Religion Vs God


person 1; why did you do that?
person 2; because they told me to.

as opposed to;
p 1; why did you do that?
p 2; because it was the best thing to do.

(fyi..i use the word 'Best' as opposed to the word 'Right' as right is relative)

It seems to me that you have a strong, if not unfailing trust in your moral judgment.
You want a link go to

And type in is alien life possible you will find what I am talking about there.

No thank you. I'm not going to do your work for you. It is you who must substantiate your comments. Just as I have said before you can believe anything however don't expect to have trustworthiness on your word alone.
Which is why a proper definition of "religon" must by understood.
The definition given in the OP, sounds like an analysis by atheists, who cannot, by default, by personal choice, understand religion.

This is a good point!

My notions about religion are probably very atheistic as well, even though I may not be aware of that at all.

You mention personal choice. I am finding this crucial.
A popular atheist notion is that knowledge, if it is to be any kind of proper knowledge, has to be objective, impersonal, beyond personal choice - what one consider to be real should be more than just a matter of personal choice.

Hence many atheists tend to discard as invalid anything that looks like it has been arrived at by choice, and accept only that which has been arrived at by the workings of natural laws.
No thank you. I'm not going to do your work for you. It is you who must substantiate your comments. Just as I have said before you can believe anything however don't expect to have trustworthiness on your word alone.

Well I provided the link it is up to you to read it.
Here you go I would encourage the reading of the book mentioned.

The article says,
Earthlings could make contact with extraterrestrial beings by the year 2025, two astronomers predict in a new book.

At this time all you have is two astronomers expressing wishful thinking. All they are offering is chrystal ball stuff. One must know the difference between fact and unsubstantiated speculation.

This comment of yours started this discussion - In Keeping with the God verse religion thing what if I believed that God is a pale gray humanoid type creature that has seeded the earth with various forms of genetically altered creatures. And that the Earth is just one big Science experiment for a being to write his/her thesis as to Graduate the Intergalactic University of of the Crab Nebula. What would your thoughts be of me?

My thoughts are the same, you have no viable hypothesis because you have no evidence only speculation.
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The article says,
Earthlings could make contact with extraterrestrial beings by the year 2025, two astronomers predict in a new book.

At this time all you have is two astronomers expressing wishful thinking. All they are offering is chrystal ball stuff. One must know the difference between fact and unsubstantiated speculation.

This comment of yours started this discussion - In Keeping with the God verse religion thing what if I believed that God is a pale gray humanoid type creature that has seeded the earth with various forms of genetically altered creatures. And that the Earth is just one big Science experiment for a being to write his/her thesis as to Graduate the Intergalactic University of of the Crab Nebula. What would your thoughts be of me?

My thoughts are the same, you have no viable hypothesis because you have no evidence only speculation.

No all I have is a research project that has been in operation since the late sixties early seventies called SETI the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Apparently they are look for intelligent life out side of the earth as there is a limited stock of it on earth.
No all I have is a research project that has been in operation since the late sixties early seventies called SETI the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Apparently they are look for intelligent life out side of the earth as there is a limited stock of it on earth.

Okay did SETi find anything so far?

At this point SETi has been a miserable flop.

You are ahead of any still waiting for evidence, applying your chrystal ball predictions.
Okay did SETi find anything so far?

At this point SETi has been a miserable flop.

You are ahead of the evidence applying your chrystal ball predictions.

No I am not stats show that there has to be life on other planets you are Naive at best to think that we are the only planet in all of the universe to have life. There are Billions of stars Billions with a B and out of all them stars there are Billions that are similar or the same as our star. Which I will cal the Sun so you can follow along with language you should be able to understand. and out of that there are billions more that have planets that are earth like. And out of that there are billions that could support life the Universe is Billions of years old and Man is millions of years old there has been ample opportunity for life to evolve on other planets and we are naive to believe other wise with what we know of the natural world around us.
No I am not stats show that there has to be life on other planets you are Naive at best to think that we are the only planet in all of the universe to have life. There are Billions of stars Billions with a B and out of all them stars there are Billions that are similar or the same as our star. Which I will cal the Sun so you can follow along with language you should be able to understand. and out of that there are billions more that have planets that are earth like. And out of that there are billions that could support life the Universe is Billions of years old and Man is millions of years old there has been ample opportunity for life to evolve on other planets and we are naive to believe other wise with what we know of the natural world around us.

I'm not saying there isn't alien life elsewhere. What I'm saying if one chooses to apply the scientific approach as a guide then a miserable flop is not a viable hypothesis. SETi has funding keeping them going for the time being. However, that doesn't mean there is an unlimited supply of money and they can continue their quest forever without having any results.
I'm not saying there isn't alien life elsewhere. What I'm saying if one chooses to apply the scientific approach as a guide then a miserable flop is not a viable hypothesis. SETi has funding keeping them going for the time being. However, that doesn't mean there is an unlimited supply of money and they can continue their quest forever without having any results.

Its been a flop really I know it has limited success with finding valid data but you have to remember it is searching limited sections of a very large sky and it is search areas that may support life as we know it whos to say that life evolves the same way all the type or has the same ingredients all the time. We are carbon based organism on earth why could a silica based organism not be able to form some where else or any other type of base molecule for that matter.
Its been a flop really I know it has limited success with finding valid data but you have to remember it is searching limited sections of a very large sky and it is search areas that may support life as we know it whos to say that life evolves the same way all the type or has the same ingredients all the time. We are carbon based organism on earth why could a silica based organism not be able to form some where else or any other type of base molecule for that matter.

Okay here is my opinion, aliens will use their technology and it will be computerized robots visiting us when earthlings make first contact. Is it a viable hypothesis? The answer is not yet.
Okay here is my opinion, aliens will use their technology and it will be computerized robots visiting us when earthlings make first contact. Is it a viable hypothesis? The answer is not yet.

The answer maybe not yet but it is not a definite no as it is with the existence of a God that is no flat out as there is no proof of such a god every existing except for a collection of stories handed down over the generations. Stories that can be proven wrong dead wrong however the existence of life other then life on earth can be proven statistically. No matter how you crunch the numbers God will still come up a zero that is Unless God is really not even of this world and is a term to describe a Life form that would be able to genetically seed this planet. And notice I said other Life form not a mystical woo woo in the corner type of sprite.
The answer maybe not yet but it is not a definite no as it is with the existence of a God that is no flat out as there is no proof of such a god every existing except for a collection of stories handed down over the generations. Stories that can be proven wrong dead wrong however the existence of life other then life on earth can be proven statistically. No matter how you crunch the numbers God will still come up a zero that is Unless God is really not even of this world and is a term to describe a Life form that would be able to genetically seed this planet. And notice I said other Life form not a mystical woo woo in the corner type of sprite.

IMO, God has been misidentified and not a creator of everything. God is alien technology, actually. Computers on a mobile platform and they are already here, masquerading as eternal beings.
IMO, God has been misidentified and not a creator of everything. God is alien technology, actually. Computers on a mobile platform and they are already here, masquerading as eternal beings.

Well see there you go what is wrong with that belief and it will not be a religion until you start to convert others to your belief.
Well see there you go what is wrong with that belief and it will not be a religion until you start to convert others to your belief.

I try to use a scientific value system in my approach to this belief. Because I'm of short of evidence I'm only forming a hypothesis, nothing acceptably legit yet.
Okay did SETi find anything so far?

At this point SETi has been a miserable flop.

No, they haven't found anything yet. And, I would somewhat agree that what they're doing may be a complete waste of time, money and resources. But, if they did actually find a signal, wouldn't that be worth something, knowing that we aren't alone in the universe and perhaps even our own galaxy?
No, they haven't found anything yet. And, I would somewhat agree that what they're doing may be a complete waste of time, money and resources. But, if they did actually find a signal, wouldn't that be worth something, knowing that we aren't alone in the universe and perhaps even our own galaxy?

Yes, don't give up the ship SETi is my hope. However, all research cost money and without a confirmed signal from SETi, I suspect the money for funding eventually is going to stop.
just my 2 cents on extra terrestrial life.. ok think of a football stadium nfl football stadium go to the cent of the field on the 50 yard line now stick a needle in the turn the tip of thatlets say for arguments sace its 1mm sphere.. now take a marble and place that 1mm sphere in the absolutle center of the mable the tip of the needle is earth the our most advanced technology can see out to the mable.. yet the universe is as big as the entire fooball stadium parking lot included

so what some of you are saying there is no other life other than whats on our planet are basing that fact on the mable when there is the rest of the football stadium there could be another 1mm sphere wtih life on it.. as for now your 100% right there is no other life that we know of in that sphere but to say there is no other life in the stadium "giving the endless universe a size" is outrageous and extremly narrow/closed minded

just my 2 cents