Religions exchange


Concept of God

"The God of all is the One God. There is no god but He." (Al-Qur’ an, 20:98)

He is uncreated, from eternity to eternity.
"No son did God beget not there is any god along with Him. (If there were many gods) each god would have taken away what he had created. Some would have tried to overcome others." (Al-Qur’ an, 23:91)

"He begets not, neither He is begotten."(Al-Qur’ an, 112:3)

"There is no example of Him." (Al-Qur’ an, 42:11)

"He is always alive." (Al-Qur’ an, 3:2)

"Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes him."(Al-Qur’ an, 2:55)

"He never commits a mistake nor forgets."(Al-Qur’ an, 20:52)

"He comprehends all things in His Knowledge." (Al-Qur’ an, 20:98)

"He commands justice---He forbids all shameful deeds." (Al-Qur’ an, 16:90)

"He never commands what is shameful."(Al-Qur’ an, 7:28)


Creation of Man
In the beginning the Lord addresses all the angels: "I want to create a vicegerent on earth," (Pay attention to the worth of man in Islam. Even the Post-Renaissance European humanism has not been able to bestow such an exalting sanctity upon man.). God, being the greatest and most exalting from a faithful Muslim point of view, addresses the angels to introduce His vicegerent. Thus, with this providential address the mission of man on earth is clarified. That is, man's mission on earth is to fulfill God's creative work in the universe. Therefore, man's first superiority is that he represents God on earth. The angels objected, "Do you want to create a revengeful and vindictive creature to commit crime and bloodshed on earth again?" But God responds, "I know something you know not." And so, God became engaged in creating man. And this is the point which symbols, loaded with profound anthropological connotations, come into being. Since God wants to create a vicegerent for Himself on earth, He must, as a rule, choose the most valuable and sacred material. Yet He selects the basest matter. In the Qur'an there are three references relative to the material that man was made of: from a sounding clay, like unto pottery, and from mud. Finally, the Lord breathed His spirit into the dry mud and man came into being.
In the human tongue God is the most sacred and exalted being, while mud stands as a symbol of the meanest and the basest thing.

And the spirit of God is the most sacred, exalting, and the noblest "part" of His being. Accordingly, in creating man, God did not use His "breath, "blood," or "flesh"; rather He blew His own Soul into man. God is the most sublime being and His spirit is the finest entity for which man can possibly have an epithet in his language. Thus, man who was formed from mud and God's spirit is a two- dimensional being. For unlike all other beings which are one dimensional, man is two-dimensional; one dimension tends towards mud, lowliness, sedimentation, and stagnation while the other aspires to the loftiest imaginable point possible. So man is composed of two contradictions-mud and God's spirit. Thus man's signifi- cance and grandeur lie in the fact that he possesses two poles (mud and the spirit of the Lord). It is up to man to choose where to go, towards mud or providence. And as long as he has not selected either of the poles as his fate, struggle will perpetually rage within him.

Once man was created, God taught him the names. It is not yet clear what these names were, but every commentator has said something that leaves no doubt that God was talking about education and instruction. In any case, when the creation of man ended, God taught all the names. Man became a possessor of names. At this point the angels protested: "We are made from smokeless fire but man was made from mud. Why should he have superiority over us?" Whereby the Lord responded: "I know something you know not. Bow down to man." The angels of all ranks prostrated themselves before man. This is what humanism is all about. Do you see the extent of man's grandeur? So lofty is his position that the angels, in spite of their natural and racial superiority (light vs mud), adored Adam. How- ever, since the angels protested, the Lord, in order to test them, asked them to recite the names but they could not answer. In this test the angels were defeated and the superiority and virtue of Adam was established. Superiority depends upon knowledge of the names. Man knows things which angels do not know. This is indicative of the fact that nobility depends upon knowledge and intelligence rather than upon racial superiority.


Purpose of Life
The Quran speaks clearly about the purpose of man’s creation. Here are a few verses of Quran.

"We have not created Men and Jinn but to worship me (alone) (Al-Qur’an, 51:56)

"Not for (idle) sport did we create the heavens and the earth and all that is between."If it had been our wish to take (just) a past time we should surely have taken it from the (other) things nearest to us."
(Al-Qur’an, 21:16,17)

"Blessed is He in whose hands is the dominion and He has power over all things. He who created life and death, that He may try which of you is best in deed...."
(Al-Qur’an, 67:1,2)

"Know you all, that the life of this world is put play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting.....And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception."
(Al-Qur’an, 57:20)

"Do you think that we had created you in jest, and that you would not be brought back to us (for account)?
(Al-Qur’an, 23:115)

"And we test you by evil and good, by way of trial. To us you will return."
(Al-Qur’an, 21:35)

"We granted not to any man before you, permanent life,..... Every soul shall have a test of death"
(Al-Qur’an, 21:35)

About Life and Death
For most of mankind life in world is nothing but mere play and amusement. They strive in collecting as mush wealth as possible and their expenditure is also on fun, enjoyment and luxury. They do not realise that one-day they have to die, until it catches them unaware. God Al-mighty reminds them, "Do you think that we have created you uselessly and that to us you would not be returned."(Al-Qur’an, 23:115)

For such people the world is beautiful, with love of that which they desire, beautiful maidens for amusement, family, heaped up wealth of all sorts, gold, silver, car, bikes, farm houses, yatches, clubs etc. These amusements divert them from the sure reality that is "Death".
But their creator already warns people with sense, not to be allured by such splendor. He says, "And do not extend your eyes towards that by which we have given enjoyment to (some) categories of them, the splendor of this life by which we test them."(Al-Qur’an, 20:121)

Young and old, all of us get carried away by the stories of the rich and the successful. Glossy Magazines and media highlight the stories of how hard they work to reach the top. Many readers make them their idols and wish to be like them. Some even goes the extent of earning through evil means. Little do they realise that "Allah extends provision for woman He wills and restricts it. And they rejoice in the worldly life while is not, compared to the life hereafter, except a brief enjoyment."(Al-Qur’an, 13:26)

Thus the life of this world is a test.
"And indeed we have made that which is on the earth, adornment for it that we may test them as to which of them is best in deed."(Al-Qur’an, 18:7)

Every person knows that death is sure. "Every soul shall taste death. We test you with evil and good." (Al-Qur’an, 21:35)

Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) said, Indeed, the grave is the first stages of hereafter. If one finds salvation (at this stage) the succeeding stages becomes easy for him and if he does not find salvation in it, what follows this stage is very hard upon him." (Collected in Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi)

"And the agony of death comes with the truth. That is what you used to flee from!" (Al-Qur’an, 50:19)


Creation of the Universe
When talking of the Creation, as of other subjects, there is a strong tendency in the West to claim that Muhammad only copied the general outlines of the Bible. It is indeed possible to compare the six days of the Creation as described in the Bible, plus an extra day of rest on God’s sabbath,

with this verse from sura Al A’raf (7:54):“Your Lord is Allah Who crated the Heavens and the Earth in Six days.”

We must point out straight away that modern commentators stress the interpretation of ayyam, one translation of which is ‘days’, as meaning ‘long periods’ or ‘ages’ rather than periods of twenty-four hours.

What to me appears to be of fundamental importance is that, in contrast to the narration contained in the Bible, the Qur’an does not lay down a sequence for the Creation of the Earth and Heavens. It refers both to the Heavens before the Earth and the Earth before the Heavens, when it talks of the Creation in general, as in this verse of the sura Taha (20:4):“A revelation from Him Who created the Earth and the Heavens.”

In fact, the notion to be derived from the Qur’an is one of a con-comitance in the celestial and terrestrial evolutions. There are also absolutely fundamental data concerning the existence of initial gaseous mass (dukhan) which is unique and whose elements, although at first fused together (ratq) subsequently became separated (fatq). This notion is expressed in the Sura Fussilat (41:11):“And God turned to Heaven when it was smoke.”

And the same is expressed in the sura Al anbiya’ (21:30): “Do not the Unbelievers see that the Heavens and the Earth were joined together, then We clove them asunder?”

The separation process resulted in the formation of multiple worlds, a notion which crops up dozens of times in the Qur’an, once it has formed the first verse in the sura Al Fatiha (1:1): “Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds.”

All this is in perfect agreement with modern ideas on the existence of primary nebula and the process of secondary separation of the elements that had formed the initial unique mass. This separation resulted in the formation of galaxies and then, when these divided, of stars from which the planets were to be born.

Reference is also made in the Qur’an to an intermediary Creation between the Heavens and the Earth, as in the sura Al Furqan (25:59): “God is the One Who created the Heavens and the Earth and all that is between them.”

It would seem that at this intermediary Creation corresponds to the modern discovery of bridges of matter which are present outside organized astronomical systems. This survey certainly shows us how modern data and statements in the Qur’an agree on a large number of points.

adopted from: Creation of the universe.htm, read more here.

Basic Rules

5 pillars:

1- The testimony of faith:

"There is no true god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”.
The requirements of this Testimony is the submission and declaration that Allah is the true God, and that all other deities are false, and are not capable of neither harming or benefiting, nor do they deserve to be worshipped.

2- As-Salah

As-Salah or prayer is the second pillar of Islam. It begins with the purification of the body and ends with the purification of the soul. It is performed five times in the day and the night.
Allah says: "...And seek help through patience and prayer."

3- Az-Zakat

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It is a financial act of worship, which is due on the wealth kept in possession for one year. A certain percentage is taken from every kind of property to be given out to the poor to enable them meet their needs. The Zakat fulfills the poor's needs, and purifies the donors from selfishness, a natural tendency in men.
Allah says: "...And you love wealth with exceeding love."

4- As-Siyam (The fast)

As-Siyam, in the month of Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam. Through fasting all aspects of worship become integrated, and the sense of obedience, and the will to observe is strengthened. Fasting is an act of worship, and a means of bringing man closer to Allah, refining the manners, self-restraint and setting the behavior aright. It is also a means of maintaining the fear of Allah.
Allah says: "0, you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may attain piety."

5- Hajj (pray at mecca in certain season):

The Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. This pillar has the same objectives like those of the other pillars of Islam. The Hajj trains self-restraint, endurance, resisting hunger, enduring patiently the hardship of the journey, leaving the family behind, and other desirous things.

Detailed about Testimony of faith

1- The Belief in Allah:

The firm belief that Allah is the self-sufficient, who stands in need of none of His creatures. Allah is neither an offspring of previous roots, nor does He have offspring. Allah describes Himself saying: He neither begets, nor is He begotten. He is far removed from having a spouse or a son. He is qualified with all attributes of perfection.

2- The Belief in the Angels:

The angels are part of the unseen world about which Allah the Exalted, has informed His Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him. The angels are honorable slaves of Allah. Allah says: "They do not rebel against His commands, and do exactly what they are commanded."

3- The Belief in the Divine Scriptures:

Believing in the divine Scriptures is one of the articles of faith. It is mandatory to believe that they are revealed and sent down by Allah. Belief in the Scriptures is of two levels; general, and particular. The general entails believing in all Scripture sent down to any of Allah's Messengers, whether we know him by name or not. As for the particular belief, we must believe in every Scripture that is mentioned in the Qur’an by name. They are five:

(1) The Qur’an, which is in our hands, the Book that was sent down to Muhammad, peace be upon him.
(2) The Torah, The Old testament, sent down to Musa, peace be upon him.
(3) The Injeel, The Evangel, or Gospel, sent down to Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him.
(4) Az-Zaboor, the Psalms, sent down to Dawood (David), peace be upon him.
The Sheets of Ibraheem, peace be upon him.

4- The Belief in the Messengers.

Believing in the Messengers is an article of faith. This does not mean to recognize some of the Messengers and deny the others.
The Qur'an mentions the names of only twenty-five Messengers. Allah says:
"And We sent Messengers whom We have already mentioned to you, and some Messengers whom We have not mentioned to you."

5- The belief in the Final day.

This belief necessitates:

(1)Believing that this world and all that is in it has an end.
(2)Allah, the exalted, will resurrect the creatures once again.
(3)The people will be held accountable for their deeds. He who does good, it will be good for him, and he who errs, will suffer the consequences. Everyone will be held responsible for his own deeds.
(4)Mankind's deeds are being recorded and will be reviewed by them on the Day of Reckoning.
(5)The Muslim will eventually be admitted to Jannah, (the heavenly garden), and the unbeliever will be admitted to Hell Fire.

6- The belief in Al-Qadar.

Believing in Al-Qadar is one of the central fundamentals of Islam.
The belief in al-Qadar necessitates believing that:

(1)Allah has known all things and recorded them before bringing them into existence.
(2)When Allah, the Exalted, wills something to take place, He would only say to it: "Be". and it is. If Allah wants something to exist, it will exist, and if He does not want it to exist, it will not exist.
(3)Every existing thing, other than Allah is created by Allah, be it good or evil, and that He has brought it into existence for a wise purpose known to Him. Therefore, there is nothing in the universe that exists without a wise purpose. Allah is the All-Knowing, All-Wise.
(4)Nothing occurs, or takes place in this universe without the will of Allah, and His permission. Allah is capable of preventing what He does not permit to take place. It should be borne in mind however, that this does not mean that Allah approves of everything in existence. Allah, for instance, does not approve of disbelief, nor does He enjoin mankind the commission of the abominable, nor does He love corruption. In fact, He does not prevent these things to exist for a wise purpose known to Him. The purpose of believing in Al-Qadar is that it provides man with the capability of achieving good deeds knowing that life and death are in the hand of Allah, the Exalted. Hence, no one else can prolong or shorten his life-term by a single second. Once his term is over, there is none to withhold its termination.
Allah says: "And when their term has come, they cannot remain behind a single moment, nor can they get ahead of it."

adopted from:, read more here.
About business in Islam

I've said in another thread (I forgot where) that islam (Qur'an) guide most aspect of life. Let see what it guide in the largest activity on the world: Business!

The Quran and the Hadis provide basic guidance to a person indulged in Business. Let us study some of them.

Selecting Staff:
(1) Truly the best of man for you to employ is the (man) who is strong and trustworthy).
(Al-Qur'an 28:26)

Prophet Muhammed (p.u.b.h.) adviced his followers "we do not appoint for our jobs anybody who demands it earnestly."
(Al-Bukhari I:462)

The Quran advises its believes that they should not hire a person who is weak in understanding. His inefficiency could cause a loss to his master. "Do not give your property to people of weak understanding."
(Al-Qur'an 4:5)

Dealing with Staff:
Islam orders the boss and the businessman to be kind to his juniors and servants. The statement of Quran: "kind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury." (Al-Qur'an 2:263)

Even Prophet Muhammed (p.u.b.h.) treated his subordinated in a very decent manner. Anas bin malik who was in the service of the Prophet right from his childhood said, "The Prophet never scolded me if I made a mistake." The Prophet never with holds the wages of any person.
(Al-Bukhari I:462)

Expenditure in Business Property:

Islam even teaches its believers, where not to spend. Although it exhorts for generosity, it forbids in clear term, extravagancy in expenditure. The Quran states: "Do not squander your wealth in the manner of a spendthrift. Indeed pendthrifts are the brothers of Saitan in ungrateful to his Lord."
(Al-Qur'an 17:27)

"Allah hates you for wasting the wealth."
(Riyyadh us Saleheen)

Be Honest in Dealing:
Islam forbids speaking lies to sell one's goods. There are many merchants who do not give in proper measures, they mix up pebbles with grain. Some merchant withhold: grains and wait for the prices to rice,s o that they may earn more out of it. Allah and His Messenger fo not allow this.

"As for those who sell the faith, they owe to Allah and their own plighted word for a small price, they shall have no portion in the hereafter, nor Allah will speak to them, or look at them on the day of Qayamat."
(Al-Qur'an 3:77)

"Give full measure when you measure and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the final determination."
(Al-Qur'an 17:35)

"Woe to each sinful dealer in falsehoods."
(Al-Qur'an 45:7)

"Give just measures and cause no loss (to others) by fraud and weigh with scales true and upright. And do not withhold things justly to men."
(Al-Qur'an 26:181-183)

The Holy Prophet (p.u.b.h.) said, "None keeps goods till the price rises, but a sinner".

And do not mix truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know.
(Al-Qur'an 2:42)
