Religion will eat your face!

never heard of thalidomide?


As horrendous as the effects of it on pregnant women were, it has been found to be quite useful in treating other diseases:
wisdom in hindsight, eh?

Isn't it always the case? And shouldn't it always be the case? Even after his mother had passed away, his beliefs in her religion has become so deeply entrenched, he cannot see that it could very well kill him. This man had a chance to be self sufficient and to lead a normal life. He chose not to.

This fellow, would still not go through with the surgery if it meant he might have to have a blood transfusion. There is no wisdom there. Just blindness. Literally and figuratively speaking.
Isn't it always the case? And shouldn't it always be the case? Even after his mother had passed away, his beliefs in her religion has become so deeply entrenched, he cannot see that it could very well kill him. This man had a chance to be self sufficient and to lead a normal life. He chose not to.

This fellow, would still not go through with the surgery if it meant he might have to have a blood transfusion. There is no wisdom there. Just blindness. Literally and figuratively speaking.
if you study religious history, you will see that it too is subject to reform/revival/etc

in the meantime

Originally Posted by azizbey
any religion, thought, etc... refuses scientific truth, logic and good of mankind will harm mankind itself.

I guess its ok to have second thoughts about this ....
note: sad story

I knew a great girl that was Jehovah's witness. Amy Fox. What a babe. Anyway, she used to come by my buddy's house on Sunday to talk about God. Her mother married a JW and so she converted when she was about 13 or so. She was a great great girl. I mean smart, cute, nice, just great. Just one of those people you can't help but like. She took a job at a local gas station. She was there late one night when this local guy,whom she knew, brutally beat and raped her. She was about 16 and was never the same. Her parents/father refused to press charges. The father was like: It's in the Lord's hands now.
Amy is smart - very smart. Home schooled smart. Her father told her that her place was at home - not at University. She should be educated - but this is really to make a good wife and JW. So she was dissuaded from going to Uni. I saw her one other time when I was at Uni and she was there and she seemed better and I asked when she had enrolled. She said the JW were renting the gymnasium for a sleep-over play all night sort of thing. That was it.

While JW are nice people I hate that they didn't (a) nail that f*cker (b) didn't let Amy seek professional mental help which she desperately needed. She needed to talk to a psychologist not sit in her room and pray that her f*cking rapist finds Jesus in his heart. While it does help to forgive - - I do beleive this is one of the latter stages of grief? I don't think jumping right to forgiveness is the way to go. Human's have a lot of other emotions that need to be dealt with and pretending they are not there or beating yourself up for having them is no good and (c) Amy should have went to University.

So while JW are nice people they take some things in their beleif way too far.
Forgiveness does not mean that you condone evil. Yes, they had a moral responsibility to try to press charges, (doesn't mean that the charges would stick however) most don't stick especially if the creep is a first offender. She should have at least had professional counseling. Very sad. Hopefully she makes a full recovery.

You forgot to include the important part:

... only he shall not go in to the veil or come near the altar because he has a defect, so that he will not profane My sanctuaries. For I am the LORD who sanctifies them. (Leviticus 21.23)​
This man had a chance to be self sufficient and to lead a normal life. He chose not to.

This is not a fair thing to say.

You yourself said eariler -

There are other factors in this story that no one has yet addressed:

Financial pressures, mis-diagnoses and the limitations of the Portuguese health system all played a role, but Jose's own complicated attitude to his condition has not helped.

Unsuccessful and unhappy visits to Germany and Spain in search of medical care in his youth have left him with a distrust of doctors. This, combined with his loyalty to his mother's faith, and concerns about life without the mask to which he has become accustomed, appear to have instilled Jose with a sullen fatalism about his condition.
ohh poor god hes dead
well he did invent death thats a pretty cool thing atleast we dont have to live eternanly in pain we can leave our rottin corpses behind
What are these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchres of God?

After Buddha was dead, his shadow was still shown for centuries in a cave—a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way of man, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown.—And we—we still have to vanquish his shadow, too.
After Buddha was dead, his shadow was still shown for centuries in a cave—a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way of man, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown.—And we—we still have to vanquish his shadow, too.
There never was more than one Christian, and he died on the Cross.
Great C'thulu's Ghost!

That is obscene. How could he let it get that far? See, this is why I'm a teensie bit on the authoritarian axis - hold the stupid bastard down and lazer the fucking thing off. Idiot. Ruined his life with that thing.
Amen brotha.
He's entitled to his choices.

Were they actually his choices? Ah, the wonders of childhood cult indoctrination.

"Unable to find work or a girlfriend, he has been supported by his siblings since the death of his mother, with whom he was very close and from whom he took his religious beliefs."

I know of many people who refuse treatment and not just for religious reasons

Sure you do. :rolleyes: