Religions true Purpose


Another Imaginary Friend
Registered Senior Member
With every new day
It Becomes more and more Obvious to me
that religions true purpose is actually to seperate people :eek:

keep the Sheeple pre occupied squabbleing and feuding over
which imaginary friend is more real then the other imaginary friend

While the powers that be pick your pocket and rape the world

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"
Different views separate people. Religions are different views. All those views are correct, they're just described differently, so they're usually also understood differently. The same God is behind all religions. Because of people's selfishness, they created several religions from one divine teaching.

It is in our nature to separate, that's why there's duality everywhere, like men and women, light and darkness. The goal is unity.
Really? The opposite seems evident to quote Jesus "Judge, and be judged, condemn and be condemned, forgive and be forgiven".......doesn't seem like something meant to separate people at all
UncleChrist said:
With every new day
It Becomes more and more Obvious to me
that religions true purpose is actually to seperate people :eek:

keep the Sheeple pre occupied squabbleing and feuding over
which imaginary friend is more real then the other imaginary friend

While the powers that be pick your pocket and rape the world

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

There is no problem with being divided. The problem comes when people decide to make division a cause for violence. Or when people seek to enforce their views on others, using violence.

So Yes the Bible even says that the Word of God separates us from the worldly and there is nothing wrong with that as long as it does not lead to violence.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
There is no problem with being divided. The problem comes when people decide to make division a cause for violence. Or when people seek to enforce their views on others, using violence.

So Yes the Bible even says that the Word of God separates us from the worldly and there is nothing wrong with that as long as it does not lead to violence.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

M*W: BTW, All Praise of Your Ancient Ass Being Drop Kicked into the next milenniam!

Your religion is part of your cultural identity, so most are supposed to keep members of the same culture together and members of different cultures separated.
baumgarten said:
we dont pick fault with spelling, not on an international site, not everybody is english, it's makes you look small, not the person your trying to embarrass.
dont do it again.
Should I have picked on the entire post instead, then?
M*W: BTW, All Praise of Your Ancient Ass Being Drop Kicked into the next milenniam!
Please stop being dumb.
c7ityi_ said:
Different views separate people. Religions are different views. All those views are correct, they're just described differently, so they're usually also understood differently. The same God is behind all religions. Because of people's selfishness, they created several religions from one divine teaching.

It is in our nature to separate, that's why there's duality everywhere, like men and women, light and darkness. The goal is unity.

All religions views are correct? I don't think so, they all say different things, and if one of them was right, the others would be inheritly wrong. The same god isn't behind all religions either...

I don't understand how human nature has anything to do with light and darkness, not to mention male/female...?(we didnt have a choice of seperation there)
Adstar said:
There is no problem with being divided. The problem comes when people decide to make division a cause for violence. Or when people seek to enforce their views on others, using violence.

So Yes the Bible even says that the Word of God separates us from the worldly and there is nothing wrong with that as long as it does not lead to violence.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Agreed, division isn't necessarily a problem, but you shouldn't be looking to the bible for moral advice, it says to kill gay people, that women shouldn't be allowed to talk in church, it advocates beating children... the list goes on.
UncleChrist said:
With every new day
It Becomes more and more Obvious to me
that religions true purpose is actually to seperate people :eek:

keep the Sheeple pre occupied squabbleing and feuding over
which imaginary friend is more real then the other imaginary friend

While the powers that be pick your pocket and rape the world

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"


Have you studied comparative religion? Have you even studied History?

Yes, Protestantism is divisive -- afterall, it conceived itself in rebellion, and all of its doctrines source from Paul who had intended to subvert Messianic Judaism and the Teachings of Christ. So, yes, we can hardly expect that Protestantism would stand up well with the True Higher Religions.

And then there is Zionism, which is not a Higher Religion at all, but an instance of Tribal Animism -- having a War God is not the same as having a Higher Religion. And the Jews have never had a civilization. They have been incorporated into other People's Civilizations, but their Religion was too morally flawed to support a Civilization of their own (their problems being two-fold, that the Patriarch Jacob was an an obvious fraud and a liar, making a horrible moral example for every subsequent jew who would think it some kind of a Religious Duty to lie and to scheme. What Civilization can survive when Corruption is not only not discouraged, but openly encouraged. and then there was the War God Doctrines which pretend to tell the Jews that they can commit genocide against the entire world. All successful Civilizations have incorporated their neighbors and expanded themselves among other peoples and other Nations. But the Jews only want to kill kill kill because their Religious Scriptures endorse such behavior. and it doesn't work).

Islam also made the mistake of endorcing civil conflict. Mohamed, who makes a virtue of martyrdom should have became a martyr himself in order to protect and exemplify True Religion. Instead, he at various times ran away and then committed theft and murder in order to save himself. And then he would write about it... justifying violence. And then, what no Muslim seems to recognize, is that Mohamed finally surrendered everything he had fought for... asked so many people to kill for and to die for. he started out preaching that the Powerful Priests of Mecca should discontinue their Idolatry ... dancing around their Big Black Rock and such in their annual pagan festivities. When these Priests attempted to take action against Mohamed, the "prophet" ran away and then assembled a bandit army to raid caravans and to harass the Wealthy Community Leaders of Mecca. But finally the better financed Armies of Mecca won the conflict and forced Mohamed to the Peace Table where Mohamed, rather than accepting Martyrdom, signed a Treaty that would commit all of his Followers to a perpetual Surrender to Idolatry... that every Muslim would be duty bound to participate in the annual Idolatry... to dance around the Big Black Rock and pay all of the usual tourist fees. Mohamed loses the war and surrenders to evil and signs away the future virtue of every Muslim, and still they think he is the Greatest Prophet. Yikes! Who then would be the worst, if such as that is the Best?

But these are by no means the ONLY Religions in the World. One only has to look back into History to identify the successful and viable Civilizations and one can identify at their source instances of True Higher Moral Religions. We have the Goddess Religions of Ancient Sumaria and the Pre-Aryan Indus Valley Civilizations. We have the Zoroastrianism of Persia. Egyptian Civilization was surprisingly resilient. China, though its native religion never developed technically much beyond ancestor worship, the moral and spiritual writings of Confucus, lifted that simple animism to the Higher Moral Spheres. And then their was Mahayana (Big Wheel) Buddhism which had taken the original amoral and stoical Buddhism and developed it into one of the better Higher Religions, supporting Civilizations in Northern India and improving the chances for Chinese Civilization.

So, Religions, while they are valid, are unifying and civilized.

Your problem is only with Barbarism that wear the cloak of Religion. But there, did not Christ himself warn us of Wolves who would come to us wearing Sheeps Clothing.

Remember Zarathustra, perhaps the First Prophet of Higher Religion, having been the First Philosopher to speak of Good and Evil, and to advocate the one while rejecting the other (unlike Judaism that can admire a Jacob for his cunning lies and frauds). Zarathustra, in his Zoroastrian Religion, had warned us all that in the World there will be a Struggle between Darkness and Light, between Good and Evil. The Evil would not go without a fight. Evil would try to deceive us. And so, yes, Evil would try to masquerade as Religion.

But if one has any intelligence and perception at all, then one should have the discernment to know the True from the False.

But some people aren't much better than idiots.
And I always thought it was quite obvious that religion was the first attempts to control people's thoughts and actions... Like a government.

Odd me. :rolleyes:
SycknesS said:
All religions views are correct? I don't think so, they all say different things, and if one of them was right, the others would be inheritly wrong. The same god isn't behind all religions either...

You can't see it because you're not initiated. You only see the core, so they seem very different, but if you look at the heart of all religions, they talk about the same thing, and same god, using different ways to describe.

All beliefs are ways to the same goal. there's only one mountain, but infinite ways to get to the top.

I don't understand how human nature has anything to do with light and darkness, not to mention male/female...?(we didnt have a choice of seperation there)

We created male and female in our image, like it says in the Bible. We had no choice when we created the world, separation was inevitable. A thing can't manifest unless it is separated from the unity of nothing-everything.
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Religion has three purposes.

#1 It provides the illusion of safety

Some people feel the need to believe in a god because they experience pleasure from the idea that there is an omnipotent mother or father in the sky that will always be there to protect them and make them feel safe.

#2 It is a tool that the high ranking members in our society can use to control people

Most people have to believe in something, regardless of whether it is theism, atheism, or nihilism. There are a lot of people in the world that don’t like to do their own thinking. They would rather have someone tell them what to think, what to do, and how to act. It is easy to make a large group of people believe that they have to follow specific rules and traditions if they don’t want to burn in hell for an eternity.

#3 It makes conmen extremely rich

Send me your money! Jesus will save you! Make a donation! God loves you! We need your money to save souls!

And it’s all tax-free.

What is the net worth of the Catholic Church? And how rich is Benny Hinn?
The true purpose of religion is valour. It is the only thing that pleases Crom. And if he doesn't like it? Well to Hell with him!
UncleChrist said:
With every new day
It Becomes more and more Obvious to me
that religions true purpose is actually to seperate people

It may or may not be a purpose of religion, but it is definitely a result.


Religion began those concepts generations ago and mankind has been following them ever since. They've become part of society and have integrated themselves in almost everything we do.

Of course, those concepts are meaningless in reality.
Leo Volont said:
Have you studied comparative religion? Have you even studied History?
What do you think about the Greeks?
The Greeks were one of the (or the) most sophisticated civilization of antiquity.

Greeks held sporting contests as in the Olympics.
Greeks wrote plays and held theatre.
Greeks built machines so complicated they wouldn’t be seen again for 2000 years.
Greeks made huge advancements in mathematics and geometry.
Greek medicine was used by Arabs until a couple hundred years ago.
Greek philosophy is still taught to this day.
The top Greek bronzes can not be reproduced to this day.
Greek sculpture is amazing.
Greek government was revolutionary.

Anyway, many of the most highly educated Greeks – the ones that made Greece the pinnacle of civilization it was, were Atheists: Epicurus, Socrates/Plato, Anaxagoras, Democritus, Diagoras, Epicurus, Protagoras etc…

If anything, we usually find it was the religious bodies that suppressed new ideas. For example: Anaxagoras’s observations of the celestial bodies led him to form new theories of the universal order. He attempted to give a scientific account of eclipses, meteors, rainbows and the sun, which he described as a mass of blazing metal. The heavenly bodies, he asserted, were masses of stone torn from the earth and ignited by rapid rotation. However, these theories brought him into collision with the popular faith. Anaxagoras was arrested on a charge of contravening the established dogmas of religion (some say the charge was one of Medism)………

On the side, while I dislike monotheism, I find the fusion of Greek and Buddhist Philosophy interesting Greco-Buddhism.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: BTW, All Praise of Your Ancient Ass Being Drop Kicked into the next milenniam!

Don't waste your time posting. All your efforts are in vain. Your loosing it MW.

You are an eternal looser. All who blaspheme the Holy Spirit are.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
SycknesS said:
Agreed, division isn't necessarily a problem, but you shouldn't be looking to the bible for moral advice, it says to kill gay people, that women shouldn't be allowed to talk in church, it advocates beating children... the list goes on.

The bible must be taken in it's entirety. If you do that then all your concerns can be answered.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days