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religion....jesus be the word of god

Is the bible the word of God?...and is Jesus Christ his son uncreated?....I say aye to both...and more!
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Hi seeds,

Is the bible the word of God?...and is Jesus Christ his son uncreated?....I say aye to both...and more!
Fortunately your fantasy belief in such a fairy tale doesn’t make it true.
You know the thing about this invisible space alien , I couldnt ever understand , perhaps its because I understand fear hope and faith......but If truly there was this spook , how the hell can one live in peace with knowing this . He'd be the greatest doer of his own invented evil , I just cant accept such authority , especially when this authority is treating me badly . I would start a revolution in that heaven and hell of his .

If there would be a god an a devil on some coud , Id go for the devil , without any doubt .
"Is the bible the word of God?...and is Jesus Christ his son uncreated?....I say aye to both...and more!"



you're going to have to elaborate if you want all the atheist to take the bait, er i mean respond. That's not even an argument or a topic, that's just "YaY i like God!!". well good for you.
A heaven hell joke for all you rebelious Atheists

One day an engineer died. Satan found him and took him to hell. The engineer complained, it's too hot in here, and designed and constructed an air conditioning, then he got thirsty and couldn't find water, so he designed a water supply system with piping that withdraws from heaven...

Satan had his weekly meeting with god to discuss order of business. God asked Satan, how is it going down there. Satan said, it's great. I have an engineer that made hell look more like heaven..We love it down their. So god got really angry and said, how did you take an engineer...Don't you know that all engineers are going to heaven.....Satan refused to return the engineer to god, then god threatened to sue Satan.......and Satan said....With what lawyer god, I got them all?
my friends...

allahs maths...well spoken

chris...hmmm...doing well. have u read it? - the bible?

allah. god repented he made man on earth and thought to destroy them...maybe jesus be his honorable atonement?

thank u for the welcome spaceman. have a good journey...who is your neighbour?...illustrated in the story of the good samaritan...nice touch

jade-suirrel...u are a corn picka. what would you know?

hi dystran. nice u called. thanks

raithere ----------------- viva las vega...oopps...revolution!
_________ from chaos comes order! o(- -)o

ahhhh...last but not least...heflores ( who loves jesus - bless u child ) i gave your joke to the christians. somone liked it (.)(.)

always room for improvement o(~_~)o

Re: religion....jesus be the word of god

Originally posted by firingseeds
Is the bible the word of God?...and is Jesus Christ his son uncreated?....I say aye to both...and more!

I say "I hope not" to both, because there are so many contradictions and irregularities in both the old and new testament that if god gave us the bible directly word for word, and it wasn't translated through mistake-making people, then God has ADD worse than me.

we are going upwards not backwards. the bible is the ultimate word of god. all life begins in it and ends in it....hmmm the breeze...nice.

by the way chris...was that a command? theres more to the story of the good samaritan than meets the eye. for modern terms equate the good neighbour for the wordly man and equate the unkind jews with the family...the subjects of god.

i know i love the man that helps me when my car breaks down; and his faith i care about not.

the bible teaches that a wordly man can make it: romans. 2: 13 thru 14. thats how i see those verses anyway - if one believes jesus to be the law.

riverwinds...nice name.
ooh and riverwinds, god did the best he could i'm sure...and this is some awesome creation.

god blwess...hmmm..that breeze
The Christian educational System

1- First spoonfull of Ball Shit (BS): My god created people unequally, those who are meant to be saved, and those who are destined for hell fire.

2- Second spoonfull More Shit (MS): Well, my god is Jesus of course.

3- Now Pile Higher and Deeper (PHD): Now that I'm baptised and saved, I can teach morons my full of shit course.
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Re: my friends...

Originally posted by firingseeds
jade-suirrel...u are a corn picka.
What the hell are you talking about? :bugeye:
what would you know?
How to think for myself so I don't have to believe some old book that tells me I need to worship a dead guy on a cross.
heflore wash that face - and acorn keep on rockin

amen heflore...heeheehee...and u have shit all over yours. keep up the good work. ( ita a blessing to love the lords word...good on ya )

now! acorn picka.
see how the squirrel lives all snug away from the world in its little foxhole in da tree...well thats how god wants us to be - u and me. like that. safe. do u know jesus died for u before he knew u?... gentiles become acceptable to god thru the blood of jesus on the cross and only the truth will set u free little acorn. what u add unto the body of christ - his church - would be of great importance im sure - seeing u appear to be so gifted intellectually RE. dont need bible..think for myself. the things we bring into the church are priceless, little acorn. take care and god bless.
Re: heflore wash that face - and acorn keep on rockin

Originally posted by firingseeds
do u know jesus died for u before he knew u?...

Yeah, believe it or not i think just about everybody has heard about that one, thaks to crazy christian nuttters like you

Originally posted by firingseeds
gentiles become acceptable to god thru the blood of jesus on the cross and only the truth will set u free little acorn.

The truth...Jesus, if he is such a great guy and all, why wouldn't he let everybody into heaven, instead of only the select few who believe in him. I mean, what about people who have never heard of Christianity (I know, that one guy out there living beneath a rock)
Does that person roast in hell because he doesn't give a shit about Jesus?

Originally posted by firingseeds
what u add unto the body of christ - his church - would be of great importance im sure - seeing u appear to be so gifted intellectually

Yeah, Jade is compared to you.
Stop saying acron, you piece of crap, its annoying

if people never heard the teachings of jesus or his disciples it is obviously not their fault, but if they dd hear it and didnt believe in it than it is their fault
Originally posted by edgar
if people never heard the teachings of jesus or his disciples it is obviously not their fault, but if they dd hear it and didnt believe in it than it is their fault
I can say the same to you about judism or the qu'ran. It is not the listeners fault if you have a weak explaination/argument.