religious lunacy( mother in texas kills own baby)

That seems a bit antisemitic Jax, i doubt Pi was taking a stand against the faith.

What are you, a neo nazi?
KennyJC said:
It is completely rational to kill your children if you beleive the Bible to be the authority of God himself. If the Bible is the word of God, then it is God who is irrational - People like Dena Schlosser are merely doing what they are told.

That is a ridiculous statement. Then why aren't all Christians killing their children (they all want to be rational)? If I tell you that God told me that you should jump off a bridge, and you do it, then you have a problem beyond religion. You have a physically manifested psychological infirmity. You have a problem with "authority." Not all religious people have a problem with authority. It was something inside her that was self-destructive. Her emotional excuse (because it is only an excuse) was religion. It seems that you are making it an easy jump to say that all people that do bad things do them in the name of religion ("Because God told me to do it"); that line of reasoning leads to the absurd.

Crunchy Cat said:
Anywhere religion exists there will be such lunacy

No. Anywhere psychologically sensitive people live, there will be such lunacy. Even assuming that religion makes some people crazy, most crazy people don't need anything more than an abusive relative.

geeser said:
believes with her entire being that god told her to do it

I want to know how you have the ability to see into the mind of an individual (and know their motivation), especially one with clearly demented thought patterns. I have a better question: Would you believe anything a crazy person told you, or is it just that you only want to believe the things related to religion?

MadMaxReborn said:
If I tell you that God told me that you should jump off a bridge, and you do it, then you have a problem beyond religion.

I am talking about what God says in the Bible in black and white. What true Christian could say God is wrong?

Are you trying to tell me that the Bible is full of shit and that we shouldn't really kill our children for swearing at parents?

You are placed in the awkward situation as a Christian that if you say this is wrong, then the Bible which is a Christians ultimate authority, is wrong.

Result: Your religion is full of fucking shit and you are full of fucking shit.
PsychoticEpisode said:
'Suffer little chidren to come onto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.'

In other words little kids who suffer and die will get into heaven because that's the way it is, Sorry. Permission to strap bomb on kid granted.

Actually this is sufer as in the old sense like "I do not suffer fools, gladly." as in allowing them to be near even if it grates your nerves.
I used to think Jesus was a Jew, but I don't think so anymore. Jews would consider him Jewish, but I don't think he would. He rejected the dietary requirements and circumcision, and differentiated his theology from Judaism on at least one occasion.
James R said:
Pi-Sudoku has been banned for 3 days for this offensive, racist comment.
How can that be racist if Jews aren't a race? Offensive, yes. Insensitive, yes. Racist? No.
MadMaxReborn said:
I want to know how you have the ability to see into the mind of an individual (and know their motivation),
this is usually done, by listening to the evidence from the family and friends, and taking a long look at there way of live, thus you can usually find the catalyst, that caused this person to become demented in the first place, in her case it was religion, infact in 99% of case it's religion.
MadMaxReborn said:
especially one with clearly demented thought patterns.
caused by her very strong believe in god, as has been esablished by all but you.
MadMaxReborn said:
I have a better question: Would you believe anything a crazy person told you,
of course not, but I did when I was a child when I was indoctrinated into religion. luckly I grew out of it.
MadMaxReborn said:
or is it just that you only want to believe the things related to religion?
no, but there is to much evidence, of people's belief in this god fantasy, from the being of time, heck two thirds of the world believe it now, go figure. for these things not too be religion related, there has never in the history of mankind been anything more evil then religion.
MadMaxReborn said:
("Because God told me to do it"); that line of reasoning leads to the absurd.
unfortunately sometimes the truth is absurd.

when ask why she cut the babies arm off she said "cause god told me I had to give the baby to him." for some strange reason this look remarkably like religion had something to do with it, be it direct or indirect, but it certainly had something to do with it, else where did she get the idea in the first place.
if she was'nt a devout religious person and was'nt claiming that god told her then, you could say that religion had nothing to do with it.
spidergoat said:
I used to think Jesus was a Jew, but I don't think so anymore. Jews would consider him Jewish, but I don't think he would. He rejected the dietary requirements and circumcision, and differentiated his theology from Judaism on at least one occasion.

actually...jesus was like the ultimate jew....i have been banned from synagogue in my hometown for such statements, but eh....

a jew isnt someone who follows rules like a robot. a jew will live life at life's pace, and enjoy every minute of it. true, the laws are to be followed, but to a realistic extent. even the pharisees in jesus' time didnt adhere to the letter of the law. they allowed the romans to stop them from killing criminals, in favor of a roman court. the torah specifically dictates that a jew follow the laws of the land they live in.

in short, the story of jesus is badass, and i believe as a jew that if i could be more like the jesus that is represented in christian new testaments, i would be a better jew than i am today.
The Devil Inside said:
actually...jesus was like the ultimate jew....

i'm gonna go ahead and say that if jesus existed, he was the first christian, not the ultimate jew. i mean what else would he be, he's the supposed founder of a religion, it makes sense that that would be his choice of faiths, regardless of how similar it may have been to judaism.
thats the thing...he didnt found a new religion. he tried to reform judaism. the fucking dinosaurs wouldnt take it though.

christians didnt show up until after he was dead. by "christian" i mean people worshipping him as a god of a new religion.
Pi-Sudoku said:
That could only happen in America, and within America that could only happenin Texas.

Fucking Jews!!!

M*W: I don't get the connection where Pi-Sudoku thinks Dena Schlosser is a Jew. She may be, I don't know, but just because she has a German surname, which means "palace" or "castle," does not mean she is a Jew.

Further, his banning was appropriate but not only for that reason. He made racial slurs to ALL ethnicities living in the United States of America, and then turned the knife on me. Don't mess with Texas.
The Devil Inside said:
thats the thing...he didnt found a new religion. he tried to reform judaism. the fucking dinosaurs wouldnt take it though.

christians didnt show up until after he was dead. by "christian" i mean people worshipping him as a god of a new religion.

yeah, but thats what i'm saying, like it or not, he is the foundation of christianity, everything that differentiates christianity from judaism is the belief in the credibility of jesus's words, his divinity, and his crucifixion and ressurrection as proof. whether he was trying to start a new religion or not seems to be almost beside the point, he failed to reform judaism and get it to accept his editorializing of their faith, but you would postulate that he still believed what he said and in what he did, which is all that matters and all that makes the two things different. unless of course you think he didnt believe in his own divinity, which is entirely possible if you think he was just a man and not the son of god. trust me, there's some reasoning in there somewhere, even if i rambled a bit.
charles cure said:
yeah, but thats what i'm saying, like it or not, he is the foundation of christianity, everything that differentiates christianity from judaism is the belief in the credibility of jesus's words, his divinity, and his crucifixion and ressurrection as proof. whether he was trying to start a new religion or not seems to be almost beside the point, he failed to reform judaism and get it to accept his editorializing of their faith, but you would postulate that he still believed what he said and in what he did, which is all that matters and all that makes the two things different. unless of course you think he didnt believe in his own divinity, which is entirely possible if you think he was just a man and not the son of god. trust me, there's some reasoning in there somewhere, even if i rambled a bit.

indeed, i doubt he thought he was the son of g-d....reading his words, a person gets the idea that he was a very sensible guy. kind of a dreamer that surrounded himself with other dreamers.

all the actual "christianity" flavor comes from paul.
James R said:
jax0509 has chosen to join Pi-Sudoku for a 3 day break.

so much for the complaint that mods are lazy here. drop the hammer james.