

Registered Senior Member

Simple and short question;

Whether religion is social or natural?

Best wishes.
I'd say polytheism is natural, and it's natural that religion would spring from that, but I haven't given it any real thought, just passing thought, of which is far less effective.
Kumar: religion and natural are mutually exclusive, you just cant have natural religion, that in itself is an oxymoron.
thus religion must be and can only be a social construct.
Kumar: religion and natural are mutually exclusive, you just cant have natural religion, that in itself is an oxymoron.
thus religion must be and can only be a social construct.

Sorry, I meant to ask, do we follow nature or society, when we follow religion? What any religion suggests to follow, society or nature?
Nature vs. Nurture at the species level? hmmm. I think the evidence points to nature.

Nurture can be of two types, natural and unnatural. Mother nurshing her childern normally can still be nature but abnormally may not.

If evidance points out to nature, all other species might had been following eligion in some form or the other? Is it not true that advocating, practicing and following religion is limited to humans only?
Neither. Religion is man-made. Christianity is God-made. Religions have distorted the Bible for their own selfish gains.
Sorry, I meant to ask, do we follow nature or society, when we follow religion? What any religion suggests to follow, society or nature?
social, it's that simple, people are sheep after all very easily lead, especially those who are undereducated, however if you are refering to a civilization, which is a advanced state of human society, this is where religion ceases to exist.

IAC said:
Haven't seen any monkeys in the pews recently.
but seen plenty of people up trees.
it seems that monkeys are, more rational then, the religious.
I thought you meant faith in general. There is a propensity towards faith in humans, what it it you want to hear?
Sorry, it is not clear. Btw, whether relgions try to balance in between social and nature or maintain nature within social framework? We don't see other species following somewhat religion. If natural, how it is only meant for humans?

Simple and short question;

Whether religion is social or natural?

Best wishes.

if god is social (has different relationships with different persons), what then?

In otherwords what if the social mechanism is the ultimate foundation of existence (even chickens have a pecking order)
Its all in the nature , ie. Genetic programming of our brains.

I am Atheist but when my threads are moved to PseudoScience or closed, and i get very depressed i tend to say things as if someone will listen to them. So subconsciously i start to pray something.

Well that makes Atheist very strong people because they are going beyond their programming by following logical thinking.
So, being strong just means that you think others are weak?


U r down depressed and there is absolutely no hope; nothing can be done to make your situation better.

At that moment , do u have guts to say,

"GOD , U son of a Bitch, How dare u let this happen ?"
At that moment , do u have guts to say,

"GOD , U son of a Bitch, How dare u let this happen ?"

um... why not? i don't understand why i would need guts to say it. it seems just logical to be angry at god if he created us.

but it doesn't make any sense to me because i don't think anything is god's fault either and maybe i don't know what you're talking about :bugeye:
It's both, Kumar. I suppose how that works depends on how you look at it. If you look at society as a part of nature, the social function of religion is its natural function. At that point, though, the question of "Which God?" is finished, and the more relevant inquiry is, "What the hell is this God thing, anyway?"

In other words, it's not a matter of which religion is right, but of what religion actually does.

In altering the relationship between society and nature, we alter the outcome of the inquiry. The purpose of religion changes as we tinker with the relationship between society and nature. And that part just gets long, speculative, and often downright silly.
um... why not? i don't understand why i would need guts to say it. it seems just logical to be angry at god if he created us.

but it doesn't make any sense to me because i don't think anything is god's fault either and maybe i don't know what you're talking about :bugeye:

Well the theist that i have seen till date wont do such a thing, may be u r from SciForums :)