Religion, The Cause Of Racism And Discrimination


Still egotistic...
Valued Senior Member
I think the title is pretty self explanatory. Once major cause of religion is discrimination against gays. Homosexuality was sought as a sin for a few milleniums by the clergy and everyone following this religion (especially christianity). If it wasn't for religion wouldn't homosexuals have the same rights and equality as everyone else? Same thing goes for blacks and females. The clergy following this religion dubbed blacks as evil and females as inferior. Since law and other ways of running this or any country is still effected by religion, minorities are sitll receiving discrimination. For true equality it would be best to rid the country of religion and these kind of ideas, but then again there will still be fanatics and ideas revolving around religion. So, the country has been cursed with racism because of religion and it make takes a few more centuries, even milleniums before we can rid ourselves of this disaster.
In some cases yes, though in other cases it's the other way around - religions tend to leave a lot of room for interpretation. Religions say what the people want them to say, and sections of holy books that contradict the prevailing opinion are conveniently forgotten. Blame religion for creating a framework that discourages questioning of the popular interpretation.
I dont think religion directly encourages racism and discrimination, the true culprit is tribalism (a group of people with a common interest) that only cares about the members of the group and discriminates towards non-members. Tribalism is as old as man and I doubt that it would end anytime soon.
Religion, The Cause Of Racism And Discrimination

It is also the Major Cause of War and Terrorism.
These days politics is more influential than religion, and stops religion progressing to a better state. This is because politics has a bigger stage than religion, so when someone like George Bush says something about law abiding christians, or gods way and stuff, people assume that priests, and christians should act that way (for example).

Religion has been pushed back, so anyone with true religious beliefs get tarnished, bullied and thought of as inferior because of things like this, when in truth, if you have a strong faith which has a good moral grounding, then surely that leads to a better society, than being patriotic to your country, and agreeing with everything your government does.

I'm not sure what I'm saying here, but it sort of makes sense to me.

The Sox
soxisgod said:
when in truth, if you have a strong faith which has a good moral grounding, then surely that leads to a better society, than being patriotic to your country, and agreeing with everything your government does.

I'm not sure what I'm saying here, but it sort of makes sense to me.

The Sox
The world can only live in peace when religion is gone.
soxisgod said:
Why though?
Come'on. Without being silly just look at the news, read the papers, read your history books - Where have you been hiding????

How about we just have faith, rather than religion. And would you outlaw religion?
Faith = church, communion, confession, connection, conviction, credo, creed, cult, denomination, doctrine, dogma, doxy, gospel, orthodoxy, persuasion, piety, piousness, principle, religion, revelation, sect, teaching, tenet, theism, theology, worship.

And whatever else you want to call it, I don't believe you can outlaw insanity.
Yes religion is also a major cause for terrorism and war. As I said before religion is not good, it is evil and really should be outlawed from society. Such stupid concepts like divine rights have led to much blood shed and hatred towards other groups. While tribalism may have helped in the advancement of racism that is usually only found in Africa and other such tribal countries. Places such as South America, north America, Europe, the UK and other places have discrimination because of religion. THe idea that homosexuality is a sin, Blacks are put on earth to serve the white men, females are only there to reproduce and more have led to todays problem. Also such ideas liek the Islamic religion where dying for your country is a way to salvation is also a major cause of terrorism on religion's part. Yes it is true, religion has led to many of the beutiful cathedrals and art that we see today, but maybe religion should have been permantly abolished after the black plague (even if it wasn't the fault of the christians)
soxisgod said:
These days politics is more influential than religion, and stops religion progressing to a better state.
religion teaches lies and fairy tales,such as 6 day creation,man made of dust,and so on,creationists even want to call religion science and have schools force it down on everyone,is that your better state? :rolleyes:
This is because politics has a bigger stage than religion, so when someone like George Bush says something about law abiding christians, or gods way and stuff, people assume that priests, and christians should act that way (for example).
oh yes the good christians should act according to what bible says,right?
well check these"bible quotes" at and tell me if thats right or wrong.
Religion has been pushed back, so anyone with true religious beliefs get tarnished, bullied and thought of as inferior because of things like this, when in truth, if you have a strong faith which has a good moral grounding, then surely that leads to a better society, than being patriotic to your country, and agreeing with everything your government does.
true religious beliefs??
like the "stone the homosexuals"that the bible teaches?
I'm not religious, in that i dont follow a particular book, or church.

But we all have our own ideas on how we should live our lives ourselves. I don't believe the stuff in the bible, but I believe that a good society doesn't steal, maim, murder etc.

Many religious people believe the same, except they follow the book as though it is the only way. I don't believe that it should be forced on to kids in schools, or repeated by politicians. Everyone can belong to a religion, as long as it doesn't harm other people.

"stone the homosexuals" - as the bible teaches, of course is wrong. But what I am trying to say, is that if politicians never got involved in religious teachings (forcings), then Christianity may well have moved past all this, and realised that the bible is full of shit, and become an establishment where modern day morals are important, not spreading the word about Jesus and God.

Religion isn't so much the culprit of terrorism and war, than politics is. It's just an excuse. Ask most Muslims if they agree with Osama (who uses Islam as a weopan) , and I'm sure they will say no. But with the policies that Bush, and all American governments have/had on "rogue states" then who is surprised about the force that they are. And of course, Bush does it all in the name of God.

If you want to ban religion, then you have to ban all the weopans. Neither will happen, but if you just banned religion, then you are banning peoples beliefs.

BTW - I am a musician, and wrote a song once called "Religion is the sinner". It was my best song.

The Sox

Praise me, for I am the lord.
Vienna said:
Come'on. Without being silly just look at the news, read the papers, read your history books - Where have you been hiding????

If there wasn't any religion, they would have wars over land, discrimination because of colour, terrorism over foreign policies, and violence over alcohol.

Religion has caused problems yes. But not as much as politics. Especially when the biggest power in the world, who fights for democracy, whilst waging war on countries because they are not democratic, is run by someone who wasn't voted into power in the first place. Every decision made by the US now was not backed by the majority of people in the US, because Bush didn't win the election.

Do you really think that terrorism, discrimination, and war is caused by religion. Do you not think that governments are more powerful than religion? They have more weapons and money, and a shit load of a bigger influence on the world.

Where have you been hiding???

The Sox
I agree with you Soxisgod,

Religion is only a medium, like any other medium, via which we express the deep-seated anatagonism rooted in our psychology. If it was not religion, it would be something else, land, sex, power. Everyone is capable of this.

I didn't think anyone understood what I was trying to say. I think religion is as good as it can be bad, it depends how people take it. If religion means people feel they have a purpose to be good, honest people, and live their lives trying to be good people, then how is that wrong. Apart from bad apples (Paedo priests for example), the only evil that occurs is when people use it as an excuse.

Mikey aint no Crazy man

The Sox
In a nutshell

Religion = brainwashing and manipulation, - politics use religion as a tool for war - give the brainwashed idiots a religious cause for war and viola you have a jihad = terrorism.

The same religious dorks wouldn't fly planes into buildings just for their leader, but they would for their allah - without religion there would be no influence or motivation.
soxisgod said:

Do you really think that terrorism, discrimination, and war is caused by religion.
Does Al Queda ring any bells with you???

Do you not think that governments are more powerful than religion? They have more weapons and money, and a shit load of a bigger influence on the world.
Islamic terrorism is rife and unstoppable - by any government
crazymikey said:
So, do you think non-religious people do not perform irrational and violent acts?
Such as flying planes into buildings and suicide bombs - no, not really.....LOL

You are coming across that you don't believe that Islamic terrorism is connected with Islam, maybe you agree with it. Non-religious people sometimes do commit violent acts - especially to!

Com'on then, its obvious you disagree with me so tell me, what do you blame for the majority of wars in the world today?

And erm not forgetting the topic - ,,.....Who or what do you blame for all the Racism And Discrimination in the world if it isn't Religion????

And don't say that it is tribal, because all tribes worship gods :)
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I blame the human society and its primitive mentality, because no one is born evil, it is society that conditions one. If you insist to blame a segment of society, like Muslims, then don't forget, they are members of our human race, and if they are evil, then the human race must be inherently evil.