Religious intolerence in the air force.


The biscuit has risen
Valued Senior Member
I was thinking of joining the air force but I have heard worrysome reports of religious intolerence in the air force by conservative evangelical christians. Considering i wish to join a minority faith this concerns me. I was wondering if any people here could give me any more info.

This is the USAF I am talking about just to be clear
PJ, the US is one of the most religious nations in the world; of course, there will sometimes be discrimination. It isn't religions fault, but that's just the way it is.
Norsefire you are 20 years old, never been in the Navy so how could you know?

I dont mean to be harsh with PJ but his attitude will not help him in any armed service in the world.
Norsefire you are 20 years old, never been in the Navy so how could you know?

I dont mean to be harsh with PJ but his attitude will not help him in any armed service in the world.

Just what I observe.
I was thinking of joining the air force but I have heard worrysome reports of religious intolerence in the air force by conservative evangelical christians. Considering i wish to join a minority faith this concerns me. I was wondering if any people here could give me any more info.

This is the USAF I am talking about just to be clear
M*W: I never experienced any religious intolerance when I was in the USAF. It was during that time that I converted to Roman catholicism. If anybody discriminated against anybody else, I was unaware of it. Even for the folks who were not religious, people just minded their own business.

You didn't say what religion you were thinking about joining, but even if it was something like Wicca, I don't think it's anybody's business. However, the USAF is a great institution, so if you were planning to join something on the radical side, I'd just keep it to myself so you won't ask for trouble. Don't ask, don't tell, you know.

Good luck in joining the USAF. You will never regret it, I can promise you that!
My Dad was in the Air Force and he was atheist. No problems that I was aware of.

It a recent devolpment most centered in the air force academy. I read an article about religious intolrence in the us armed services. out of 50 complaints from all the academies 49 were from the air force one.
M*W: I never experienced any religious intolerance when I was in the USAF. It was during that time that I converted to Roman catholicism. If anybody discriminated against anybody else, I was unaware of it. Even for the folks who were not religious, people just minded their own business.

You didn't say what religion you were thinking about joining, but even if it was something like Wicca, I don't think it's anybody's business. However, the USAF is a great institution, so if you were planning to join something on the radical side, I'd just keep it to myself so you won't ask for trouble. Don't ask, don't tell, you know.

Good luck in joining the USAF. You will never regret it, I can promise you that!
Its not final yet. i am going to take another crack at college but if that fails i am going to sign up. and thank you for the encouragement
I dont mean to be harsh with PJ but his attitude will not help him in any armed service in the world.

In the entire world? Wow, you must have served some military time to have experience of the entire World's military!

BTW, as 'separation of church and state' is enshrined in the US constitution, and the military are a state organisation, religion should not play any part in the military. Any jarhead that tells you otherwise doesn't understand what they are fighting for. I don't get the USA when it comes to this, you get Christian liars saying 'this is a christian country' when the actual constitution states exactly the opposite! Christians are un-American, therefore.
I served 4 years in active duty, and as a Buddhist, I had no problem with the Air Force as an organization. What I DID encounter, however, was ignorance from some of my fellow Airmen. But the Air Force does what it can to minimize and punish any discriminatory acts or words according to the UCMJ and AFI's set forth.
Well, if you're gay and die you'll certainly find christians protesting at your funeral.
M*W: Did some research in the USAF in 1980/81 when being gay was not militarily kosher. Outcomes of the study showed that some 70% of active duty airmen and women were in the closet gay. That was not only statistically significant but surprising. Homosexuals and Lesbians gravitate toward their own kind. The military has been serving that purpose for a long, long time.
I served 4 years in active duty, and as a Buddhist, I had no problem with the Air Force as an organization. What I DID encounter, however, was ignorance from some of my fellow Airmen. But the Air Force does what it can to minimize and punish any discriminatory acts or words according to the UCMJ and AFI's set forth.

Well it might just be in the air force academy from what i read the air force academy turns a blind eye to evangelicals trying to convert people at the academy. There have been numorous complaints. And since I would like to be an officer which i believe requires going to the academy you can see my concern.
M*W: Did some research in the USAF in 1980/81 when being gay was not militarily kosher. Outcomes of the study showed that some 70% of active duty airmen and women were in the closet gay. That was not only statistically significant but surprising. Homosexuals and Lesbians gravitate toward their own kind. The military has been serving that purpose for a long, long time.

COME ON 70%? I can't see it.
PJ, the US is one of the most religious nations in the world; of course, there will sometimes be discrimination. It isn't religions fault, but that's just the way it is.

It's fanatics.

Correct it is not religions fault, but it is still mans.
Oh, i don't know. It depends what precentage of the gay population took on such a job, and since the milatary and USAF are considered ''manly jobs'', most closit gays take on these jobs, just to enhance their manly cerification. It really wouldn't surprise me.

Just take a look at how much talk on Sailors there are.