Religion is all psychological (Jesus Exists)

You really don't think do you? Imagine this. You are child who grows up with christians who believe in the religion with all their heart. Day after day you are taught this religion and taught to respect god. You yourself are very intelligent but if something like this is presented to you constantly then you will begint to believe it. For instance, Lets say that you went into the future. Now you believe whole heartedly that the world is round. Once in the future you find out that the majority believes the world is flat because of recent studies prove this to be so. Yet, you growing up believing that the world is round would make you contradict these ideas and believe in your belief of a circular planet. This applies to religious people as well. Their religion does not mean that they are stupid.

You really don't think do you?
Apparently more than you yet realize.

Imagine this. You are child who grows up with christians who believe in the religion with all their heart. Day after day you are taught this religion and taught to respect god. You yourself are very intelligent but if something like this is presented to you constantly then you will begin to believe it.
This is otherwise known as indoctrination, conditioning, brainwashing, and propaganda. Without any other frame of reference or source of information and knowledge then such tactics can sway some otherwise seemingly intelligent people. But true higher intelligence comes with certain inherent abilities that can resist and reject such indoctrination. Those with higher IQs tend to have more refined abilities in such areas as logic and critical thinking. All religious teachings are inherently illogical (there are no facts) and someone who is more naturally logical can penetrate the nonsense and reject it independently of other frames of reference. Those with lower IQs will unfortunately succumb to the brainwashing. While the term ‘stupidity’ is emotive it does in this case reflect those with lower IQs, hence, the greater your level of stupidity then the more likely you are to be religious.

For instance, Lets say that you went into the future. Now you believe whole heartedly that the world is round.
If you are intelligent then you will seek a rational basis for the belief, i.e. evidence. If you have little ability to think clearly then you will tend to accept what you are told whether true or not.

Once in the future you find out that the majority believes the world is flat because of recent studies prove this to be so.
I suspect you were trying to develop an analogy here but this doesn’t work or make sense.

Yet, you growing up believing that the world is round would make you contradict these ideas and believe in your belief of a circular planet. This applies to religious people as well.
Those with higher IQs and better education tend to explore and seek deeper understanding of the issues and they tend not to accept what other people say so readily as the less intelligent among us.

Their religion does not mean that they are stupid.
No but those with lower IQs tends to be more vulnerable and susceptible to the irrational teachings of religion – they are literally unable to discern for themselves whether religion makes sense or not. Those with a heightened ability to think more clearly can see through religious brainwashing and tend not to be religious.

It isn’t religion that makes people stupid; it is stupid people who support religion.

Hope that is clearer for you.

It is, especially since you are explaining yourself rather than making small unclear answers. While stupidity does play a role in the reasons why believers follow such illogical references, gullibility also plays a part. I have to keep stressing the fact that not all religious believers are stupid, or even have a low IQ because i know this is wrong. People are gullible by nature, in one way or another you can fool someone into believing what you want them to believe no matter what. This is how religion gets their followers. Rather than showing them the truth about the world, they make stories and fairy tells to give them what they want to believe. As much as you would want to reject it or argue about it, you would want there to be a god as well. You would want to know that you are being watched over and cared for by some all powerful being and that you are safe at all times. This is what religion gives to its believers. While you may be smart enough to reject these ideas, that doesn't necessarily mean that the religious followers are the same way.

They want to believe that religion is for real. And unless you can prove to them that denying religion is better then there is no way that they are going to give up their beliefs.
Votorx -

I'll give you that gullibility is perhaps different from stupidity although I would maintain that the more intelligent are less likely to be susceptible to gullibility.

Your other issue really revolves around emotions of which religions tends to be heavily dependent for their appeal. For many people emotions play a mjor role while for others it is less so. It is diffcilut to seperate intellectual intelligence from the influence of heavy emotions.

The result for some is a confusing mess and I guess religion takes advanatge of that. I am afraid I tend to be the cold, ruthless, and unemotional type - which perhaps makes it difficult for me to find any aspect of religion acceptable.
