Religion or Athieism?

Yes. A theist willing to debate on equal terms, an atheist who respects religion I can stand (and respect) but unsure agnostics I will never stand.
You do know, that an atheist is no better than a theist, right?

misguided you you feel better about yourself stating that?

But of course I do! Ummm... and I was being sarcastic:rolleyes:

I never said anyone was better than anyone else. It just blows my mind how closed-minded some Christians can be. They dont even want to hear or talk about the fact, that there just may not, be a god. I can honestly state that there very well may be a god, but I dont know for sure. Everything in my life and experience points to the absence of a god.

Take care:)

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
But of course I do! Ummm... and I was being sarcastic:rolleyes:

Joking at the degradement of others...understood...:rolleyes:

When I joke about atheists...that's a different story...

I never said anyone was better than anyone else. It just blows my mind how closed-minded some Christians can be. They dont even want to hear or talk about the fact, that there just may not, be a god. I can honestly state that there very well may be a god, but I dont know for sure. Everything in my life and experience points to the absence of a god.

Take care:)

Good, yes some Christians are closed-minded.

You take care also. :)
Re: *stRgrL*

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Good, yes some Christians are closed-minded.[/B]

In my personal experience most christians are close minded. Like my boss she can't even answer a "what if the bible is just a fictional book" or "what if there is no heaven or hell". It's really sad and pathetic.
Jews believe in God.
Athiests do not.

Ergo, Jews are not athiests.

Oh, I know the feeling a bit. I have a few of God's chosen genetic markers wrapped in me DNA. But I'm as pure an athiest as ever was. :)
Originally posted by Xev
Jews believe in God.
Athiests do not.

Ergo, Jews are not athiests.

Oh, I know the feeling a bit. I have a few of God's chosen genetic markers wrapped in me DNA. But I'm as pure an athiest as ever was. :)

A pure Cthulhuist as well.

Ia! Cthulhu fhtaghn!

Cthulhu loathes me this I know,
For al-Hazrad tells me so,
Little ones were swallowed whole,
They were weak and ran real slow.

Ia! Cthulhu loathes me!
Ia! Cthulhu loathes me!
Ia! Cthulhu loathes me!

'Cuz al-Hazrad tells me so.
All I'm trying to say, is that after traveling through many of the threads here, I've noticed that all this is, is Atheists vs. Christians. There isn't much talk about religions.
It is by a large majority the religion of most here and the English speaking world in general. We also know more about this religion from massive exposure in popular media.

We dispute general details that belong to the majority of religions as well, ie. the afterlife, a god and a moral code.

We don't know all there is about every religion. No person can make this claim. Most theists know even less about their own religion than atheists do. Most Christians I've talked to cannot explain the significance of Paul. That's a pretty bad situation. Most often I find that their rejection of our position lies more in the old creationist chant of 'we did not come from monkies.' Even though most churches have come to accept Evolution this is still seen as a sore spot for Christians. Nobody likes admitting they are wrong and the American teaching of the bible generally gravitates toward strict literal interpretation.

We attack the most illogical portions first, dogma and tradition. The typical English speaking person is unfamiliar with these aspects of Islamic and Hindu religions. We can only dispute and criticize what we know.
True. I believe religion to be hopeless, pointless, etc etc and all that nice wholesome stuff. The religious people seem to be stuck in a dream. Sometimes I want to tell them to "WAKE the hell UP, the world is harsher than you think. No one is up there to baby you when you mess up, it's all up to your own willpower and resources to get your a$$ out of there." But I think there are good individuals regardless of their belief. I know some Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus etc etc lotsa people from different religions and they are all my good friends. As well as atheists.