
samcdkey said:
You can't be that naive, surely? What in the name of heaven do you think is the purpose of the legal system?

That depends whose "legal system" your refer. Normally, they are for settling disputes. However, the Sharia system does no such thing as it supports favoratism and discrimination, hence it intentionally does harm to others.

What if someone else harmed me? Someone not as noble as you. Would I then be justified in defending myself? Say a nutter of the Stalin variety?

There would be no dictatorships, your point is moot.

You talk like a teenager sometimes.
Mostly its about choices; e.g. who would benefit most from an organ transplant when there is only one available organ and three possible recipients?

If it appears I'm talking like a teenager sometimes, it's only to stoop to the received level of communicated thinking.

Your example has nothing to do with intentionally harming others as you once again vie for the crown of Miss Teen Pageant.

We have sweetie; this is like round one thousand plus of the same topic beaten to death from all directions.

No, you avoid the contradictions of your religion which so easily nullify it. Typical ploy of all theists.

I see GWB has had a profound effect on your thinking. With us or against us, eh?

More strawman arguments and twisted connotations. More typical theists ploys. Looks like you've run out of gas.

Well I for one won't presume to influence your thinking.
I need a break from you anyway.

You've definitely run out of gas. Nowhere to turn as your Islamic ideology fails miserably at supporting a worldview, or lack thereof. Typical theist.

How very dissapointing.