Religious family kills grandpa.

its more the case of why do certain communities favor ineffective emissaries, or why effective emissaries become victim to dysfunctionalism.

So God has no hand in choosing emissaries? I mean, I agree, but that's not the official story is it?
The topic does not say "Religious people kill." If anything, it would be "Irrational people kill." The reason it says "Religious family kills grandpa." is this is an example of the failure of religion, but more importantly, it is worth noting that religious teachings tend to make humans slip into irrationality, something we want to avoid especially when it comes to life and death situations.
Its clear to anyone who is familiar with your posts that an underlying theme you like to return to is how theism (or at least, christianity) is irrational etc.
The problem with this thread is that you don't lay the groundwork to support your supposition.

I mean even in this post here, it begins ok but then you just slap your conclusion (beginning with "it is worth noting ...") on.
If it is indeed worth noting, you haven't established the premises for it.
This is what everyone is bitching about, even atheists who share your values.
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So God has no hand in choosing emissaries? I mean, I agree, but that's not the official story is it?

In one sense, everyone is chosen to be an emissary of god, but since its the very nature of our coming to this world to pursue a different agenda, we often tend to be slow on the learning curve