Religious intolerence in the air force.

Its a problem when any particular group in any of the Military Services collude together in order to deny promotions to non-conforming service members.

In the past it was largely a problem of the Drunks ruling the Roost. You see, the Military Services made a Huge Mistake in officially establishing Alcohol Clubs for condoned and encouraged recreation. What happened was that the Alcoholic used these Alcohol Clubs as nexus centers for Organizing their somewhat Secret Society.

Now, in all the Services, promotions are decided by a bunch of drunks sitting around tables crowded with pitchers, bottles and ashtrays.

They saw it as defence. They had to make sure the Decent Sober people did not throw them out, since they clearly understood they would deserve it. So they got together and threw out the Decent Sober people... or at least threw as many obstacles in their way as they could.

Now it is the Religious Enthusiasts... primarily the Evangelicals. But, really, who can blame them? The Military has been in the hands of drunks and nobody has done a thing about it. One could only expect that someday the Decent and Sober people would find a way of Organizing to Fight Back.

And, yes, the Drunks never thought it was much of a problem. Where else can you find a job that actually encourages Alcoholism? Would it really be much worse to allow something of an internal revolution among the ranks whereby Morality would take that place formerly held by conscious and deliberate Decadence?
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