Religion vs Science

They deal with different things.

Should religion stay away from science?
urm, theres already been a thread to do with this. Take a look around for it. It was very insightful
I think that any modern religion ought to incorporate science. In particular, the last word ought always to be to science.
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Yea that's a good idea...

Quote: I think that any modern religion ought to incorporate science. In particular, the last word ought always to be to sciece.

The more a particular religion incorporates science the more secular it will become.
I have a huge difficulty with 'secularity': what is it? Can a man really be secular?

What to do in the situation, when the scientific model (SM) of the Universe does not satisfy your needs?

NB: SM deals, actually, only with the Methagalaxy (the known part of the U.).

For instance, science cannot (yet?!) to base induction. Which means, that there is no guarantee that the Sun will rise tomorrow.
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they don't need to stay away from each other.

Science and religion are separate. Religion just has the problem of interfering/conflicting with science, a place where they aren't welcomed.

As Galileo said, "Religion teaches men how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go."
Science about the aquisition of knowledge through the evolution of discovery, religion is just taking someones word for it.

proven with the next statement without even using the bible as reference:

Someone tells you "Don't pick up that mug it's hot, it will burn you!"

You could religiously accept that the mug is hot and that it would burn you.

You could however taken some form of approach to work out how hot the mug is, to work out for yourself if you should pick it up or not.

Personally I think the next 100 years is going to provide answers about the roots of religion that will astound those that listen, and cast thousands into denial about the truth, who would to call it heretics.
*Originally posted by Peter Griffin
Should science stay away from religion?

First, "Science" should stay away from stupidity, insanity, etc.
Anything called "science" that comes up with something as pathetically ill-conceived as the theory of evolution should be deeply ashamed.

After cleansing itself, it might be worthy to learn something from religion, true religion that is.
There would be little point in trying to learn anything from false religion.
Peter Griffin:


There is a button on your keyboard, it is under "tab" and over "shift". Press down on it. Trust me. :p

First, "Science" should stay away from stupidity, insanity, etc.
Anything called "science" that comes up with something as pathetically ill-conceived as the theory of evolution should be deeply ashamed.

Science is kinda a concept...I don't think concepts feel shame, Tony.
*Originally posted by Xev
Science is kinda a concept...I don't think concepts feel shame, Tony.

Probably not, tho that one should, or at least its proponents should.
Probably not, tho that one should, or at least its proponents should.

Disgrace me, Tony1, I think we evolved from prosimians.

errrrrrrr noooooooo!!!!!
oh poo

*Originally posted by Xev
Disgrace me, Tony1, I think we evolved from prosimians.

You'd have to believe that based on the purest of all pure, blind "faiths."
It didn't happen.

You are essentially saying that you think you evolved from a rock.

Daniel 1:4 Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.

1Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:


James 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Did St. Paul use science in teaching the members of the church of God?
Did James know that "James 1:26-27" speak of scientific facts and practices?