
OK. Thanks for that common sense click-bait. I guess some people don't know that stuff.
I found the link interesting as to the additional misconceptions religious folk entertain.
Love your fellow man unless he is an atheist I guess.
I found the link interesting as to the additional misconceptions religious folk entertain.
Love your fellow man unless he is an atheist I guess.

It is nothing wrong wit you guys. For my Atheists are like grinding stone for knives to believers, Discussing with atheists make my sharper
So we have some purpose for being here...
Its a pity religious folk can not put aside their belief for a moment and listen to the athiest and not casually dismiss their concerns and objections for if they did they may attain the enlightenment an atheist enjoys.
My wife and I made a point of never mentioning or discussing religion with our daughter.
To our surprise one day whilst watching TV and someone was on talking about religion she says "Are they for real what a lot of crap".
She had not be programmed and taught anything one way or the other and yet made a very reasonable observation in my view.
Also neither of us said anything in preserving a neutral approach.
A religious person no doubt would have unfairly punished her or an atheist encouraged her.
No doubt if we had introduced religion to her as a given like so many poor kids are raised she would not have be able to make up her own mind.
Further her morals attitudes and kindness are wonderful certainly better than the religious folk we encounter.
They all seem to think to " sin" is normal behaviour and will be forgiven so they have no problem in "stiffing" you. With God on their side they are right so no problem with changing the deal you had by hand shake.
Unfortunately my experience has found all I have met bend the book to suit themselves and justify their unjustifiable actions.
As I have said many times I am the best christian you will meet I practice what they preach and ignore.
But I don't believe JC was God,or is God ..I don't believe in the resurrection.
I do believe religion should not be used as an excuse for bad behaviour or that responsibility should be abdicated in favour of something that does not manifest in reality.
In my view athiests are trustworthy, generalisation based on personal experience, more so that folk claiming they believe in God.
Your knives will be ground away by the solid lodgic of the atheist so grind away as eventually you will gain true enlightenment.
It is near impossible to accept that something your parents told you could be wrong but once one can accept even parents can be wrong and look critically at religion you can make an informed decision.
The stupid misconceptions about atheists by religious folk set out in the link must alert you to something about the unhealthy attitudes they come up with.
OK grind away and sharpen your knives at least until the blade disappears the stone will still remain.
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So I'm curious. Do Atheists consider their self as an Atheist?
Not sure what you mean.
However for me I dont wake thinking I am an atheist.
I dont think about religion or God at all most of the time.
Its just a non event.
I only get tempted to comment on religion here really.
In the real world I get a surprise when someone says they believe in God.... And from then on I hold them at arms lenght cause it has been my sad experience that those who profess such a belief are generally unreliable. They are the ones that will "stiff" you cause they are always right cause you guessed it.. god is on their side.
It is as if they try to make out they are decent and can be trusted because they believe in God maybe they are trying to convince themselves they are decent.
I avoid them because I feel they must be delusional to believe in such an ancient superstition even after having the opportunity of thinking about the multiple inconsistencies of religion. I blame their parents for indoctrinating them but when adults you would think they could work out they have been sold a pup.
I tend to think believers are a dwindling minority.
And having read the bible from cover to cover as an athiest and finding it full of stuff that sounds mythical and in the case of relevations simple nonsence to hear them admit they have not read the bible, the basis of their authority and belief, strikes me that they are too stupid to even take the time to read what to them is the word of God. And if you suggest that men wrote the bible they insist those men were influenced by god.
I mean if you say you believe what the bible says and not have read it means you believe in something on someone elses say so. And if god influenced the authors why did he allow so many inconsistencies and sheer nonesence.
And you can quote a stupid proverb at them and they will argue against it... They dont even know the common place sayings that come from proverbs.
And everything is Gods will but wont let God take responsibility for the suffering of humans and animals or the unnecessary deaths due to war... On no thats mans free will. If tbere is a god all powerful god could he not do a little better job.
If pressed they crap out.. God works in mysterious ways... And then profess to know what God expects his rules etc. If gods will is unknowable hkw is it you know what it is when it suits you and cop out if an unpleasant answer is arou d the corner.
If someone today claimed to be son of god it would be dismissed as the nonsence it is... But take that fairey tale back 2000 years and they buy it.
I dont like the term atheist because it hints there is an opposite... a theist.
I dont see there is anything to be opposite to...
Just because I am not stupid I would not like to be called an astupid.
The folk I have run into who proclaim a belief in god also present other nonsence claims like they can leave their body and travel about the place... What crap. That when unconscious they have gone down a tunnel with a light at the end which means there is afterlife.
Why draw such a conclusion... Nutters thats why.
Then you get those few who "talk in tounges" I dont know if you have heard about such nonsence but these nutters claim to be given the gift to talk in a language they have never learnt and no one else can understand and yet they see it as a gift from god.
I dont like the term atheist at all.. There does not have to be a term to describe a normal person that somehow links them to an ancient superstition.
So no I do t think I am atheist just an ordinary human who thinks is rational and not superstitious.
"No survivors eh? Then I wonder where all the stories come from?"
Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean.
Belief is a champion in every way.
Unsupported claim.

I would just stay away from both of these nihilistic nothings. Neither give hope.
A) it's not nihilistic.
B) if "hope" is all you're looking for there are other ways.

You still haven't explained what your earlier statement was intended to mean/ illustrate.
Life, and contentment are constituents to faith.
So what?
That doesn't mean that "Belief is a champion in every way".

How? It's un-hopeful, and non-wishing by the lack of its proprietors self. Mara's trick.
Incoherent drivel.

And still no expansion on your earlier post...