Religion is of no use to science.

What about all the Monks in western europe trying to keep a candle of knowledge alive through the dark age after the fall of Rome? Didn't they introduce the peace of christ and the... something else of christ which I have since forgotten... basically the geneva convention just after the Viking invasions had eased up...
Yeah, I don't want to say that traditional theocracies crushed creativity. Not all of them, actually. I think in many cases, they just made damn sure they were credited with whatever advancement came about, whether they deserved credit or not (usually not).

Then again, you do have places where religion oppresses people. I just don't think it's right to paint with a broad brush. Just like it's not cool to say that religion is the only way to morality, I don't want people to say that religion always oppresses.
Flat earth society christians=uncreative unscientific moronic scum of the earth...

White supremacist atheists=see above

We all have our embarrassing sects that are extra fruity, which tend to draw the most attention and cause stereotyping.
You'll note many of the "creative" people during the "Islamic" golden age tended to live in Europe, Persia or the old Byzantum Empires. Think again about the Chinese Golden Age, it occured after they were conquored and slughtered and ruled by Mongolians horsemen. Do we call it the Shaman Golden Age. No, because that's as asinine as saying Islamic Golden Age.

Arab hordes conquore a city they had no right to, do not found, did not build, did not maintain, make themselves overlords, loot the local monstaries of their treasures and Greek books and we call that "Muslim preserving Greek literature". Talk about asinine. Today we call such actions criminal.

From a SAM-post in another Islamic Golden Age debate her own Cambridge post was quoted as saying the Arabs did little to preserve Greek texts for Europeans, most texts were from the Romans. It's not called Greccoroman for nothing.

Oh, and Algebra was used 4000 years ago by the polythist Babylonians. Must be polythistic math, right SAM? Pffff Oh, but I forgot, much like Alexander the Great, they were Muslims too.

Talk about brainwashing. Can you imagine?
Yeah, I don't want to say that traditional theocracies crushed creativity. Not all of them, actually. I think in many cases, they just made damn sure they were credited with whatever advancement came about, whether they deserved credit or not (usually not).

That was certainly true of Europe up to about the 15th-16th century.
From a SAM-post in another Islamic Golden Age debate her own Cambridge post was quoted as saying the Arabs did little to preserve Greek texts for Europeans, most texts were from the Romans. It's not called Greccoroman for nothing.

Which post? Please link to it.
And which post are you talking about Sam?
I hope you are not referring to something from another thread.

Not everyone reads every thread.