
Still, it is confusing. Whether religion is meant to direct its followers, to practice socially by considering GOD/Nature as king/supreme whereas society to follow socially by considering King/Government/judiciory as supreme?
Still, it is confusing. Whether religion is meant to direct its followers, to practice socially by considering GOD/Nature as king/supreme whereas society to follow socially by considering King/Government/judiciory as supreme?

it is absurd to talk of god without there being social ramifications ("there is an omnipotent, omniscient supreme controller of all affairs - oh and BTW just do whatever you like ...)

generally you see that in religious societies the king is seen as a representative of god - in otherwords kingly duties are established in scripture (Therefore King Henry was not such a great king ....)
Ok, let us evalute impacts on following religion on self, society and nature?

One extreme, whether attaining salvation is reversing to origional nature/substance?
Ok, let us evalute impacts on following religion on self, society and nature?

One extreme, whether attaining salvation is reversing to origional nature/substance?
since salvation refers to being 'saved' from the onslaughts of illusion, I would agree
I don't know if you could refer to a portion of a wave being the origin, since waves are essentially continuums

A wave has crests and troughs. If you will draw a line in between it will be a straight line. That line can tell us a balance. As there is no origin, we have to consider straight line as basis/creator of creasts and troughs, which are just a modification of straight line effected by environment.
Haven't seen any monkeys in the pews recently.

This is by far the cleverest thing I've heard Icy say :)

Religion is completely a social entity. It was enhanced as a political tool at the advent of christianity.

However, humans have a propensity to be somewhat sensationalistic, or even succeptible to superstition. This is one of the reasons why religion is so hard to be rid of.
Social; when we were without society, we weren't even smart enough to imagine Gods. Also, when there wasn't society, there was no communication, or language, so there was no way for any 'god' to communicate with us.
Is religion genetic or social? Hmm...

Earthquakes, floods, lightning, the stars, the sun...all of these things that were mysterious to us, needed to be attributed to something. And logically speaking, with no knowledge of the universe, it wasn't a bad call to think that a Greater Power was responsible for it all.

So I guess our belief in a higher power is a mechanism for us to cope with things we can't understand. Actually, if you think about, the notion of "god" has been replaced in modern times, at least in some part, by the notion of extraterrestrial life. There are small groups of people who actually believe strange lights they see in the sky to be UFOs from outer space!

That boils down to "I can't explain it, therefore it must be greater than me." I mean, when is the last time you heard a Believer claim that the peoples of Planet X were anything less than thousands of years more advanced than us? It always comes back to the idea that something out there is much more powerful, and much greater than we are. Be it God, Allah, the secret governments, Space Aliens, or whatever.

So I guess it's basically the result of our ability to think in abstractly, coupled with our ability to reason, that creates this need for a higher power.

Of course, the reason the religions of thousands of years ago are still thriving today is because they are based on fear, and fantastic promises. If they did not offer both reward and punishment, there would be no followers. I think the evidence that not one of them is true is that there have been so many forms of religion, all believing in different things. That in itself says that the belief in a god or gods is nothing more than a byproduct of being an intelligent being.

I'd love to see what would happen if we could raise a group of infants to adulthood in a bubble. I'd love to see what they would believe, what their religious structure would be, if there was one at all. That would prove this once and for all.
Snatching/stealing for food, reactions due to sexual vigour etc., needed for basic need is a crime in society, I think also in relgion, but still may not be in nature/as per GOD. As such, where we stand?
A wave has crests and troughs. If you will draw a line in between it will be a straight line. That line can tell us a balance. As there is no origin, we have to consider straight line as basis/creator of creasts and troughs, which are just a modification of straight line effected by environment.

I am afraid that I have lost your point