cangauge progress withoutvalues.
As I keep telling you, it isn't without values.
As I keep trying to tell you, there is no such thing as an atheist organization to which every atheist belongs.
When you type things like this, it just gives you the impression you have the self awareness of a fence post.

If organization preceeds value, WTF would people organize themselves around?

If a sociological phenomena requires majority membership, WTF is there left to discuss in the name of sociology that ends in "ism"?

When you have to butcher philosophy, history and sociology just so you can float your ideas on atheism, it is probably a good clue that your ideas on atheism don't float.

Each atheist has his/her own set of values.
Then, even to accept this BS on face value, you just robbed yourself of the opportunity to define "progressive" outside of "arbitrary".
I'm pretty sure Stalin thought he was progressive, empathetic, conscionable, etc ... and hey, if you want to bring your values as an atheist to suggest otherwise, I will have to remind you to back the fuck down, because each atheist has their own set of values.

Those values may be similar
Much like feminists have similar values under feminism.
Or cubists have similar values under cubism.
Or iconoclastics have similar values under iconoclasticism.

Let me know when you start to see a pattern emerging ...

- and they tend to be progressive - because they're based on conscience, empathy, etc.
Its when you give those values as indicative of an atheist ...

instead of the capricious dictates of some alien overlord.
.... as distinct from having any bearing on "alien", "overlord" "capricious", "dictates" etc ...
... is the moment you become a douche.

As I keep telling you, it isn't without values.
Sure, its just your reluctance to pin them to atheism in any meaningful, non arbitrary manner that draws ire.
Look at it this way : if you can't pin an "ist" to an "ism" with specific values, you are just being a douche.
When you type things like this, it just gives you the impression you have the self awareness of a fence post.
Do you really think insults enhance your position?
If organization preceeds value...
It doesn't. People with similar values sometimes organize.
If a sociological phenomena requires majority membership...
The point is that atheism doesn't require any membership. If no atheist was a member of any organization, that would have no effect on atheism.
... you just robbed yourself of the opportunity to define "progressive" outside of "arbitrary".
Nope. I can define progressive as, "moving toward an ideal of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Much like feminists have similar values under feminism.
Feminists can be feminists without any feminist organization. Feminism is the values, not the organization.
Or iconoclastics have similar values under iconoclasticism.
That's close to being an analogy to atheism.
Sure, its just your reluctance to pin them to atheism in any meaningful, non arbitrary manner that draws ire.
My values are not pinned to atheism in any way. If there was any evidence for gods, I could become a theist without any changes in my values. The problem is that people who are theists without evidence don't always have internalized values. When you get your values from an external alien overlord is when you get shaky, changeable values.
Yes, your arguments are religious nonsense.

Are you actually incapable, or simply making excuses?

Again: Do you have anything to offer that doesn't depend on theists?

Stop and look at what you're arguing:

Atheist 1: Human values as alternative to religious belief. (#208↑)

Inquiry: Human values, sure, but what is the rational justification of those values? (#209↑)

Atheist 2: Explain the theist's "rational justification of these human values". (#215↑)

No, really, you're demanding one project a theistic rational justification of an atheist's counterpoint to religious belief.

And let's just be clear, here:

You call that behavior showing respect and courtesy?

How about the perpetual vendetta, not being able to discuss this subject without perpetually bawling what about theists? No, really, you appear to have entered the thread with it at #195↑, in which it's pretty much the whole of the post (less one paragraph telling someone to read something, and apparently perceive everything just the way you do); then pushed the bit again in #206↑, in which it is the whole of your argument. So, we've just accounted for it in #215; the rubber-glue tit for tat is the whole of #213↑, eighty-two percent (nine of eleven apparent paragraphs) of #212↑. You keep it up in #221↑, and #222↑. I did want to congratulate you, though, on #225↑, in which you broke form long enough to appropriate the Golden Rule.

(Does anyone ever wonder why Desmond Dekker said, "Golden Rules", or does that only stand out to people who know there is more than one, and the one most commonly in circulation is an inversion of its original form? Or does nobody listen to Dekker, these days?)​

But, yeah; you're back to it in #231↑.

And we should note, in the moment, that you accidentally got close in #234↑, but you're also making a certain point for me, and I thank you, about the bigotry of a prejudicial zealot replacing one irrationality with another. "Common sense"? Really? In a society that is mostly theist? Common sense: In a time featuring Afro Celt Sound System, Willie & Lobo, Carrie Akre, Tanita Tikaram, &c., people bought Britney Spears. Just saying; left to common sense, music performance instruction in the future won't be about breath control, form of the wrist, or efficiency of motion; it will be about making sure the unit is powered and turned on, finding the appropriate software library, and how to send your demo portfolio archive to which businesspeople, and if young musicians are lucky, they won't have to pay extra for the course in releasing their own album and booking their own shows. Remember: Actual musical instruments are inefficient, or, at the very least, can be said to be so according to any number of theses that might address "music" and "society".

Nonetheless, take that moment in which you're looking at the Deadly Sins and how they work in society, and please understand that such examinations are indeed possible once you get beyond your tit-for-tat, rubber-glue vendetta.

The atheist rejecting the subjectivity of projected divinity is what it is, but replacing it with the subjectivity of personal aesthetics is no less irrational or dangerous.

#237↑ ... oh, hey, depoliticize #240↑, and you're nearly in a useful range; the next thing to do is offer more than mere vagary: "The question thus becomes if atheists would be unable to come to transcendental conclusions, without the aid of transcendental literature written by theist humans." Yeah, actually, you're pretty close to a starting point. Because the next thing to do is start identifying those questions, conclusions, and discursive processes, and as I noted in #209:

If one puts anything on the table, it is subject to the same rational scrutiny as anything else, such as, oh, let's say, a religious argument. Actually defending against that rational scrutiny means having a clue about history and philosophy, and that requires effort.

If the punch line would be that it must suck to have only one story to write, I would point out that this eye-for-eye jealousy is in other threads, too. Check the freedom of religion thread; my critique of your post at #554↗, to Billvon, would have something to do with imposing definitions on people in history; watch the transformation, though, in #555↑↗—Jeeves was insufficiently condemning of religion in a response to Iceaura, so you jumped in with tit-for-tat rubber-glue. (And then you're back to sympathy with Billvon in #567↗, imposing your definitions on history.) And then, as I'm going rounds with Jeeves, you decide to get in on that, in #576↗, with more tit-for-tat vendetta.

Can we just confirm that you really do describe this behavior as "respect and courtesy"?

You're just trying to quash discussion you're not up to participating in. That's neither courteous nor respectful. Hell, even when you're not doing that, you're imposing fallacies on history, which is hardly respectful or rational, though it might qualify, behaviorally, under some iteration of commmon sense according to how much people do it. Kind of like making an uncreative song the foremost example of a society's musical culture because it gets middle aged men hard. Y'know. Britney Spears.

#242↑. Oops, you did it again?

At least you went for variation in #243↑, but refusing to address the question is neither respecful nor courteous, though to cover the pedantry it's true, you said me and nothing about Musika.

So what's that? You "have shown you only respect and courtesy"?

No, seriously, the one who can't stop crashing discussion with petty vendetta? The one who disrupts discussions for slothful non sequitur fallacy?

And you are a bigot.

(Diversion, aspersion! You sound like a theist!)​

I would think someone ostensibly advocating some manner of rational argument would know better than to try that cheap fallacy to be applied in circumstances you are ignorant of. What, you want the summary without the green ink?

• Go read the rules. We're still ostensibly on about rational discourse. Your bigotry and fallacy fails that standard. We can either put on our hats and kick pretty out pretty much the entire Religion subforum, or we can do what we've been supposed to do for years, which is constrict as little as possible prejudices that reflect Administrative sentiment, and just deal with it. And this is how we deal with bigoted politics we're otherwise supposed to go out of our way to take it easy on. There are certain groups we're not supposed to accept this behavior out of, and then there are certain groups who get some manner of pass under the rules.​

So don't don't give me that self-righteous political bullshit. Seriously, this piss-poor advocacy is the sort to make us wonder if simply expecting an identifying atheist to have a clue is somehow violating his or her civil rights, and whether that applies to all political advocates, or just atheists. The coddling everyone else needs to put on in order for these atheistic advocates to feel smart is unacceptable; everyone else should not have to run around and put more effort into kissing your ass than you're willing to put into complaining, and you might notice I didn't even limit you to rational complaint. Your bigoted bawling, above all else, lazy.

If an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind, I don't understand why you would gouge yourself. Watching people embarrass themselves in pursuit of moral satisfaction is a strange experience. Remind me again, why should theists have a rational justification of atheistic argument?
Do you really think insults enhance your position?
If one remains fixated on an irrelevant piece of trivia as a bastion of defence for an argument, it warrants being called out.

It doesn't. People with similar values sometimes organize.
So organizational structure is not a necessary imperative to collective value. Let us know when you can connect the dots and cease pointing at the absence of an international constituency of card carrying atheists to mean anything ...

The point is that atheism doesn't require any membership. If no atheist was a member of any organization, that would have no effect on atheism.
Values are far more lively than the institutions that arise in their wake.

Nope. I can define progressive as, "moving toward an ideal of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Then you are not talking about atheism, for a start.

Feminists can be feminists without any feminist organization. Feminism is the values, not the organization.
Yet they can also be feminists with an organization. IOW pointing to the presence or absence of an organization says zilch about about bringing relevant values to a relevant category.

That's close to being an analogy to atheism.
Thats BS.
If you were hoping to find a social politic that defies organization, you certainly won't find it with iconoclastics

My values are not pinned to atheism in any way. If there was any evidence for gods, I could become a theist without any changes in my values. The problem is that people who are theists without evidence don't always have internalized values. When you get your values from an external alien overlord is when you get shaky, changeable values.
This is why you get branded as a douche.
You open by saying your values are not pinned to atheism in any way, and then proceed to explain numerous ways atheism pins you down to such values.
You are at a stage of defeating your own arguments before you finish the second sentence in your paragraphs.
Yes, your arguments are religious nonsense.
Remind me again, why should theists have a rational justification of atheistic argument?
You're still off topic!!!

Remind me again why atheists should have a rational justification of a theistic argument also known as "Religious Nonsense"?

I must say I am really disappointed in your demeanor as staff member. You're just nasty... bah.

p.s. I am no bigot. I am a victim of theist bigotry, the injured party and I am judging theism as severely wanting in moral and ethical behavior based on theist tenets.
If you have any problem with that then go to hell!
Aww an empty threat, hell is just religious nonsense........:rolleyes:
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