religious experiences(explain)

geeser said:
how do we know which vision is which, please define the difference.

ie:define a true vision?

because the dictionary defines it as "A mental image produced by the imagination.
The mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being."
what i meant, is when someone has a vision of the future or something...usually, if it comes to pass within a reasonable amount of time, i will usually believe them.
the folks that see "angels" and "the virgin mary" come down to annoint them or whatever, usually i just attribute to ego, or lunacy.
thats what i meant
The Devil Inside said:
geeser said:
how do we know which vision is which, please define the difference.

ie:define a true vision?

because the dictionary defines it as "A mental image produced by the imagination.
The mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being."
what i meant, is when someone has a vision of the future or something...usually, if it comes to pass within a reasonable amount of time, i will usually believe them.
the folks that see "angels" and "the virgin mary" come down to annoint them or whatever, usually i just attribute to ego, or lunacy.
thats what i meant

alright, dig this. the creator of this country'slongestrunning soap had a very profound experience. he had previously been in te 60's hedonistic trail, and went sooo into it, he becam ill. really really illl he claims he ws on hi bed. then he says rhe room became very light, and at the bottom of his bed he saw a human being he assumed was an angel. he siad the thing that most affewcted him was the look of the being's eyes. he said they were deep with understanding. as tho they knew the heights and depths of human etc experience

from this exceptional experience he was inspired to heal .

now if mr materialists comes with their diatribe that tis was 'merely this merely that' what is that? me M really doesn't know does he? he THINKS he knows, but not really. wht? cause we do not know abot thew entireity of consciousness. shit we are still reeelin from quantum physics......
am i saying tat there are 'angels' .....NO. i am not trying to backupo christianity or start a new reigin. i am saying that the explain-away attitude cming from marterialistic science is tiresome and limited
hmmmmSArkus, tried to reply to your post but it seem jinxed. i got all weird symbols when i tried to reply....anyway have noted yer main points...

you: where is evidence for this[ Imaginal Realm] dimension?

me: you are caufght up in this: obtivism versus subjectivism. see how you claim subjectivity is 'mere'. ti si strong indicator you are trapped in dualistic thinking. this 'problem' sis cntra in our imes as it has been for many centuriews. here now its called 'mind/body and/or brian/mind problem' and 'the hard problem'. it is the UNknowningness about what subjectivity is. till yo know your assertions an only remeain limited

you: when i drink alcohol, the room spins, but room isn't REALLY spinning

me::well err, it IS for you at tat present time.....listen. say you are sober and wlak into a room of peple, may pf whom are black people--i am guessing you are white. along with you walks in a racist. both of you experience the scene differently. which is 'right'?
orrrr, you go to the countryside and are in wonder at the light, and the view. another goes and is completely bored. who is 'right'....what i am saying is is that it is MEANINGtthat is important here. there is no such thing as being able to BE without being BOTH objective AND subjective. tose terms are abstractd out of Process. a pocess that doesn't put one above the other. ir is rather a continuum. when you dont realize this ypu make hell. which is what is happening in his world, based as it is on marterialistic philosohy

say some DOESsee a being. who are you to say they didn't? did YOU experience what tey did? did you experience it though teir sensual receptos. so how do you know then to criticize and call it 'merely subjective'. it mayhave been the most amazingly meaningful experience they ever had. life changing. so any critique from you is gonna be most gross and inept. it is different tho if they then try and make a religion out of it, and cliam that Nature is evil bla bla. but yo lot are te opposite of that. you demand it is oly 'cold hard material relaity' dont you? which is JUSt as preachy and violent and suppressive and repressve/ because u preach BLIND. you really dont know do you? u think u do but you do not!
as far as pointing fingers goes, seem to know an awful lot.
perhaps you should stop pointing fingers, and try to reason with someone if you want to change their mind.
The Devil Inside said:
as far as pointing fingers goes, seem to know an awful lot.
perhaps you should stop pointing fingers, and try to reason with someone if you want to change their mind.
what is yu trying to say? i love to explore via debate. dont you? if not why are you here?......alo. why send people pms asking shit and then ignore them when they answer............heyyyyy?