Religion vs Science

Godless said:
Man get a life, this is THREE years old.

You better review your dictionary. Why is this website allowing oldies words like science, philosophy and religion?
Youd better review the thread DATES! and quit digging through old material, that people whom posted since then are long gone (only few remain) I've been here 5 years.

And if you got something agaist SCIENCE get rid of your freaking computer, it was created through the research of SCIENCE. Better still stop using the INTERNET, it was too created through SCIENCE. You, better never go to the DOCTOR, his/her proffession is totally dependent of SCIENCE. So get your head out of your ass, or STFU about science. (ShutTheFuckUp)

Godless said:
Youd better review the thread DATES! and quit digging through old material, that people whom posted since then are long gone (only few remain) I've been here 5 years.

And if you got something agaist SCIENCE get rid of your freaking computer, it was created through the research of SCIENCE. Better still stop using the INTERNET, it was too created through SCIENCE. You, better never go to the DOCTOR, his/her proffession is totally dependent of SCIENCE. So get your head out of your ass, or STFU about science. (ShutTheFuckUp)

I think you ignored my comment. Are you godless? If so, why?
Godless said:
it was created
Does this mean "create" is a valid word for English usage among atheists? :bugeye:
enton said:
I think you ignored my comment. Are you godless? If so, why? Does this mean "create" is a valid word for English usage among atheists? :bugeye:
M*W: You're godless, too, enton, you just don't know it. As far as I can determine, if a god does exist, the only thing he created was big donkey dicks. I have a whole new image of enton -- one big donkey dick!

(Sorry about the plagarism, CottonT, I just couldn't help myself with this one. You made my day)!
Does this mean "create" is a valid word for English usage among atheists?

I work in manufacturing, I create a product you probably use everyday. Actually I only run the machine that creates it. :p

But we create things, the internet did not exist, it was created by humans, modern computers were also created. And furthermore religion creates idiots, of which you are a prime example! :rolleyes:

enton said:
You better review your dictionary. Why is this website allowing oldies words like science, philosophy and religion?
M*W: Father, forgive enton for he knows not that he is using the Big Donkey Dickshonary.
While the mere fact that we all started out as a tiny sperm is already an evidence of evolution in my opinion I think our school system is drawing us all back on this issue. Schools should stop giving grades and allow students to go at their own pace as long as they pay their fees. Thought control is not going to get us anywhere, only original insights and ideas can get us to the statosphere. They are many brilliant people out there than can answer many ponderous questions but they are stuck in the dead and mundane journey of the school system.
devils reject,

I couldn't agree more. It's time for the total revamping of an educational system designed to baby sit, then churn out workers for the industrial revolution. It's pathetic.