Religion is social order

And this is astounding, considering that forty years ago religion was steadily losing its hold on America the way it has over most of Europe. No one tried to win an election by appealing to fundamentalists back then.

But WHY? It really is shocking, watching this campaign unfold with all the god bless you's, god bless America etc. etc. etc. unfold from up here in Canada. It really is weird.
Most of America is still religious. It appeared as if it was losing grip 40 years ago because of a very small minority getting a rather large spotlight.
But WHY? It really is shocking, watching this campaign unfold with all the god bless you's, god bless America etc. etc. etc. unfold from up here in Canada. It really is weird.
The Baby Boomers have defined our culture since they were old enough to talk. For a while it was pretty nice. (From my perspective anyway, born three years too early to be a Boomer but I've never felt any kinship with the Depression Babies and there aren't enough of us War Babies to be a community.) Folk music, rock and roll, motorcycles and hot rods, the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution, all the fabulous drugs, the anti-war movement, the Eastern spirituality, the ascendence of science and intellectualism. The whole Generation Gap, rejecting their elders for their wars, racism, sexism and their anemic one-dimensional spirituality of monotheism.

But then in the late 1970s they were overcome with guilt. Most people can put that in perspective and just call it a flash of insight or the wisdom that comes with a little maturity. But the Boomers had to dramatize everything. Their lives were ruined! All because of the sex (even though few of them had any truly traumatic experiences, contraception was effective, abortions were cheap and legal and nobody had heard of AIDS yet), the drugs (which were considerably less dangerous than the alcohol their parents were guzzling), the wasted years (even though an unprecedented percentage of them had university degrees and really good jobs), the failed relationships (the failure was to recognize that the unfocused personal lives were the quite reasonable cost of the energy they'd put into important causes like ending war and racism).

So they all found Jesus. But they did it in a way that continued their lifelong tradition of rebelling against their elders: Instead of going back to the Catholic and mainline Protestant churches of their childhoods, they sought out the low-budget fundamentalist churches in the Redneck and ethnic minority neighborhoods. Ironically, rather than rejoining a faith that would have made peace with most of their postwar shenanigans and simply urged them to practice moderation as they matured, they joined congregations that exhorted them to reject their music, their sex, their drugs, their pacifism, their Eastern spirituality, and, most importantly, their science and intellectualism. Within half a decade, seemingly educated people were telling me earnestly that the Earth was 6,000 years old and that we should spend our spare time reading the bible instead of tracts on history and anthropology.

A girl who worked for me as a programmer trainee actually said that she didn't have to analyze her program dump because an angel was going to show her where the problem was.

I call it the Religious Redneck Retard Revival. These are the people who have completely foresworn their ability to reason, and who are choosing our political leaders.

And we are The World's Only Superpower. Are you scared now?