Religion relies on brainwashing children

-- think of what would happen if people living in abject poverty and violence were to form their personal beliefs solely on their experiences.

I was there , but we had our belief , there was violence , but there ware the parents ( they were not literate , father never went to school ) who guided us to be obedient to God. We all survived, things have changed
Thank God we are all comfortable in our daily life.
In one sense, if we posit that personal experiences are all we have, it's a truism that everyone derives their beliefs from their personal experience; it's just that people's personal experiences vary greatly.
It certainly shouldn't be the only thing that informs one's belief. Experience, evidence, and reason should balance each other out--going extreme in any one direction leads to a bad place.
From WellWisher Post #17
Religion teaches children to have a stronger conscience by setting the bar higher than does atheism.
My ethics & those of the atheists I know is as good or better than that of the religious folks I know.

The best thought I have in favor of religion.
Religion can improve the behavior of those who have no sense of fair play.

Atheists did not run the Salem witch trials or the inquisitions. They do not advocate war.

Note that the Russian communists purged a lot of individuals. If you include the premature deaths of those sent to Siberia, they might have killed more that the German holocaust did.​

While they professed atheism, the purges were directed toward possible political rivals & dissidents, not toward believers in religion.​

In almost all wars, both sides claimed that some deity or deities favored them.

Atheists do not physically attack theists & do not advocate violence, although some ridicule theists.

In many cultures & contexts, atheists & believers in a different religion re subjected to physical & psychological abuse by the dominant religion.​
Atheist brainwash their children , and stop prayer in school so their children would not be inspired by religion .
Let me ask : What is wrong with the 10 commandments ? that the atheist are fighting against it. ?
Atheist brainwash their children , and stop prayer in school so their children would not be inspired by religion .
Let me ask : What is wrong with the 10 commandments ? that the atheist are fighting against it. ?
It's not the 10 Commandments that people are fighting against other than that it's a part of a religious creed. It's the whole thing however much of the 10 Commandments are just related to God's vanity...don't worship other false idols...just worship the real idol, don't use my name in vain, and other such useless commandments.

We don't need to invoke religion to know not to kill, steal, and to obey parents. This stuff could be put in comic books (and should be).
It's not the 10 Commandments that people are fighting against other than that it's a part of a religious creed. It's the whole thing however much of the 10 Commandments are just related to God's vanity...don't worship other false idols...just worship the real idol, don't use my name in vain, and other such useless commandments.

We don't need to invoke religion to know not to kill, steal, and to obey parents. This stuff could be put in comic books (and should be).
You are forgetting the 10 commandments were introduced about 3200 years ago . Your moral code is based on 10 commandments , Who told you you should work 6 days and then have one rest day
You are forgetting the 10 commandments were introduced about 3200 years ago . Your moral code is based on 10 commandments , Who told you you should work 6 days and then have one rest day

I don't work 6 days. Many people don't work at all and many people work all the time. You are picking at straws here Timjin. None of these reasons are why you are religious so why are you placing such great importance to this line of reasoning?

You got this from the same book that told us about a guy who put at least one pair of all the animals on Earth in a boat for 40 days so I wouldn't read too much into any of this.
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Interesting to note, is that most kids who were indoctrinated into various religions, end up breaking free from religion but remaining spiritual/God believers when they reach adulthood, or abandon it altogether, while those who grew up without religion, and become religious converts as adults, are far more zealous about their beliefs. There's exceptions, but that's been my personal experience and observations of others. Religion doesn't only rely on indoctrination of children, it relies on fear. Most religions are built around fear, and if you can find enough fearful people, you can build a wealthy religion.
You are forgetting the 10 commandments were introduced about 3200 years ago . Your moral code is based on 10 commandments , Who told you you should work 6 days and then have one rest day
I dont go by comandments... i just do what ever i choose to do.!!!

I don't work 6 days. Many people don't work at all and many people work all the time. You are picking at straws here Timjin. None of these reasons are why you are religious so why are you placing such great importance to this line of reasoning?

You got this from the same book that told us about a guy who put at least one pair of all the animals on Earth in a boat for 40 days so I wouldn't read too much into any of this.
Would you like to work 7 days a week ?
Can you tell when a society started to give a worker one day rest and why ?
Would you like to work 7 days a week ?
Can you tell when a society started to give a worker one day rest and why ?
We know that religion has been a part of society for a long time. That doesn't mean that we would be working 24 hours a day without the Bible. Non-Christian societies don't work 24 hours a day either.

Where are you going with this?
We know that religion has been a part of society for a long time. That doesn't mean that we would be working 24 hours a day without the Bible. Non-Christian societies don't work 24 hours a day either.

Where are you going with this?
No one is saying 24 hours a day , One week have 7 days you work 6 days in a week and must rest ome day
No one is saying 24 hours a day , One week have 7 days you work 6 days in a week and must rest ome day
What is your point? Who rests one day these days and who works 6 days? We work 5 days now and that's not in the Bible so I guess we're not following the Bible given your logic.

What are you really arguing anyway, certainly not how days a week we work. None of this is why you are religious so why are we even talking about it?
Belief in god & a religion is necessary to control those who do not have good ethics & a sense of fair play.


but it is possible to have a Humanity mindset that has ethics and a sense of fair play . without religion .

I know this through experience .
Atheist brainwash their children , and stop prayer in school so their children would not be inspired by religion .
Let me ask : What is wrong with the 10 commandments ? that the atheist are fighting against it. ?
The problem is not that prayer in schools inspires the children of atheists, the problem is that when atheists or other non-Christians do not participate in school prayer, this then inspires Christian children, teachers, and members of the community to exclude and otherwise punish those who do not participate. This is the real problem, as identified in the actual world, with having schools engage in sectarian activity.
From Yazata Post #2
Note that those who want some religious doctrine to be taught in public school would be incensed at the thought of Wicca or any religion other than their own being taught. Islamics would not want Christianity or Buddhism to be taught, while Christians would not want any non-Christian religion to be taught.

Actually, it is more specific than that. Catholics would object to Protestantism being taught & vice versa.

BTW: My family (on father's side) have been Quakers since circa 1700. Quakers are very behavior oriented. They would accept an atheist as a member.

Also from Yataza Post #2
But what kind of cogent argument can be advanced for logical implication that isn't circular?
Logicians & mathematicians avoid circular arguments by including some undefined primitive elements in the axioms of systems of logic.

For example: Note that lines & points are not defined in Euclidean Plane Geometry.​
You are forgetting the 10 commandments were introduced about 3200 years ago . Your moral code is based on 10 commandments , Who told you you should work 6 days and then have one rest day
No one. Right now I am working 5 days a week. For about 10 years I was working 7 days a week.

Lots of people violate the ten commandments and do not see any moral issue doing so. Indeed, someone who does not honor an abusive parent is probably being smart.
Would you like to work 7 days a week ?
When I was 25 and doing work I really liked? Yes, I did like it.
Let me ask : What is wrong with the 10 commandments ? that the atheist are fighting against it. ?
In general, most atheists aren't "fighting against it" - they are just ignoring them. Similar to how you ignore the Vedas.
No one is saying 24 hours a day , One week have 7 days you work 6 days in a week and must rest ome day
Actually, I think unions brought about the five day work week, with weekends off. At the very least, six days on, with one day off.

Regarding the OP - from my experiences, adults who convert when they are into adulthood, and never were ''brainwashed'' as kids into any religious mindsets, are actually more zealous than cradle-religious types. Cradle religious people (I'm one, and I'm no longer ''religious'' anymore) tend to be more open minded about all faiths when they becomes adults, and don't show as much contempt as those who are adult converts. There's of course exceptions, this is just something I've observed.
Actually, I think unions brought about the five day work week, with weekends off. At the very least, six days on, with one day off.

Have you explored into history about 3000 years back on what were the working hours ? O could you tell when did union organization started and who started the unions ?