Religion is evil.

dream you dont fear death, neither do I .
but would you take life, because you feel there' nothing to fear.
I certainly would'nt, but so called religious people do it everyday.
Leo Volont said:
Yes, until the Barbarians are converted they DO think Religion is some horrible imposition of 'control'. Vikings hate people telling them they can no longer rape and pillage. Modern Secularists hate people telling them they can no longer rape and pillage. And some people hate their families.

More people have been killed, raped, and pilliaged in the name of God than anyone else.

Leo Volont said:
Institutionalization of the Family of Humanity -- to encourage love and charity, and to discourage predatory behavior in the barbarians it wishes to convert.

encouraging love and charity, and discouraging "predatory behavior" (explain what you mean by that, please) can be done without getting a God involved.

I'd like to keep this as a debate of God specifically, not religion, as the latter is a very vague concept (as pointed out by several people now).

The "hate their families" comment seems out of place to me, what were you referring to? You drew a link between
the preacher said:
dream you dont fear death, neither do I .
but would you take life, because you feel there' nothing to fear.
I certainly would'nt, but so called religious people do it everyday.

You mean taking a life when I am not directly attacked and my life or that of others is threatened? No, I do not think that I would take another life.
And yes, religious people do that, but what is the relation to my lack of fear? I mean, just because I do not fear death the other person, the victim might fear death. It would be unjust.

And some people that are not religiously inspired also kill people for similar reasons. I think it is not only an issue of faith, ideals, fear and casues, it is also connected with those persons that pull the strings.
I think his point is not directed at you, having read though the post, I think it more directed at enigma's statement (Death is nothing to fear. ).
and your reply "yes, religious people do that," and "It would be unjust." are the points I would make if it was me. and yes i agree anybody can take life. but the percentage's are more to the religious side are they not.
Are you saying then that God is evil? - but if in the first instance the mechanism by which God is demonstrated to people is dysfunctional (i.e. religion) what then of the percieved concept of God? Other words, you're using an inherited assumption to validate another assumption.
Katazia said:
death... the final ugliness of permanent non existenceKat

Wow, is your brain ******** or what? Even those who believe in no God and no Religion have the good sense to see Death as 'a final rest'. "Rest in Peace" has always been the charitable prayer of the the Atheist. You would change that to "go to your final ugliness"? It seems that the Scientist among us is not cooly impartial, but just plain mean spirited.
GRO$$ said:
More people have been killed, raped, and pilliaged in the name of God than anyone else.

Actually not. Rome was overrun by Barbarians who were quite religiously neutral. Europe of the Dark Ages was continued to be overrun by barbarians who were only in it for the money. Almost the entire World was overrun by the Mongols, who were only after a secular World Conquest. Persia was entirely depopulated with no reference at all to God. If you were to look at the Depopulation of Rome do to War and Rebellion, it far exceeds any killing that you can attribute to Religion infighting. The Mongol Conquest was worst then what happened in Rome. More than 20% of the World's Population was put to the sword because the Mongols did not see where the profit was in keeping useless people alive. Nothing religious about that -- just simple barbarian economics.

Then we have the Secular Wars of the 20th Century. I should say that the Atheists have killed more people then Religion. The Secularists who brought us World War One -- 30 Million people killed there. The Secularists of WWII wrung up another 40 Billion. The Communists in Russia killed 20 Million farmers who did not want to volunteer their land for Coopts. The Chinese Communists killed 40 Million city dwellers just out of the suspicion that they would not back a Revolution brought to them by farmers. City Fold killing farmers. Farmers killing City Folk. That is not Religion. When Law and Order break down, people that traditionally have always hated each other, start to kill each other. Religion does cause that but could stop it.

Read a History book or stop intentionally lying.
Leo Volont said:
Actually not.
Actually yes.
just because none of these people followed your religion, does not mean they did not have a religion of there own does it.
there has been and gone countless different religions, though out history. killing one another for religions sake, millions and millions have been killed.
as you well know Leo, or was the spanish inquisition just fun and games.
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Leo Volont said:
Wow, is your brain ******** or what? Even those who believe in no God and no Religion have the good sense to see Death as 'a final rest'. "Rest in Peace" has always been the charitable prayer of the the Atheist. You would change that to "go to your final ugliness"? It seems that the Scientist among us is not cooly impartial, but just plain mean spirited.
i'm an atheist, and I feel that when I die, I will become nothing,(this is why life is so sacred to an atheist) like milions and millions of other atheist, I will not be resting, and it wont be in peace, I just be a lump of rotting flesh.
and how could you possiblly know, how an atheist thinks, if you dont think clearly to start with.
Leo Volont said:
Then we have the Secular Wars of the 20th Century. I should say that the Atheists have killed more people then Religion. The Secularists who brought us World War One -- 30 Million people killed there. The Secularists of WWII wrung up another 40 Billion. The Communists in Russia killed 20 Million farmers who did not want to volunteer their land for Coopts.

A few things:
- Communism is a religion, for all extents and purposes.
- WWI was started by secularists? Huh? Since when is early 20th century Europe secular?
- You're also overlooking the colonization of the New World, the endless wars between Catholic and Protestant states in Europe, and the fact that the most bitterly divided regions of the world - Northern Ireland, the Middle East, and Kashmir - all suffer from an abundance of religious faith.
what is sad.
This thread.

Oh yeah:

What God does add to a religion is the tendency for the risk of radical zealots that misunderstand the love of their God as the fear and hate of all dissenters. Belief in God too easily leads to chauvinistic and violent ideas. God is antiquated and there is absolutely no need to worship him.
Nietszhche would have it thus! Burn the pews, the Jew and the sepulchre!!
The Eucharist and the pope!
Death to religion! Fight the powers, the nwo's, like whatever!
All in all you're just a brick in the wall!


Rebellious, ignorant crows all of yous.
fahrenheit 451 took the words out of my mouth, thanks.
pavlosmarcos is also correct when he says that he 'will not be resting, and it wont be in peace, ... just a lump of rotting flesh'.

from my bible:

"Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death;
Let feeble souls, from fear or absurd egoism, cherish such thoughts."