Religion or Athieism?


Registered Member
I'm kind of new here and all I see are Athiests. This is the RELIGION forum, right? I noticed Ekims post, and was wondering if
someone could explain why there are so many Athiests debating their views in a religious forum. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to reading more posts about how there is no god, if there is, then he's evil or an asshole, but as far as I'm concerned they should have some kind of Athiest or God's A Bitch room for all those who want to preach about us coming from monkey spooge.
That's 'cuz I'm an athiest, and I'm the Uber-Mistress of the Cosmos.

If you don't like it, well, you're an insignificant whiney mortal and I don't care.

Welcome to Sciforums.
Okey-dokey, so let me explore your idea.

We put all the people with one idea in one room.....
and people with differing views get a different room.

That way we have no debates and just a bunch of people yelling about the same thing! Hey, that would be nice. No one debates and that way no one learns or grows. Excellent idea.

Especially for a debate forum like sciforums.
Originally posted by Sirch
I'm kind of new here and all I see are Athiests. This is the RELIGION forum, right? I noticed Ekims post, and was wondering if
someone could explain why there are so many Athiests debating their views in a religious forum. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to reading more posts about how there is no god, if there is, then he's evil or an asshole, but as far as I'm concerned they should have some kind of Athiest or God's A Bitch room for all those who want to preach about us coming from monkey spooge.

Well, your common sense tells debating about religion in a science forum is pointless right? Religion and science do not mix usually. The funniest people are those so called "Christian scientists" :D

Honesty, I would like more religious people here. I haven't seen too many worthy opponents from the other side of the debate.
Honesty, I would like more religious people here. I haven't seen too many worthy opponents from the other side of the debate.

Hold on, I've got some Christians in crates in the basement. I'll go unpack them.

Seriously, Tony1.

Welcome to sciforums.

The RELIGION forum is a place where anyone can discuss any aspect of religion and is a natural place for atheists since the target of their arguments are religions, or more specifically theistic religions.

The forum is not a place exclusively for those who are religious, that would require a RELIGIONISTS forum.

I hope you see the distinction.

I found this survey to be quite interesting. With only 0.4% Atheists compared with 74.5% with some sort of Christian beliefs... thats quite a gap, a minority group really. Mind you the number of Non-Christians is rising and so is the number of No religious beliefs up to 14.1%
Interesting if nothing else :D ciao
Seriously, Tony1
His best argument was the lack of crap in the world. But at least he was less annoying than Sir. Loone and KalvinB.

Welcome Sirch. I am sort of returning to the fold after a long build of momentum to finals. Remember that anything anyone says is their opinion. You are free to disagree and do so in a post.

You shouldn't be surprised that so many of the visitors to a science based forums are athiests. Is it because people curious or with knowledge about science are generally more intelligent? Only my opinion.
Belief in any religion is bound to form a strong bond with the morality and ideology that that particualr religion advocates.

So when you deride Theism, you deride the moral fibre of those who choose to call themselves Theists.

I completely sympathise with the Religious among you who feel victimised.
All I'm trying to say, is that after traveling through many of the threads here, I've noticed that all this is, is Atheists vs. Christians. There isn't much talk about religions. It's all about name calling, or trying desperately to make some one else believe that either there is or isn't a god. I'm not saying divide every one up by religion. However, for a religious forum, there certainly doesn't appear to be much religious talk.
Originally posted by Sirch
There isn't much talk about religions.
After awhile you run out of ways to say "religion is crap"

It's all about name calling, or trying desperately to make some one else believe that either there is or isn't a god.

i don't think anyone here is desperate. If name calling is not fun, people wouldn't do it.

However, for a religious forum, there certainly doesn't appear to be much religious talk.

What do you expect in a place called "sciforums"?

BTW, welcome to sciforums. I hope you stay (unless if you are a jerk)
Welcome Sirch!

Well see, we were all Christians in the beginning, and then we came here and talked to smart people and realized how misguided we have been are whole lives.

Can anyone say... sheep:D

Anyhoo, welcome again. And Aussie, I think that has alot to do with "in the closet" atheists. I know I am, except in here. When I tell people I dont believe there is a big man who lives in the sky and needs lots and lots of money, they look at me like Im a friggin serial killer. That, or Im Canadian:D (sorry Ty, couldnt resist.)
I started out atheist. I just found the notion of a god watching over all and aiding people to be way too childish, dumb, and too much of an easy way out to not think of reality. IMHO, religion is pathetic.

But it is a powerful force in society. Religious people are not necessarily pathetic themselves, individuals can be very good to be with.
"So when you deride Theism, you deride the moral fibre of those who choose to call themselves Theists."

Balloney. I think murder is wrong. Oh wait though - I'm against Christianity. So I guess I can't think murder is wrong because that is a moral Christian belief?
Originally posted by Sirch
I'm kind of new here and all I see are Athiests. This is the RELIGION forum, right? I noticed Ekims post, and was wondering if
someone could explain why there are so many Athiests debating their views in a religious forum. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to reading more posts about how there is no god, if there is, then he's evil or an asshole, but as far as I'm concerned they should have some kind of Athiest or God's A Bitch room for all those who want to preach about us coming from monkey spooge.

There are a few Christians here. Myself for instance. Right now we are outnumbered, but I'm told this can change. Anyway, welcome to sciforums. This is a great place to debate. Jump in and enjoy.

Originally posted by Tyler
"So when you deride Theism, you deride the moral fibre of those who choose to call themselves Theists."

Balloney. I think murder is wrong. Oh wait though - I'm against Christianity. So I guess I can't think murder is wrong because that is a moral Christian belief?

Why are you inverting my statement? I don't think it's fair to assume I was being specific. I'll reiterate.

Placing your trust in the existance of a higher power is a large step, when someone feels the need to knock your position, it's understandable that you'd feel slightly more pissed off at this than an average insult.
True true...

Originally posted by Sirch
All I'm trying to say, is that after traveling through many of the threads here, I've noticed that all this is, is Atheists vs. Christians. There isn't much talk about religions. It's all about name calling, or trying desperately to make some one else believe that either there is or isn't a god. I'm not saying divide every one up by religion. However, for a religious forum, there certainly doesn't appear to be much religious talk.

The atheist gang probably scared them all away...

I, for one, want to learn more about certain interesting religions...
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Welcome Sirch!

Well see, we were all Christians in the beginning, and then we came here and talked to smart people and realized how misguided we have been are whole lives.

You do know, that an atheist is no better than a theist, right?

misguided you you feel better about yourself stating that?
"Placing your trust in the existance of a higher power is a large step, when someone feels the need to knock your position, it's understandable that you'd feel slightly more pissed off at this than an average insult."

Agreed, my bad.

"You do know, that an atheist is no better than a theist, right"

Chosen, I thought we'd come to the acceptance that there are as many different definitions for atheist as there are for theist. There are logical approachs to atheism. So far, neither you or tiassa (both of whom tried quite hard and were determined to understnad my view of atheism) has had a problem with my atheism. The fact is, there is no completely logical approach to being theistic. Being agnostic can be logical. Believing god exists is not logical as it is a step of faith based, usually, on lack of knowledge.

Originally posted by Tyler
Chosen, I thought we'd come to the acceptance that there are as many different definitions for atheist as there are for theist. There are logical approachs to atheism. So far, neither you or tiassa (both of whom tried quite hard and were determined to understnad my view of atheism) has had a problem with my atheism. The fact is, there is no completely logical approach to being theistic. Being agnostic can be logical. Believing god exists is not logical as it is a step of faith based, usually, on lack of knowledge.

Yes I know that, but one reason I strayed away from atheism was how negative they acted, always thinking they were "more superior" than theists - that pisses me off :mad:

I'm still a free-thinker :D You choose not to question about God, thus lacking any belief. Some chose to dis-believe, which is as illogical as believing. And the agnostic is unsure about the whole thing and can't make their minds up.