"Religion" in a science forum

tiassa said:
We don't advertise them. But they can be found quite easily through a Google search ("sciforums").

I started that one about the genii so I'm very hurt. I suppose those morons never created a thread out of boredom before. As for the NASA page, well, we must have REALLY pissed him off. I call that devotion.
Sarkus said:
I have often wondered - why have a "Religion" forum in a science forum?
Now I do enjoy these threads, and have genuine interest in quite a bit of what is said, either the historical stuff or just working out why people believe certain things.

But there is no scientific evidence for God - I think everyone is in agreement on that, nor for any of the spiritual religions.
It is all a matter of faith.

So why have "Religion" as a thread?

Is it for religious people to swap ideas of their religions?
- If so, should it not be a non-atheist-only forum?

Is it for the atheists among us to try to explain why we don't (simple: - no evidence), and for the religious to explain why they do (simple: - faith)?
- If so, isn't "it's a matter of faith vs evidence" be enough? Afterall, this is what it all boils down to.

Ultimately, is there any point in debating the atheist-v-religion debate, when both sides acknowledge that it is purely a matter of faith?

Just curious.
I'm sure it's been asked before - but can't find it if it has.
A little bit refreshing post. I am here in Religion forum not to destroy the discoveries of the scientists and not to convert too scientists in believing a god/God/gods/Gods inasmuch as these scientists care only for visible proofs. So how come they attain a proof of the Invisibles?
The plain conclusion is that NOTHING can be proven, the grand wisdom of the of the 19 Th
century has demonstrated that very clearly- Science does not prove any thing but just interprets
sensory perceptions about the "world" out side of the brain.

Every thing that one believes or thinks is true about the world is based on subjective
understandings of the world and unconfirmed assumptions.

Atheists area a funny bunch ignoring the big questions as if they are answered.

Were did the universe come from
Were did life come from
Were does conscience come from
And how do we know that there are answers that are TRUE. They just push the problem farther
back -thinking that this “solves” the problem.

They says "this might have happened or that could have happened"- this is just blind faith. Faith
in interpretations of the world mixed with guess work with a large case a-priori rejection of
anything that messes with the desired outcome of rejecting any thing that could be tainted with

They then say that Atheism is not a religion - HAAAAA that’s funny.
"But there is no scientific evidence for God - I think everyone is in agreement on that"

Sarkus your clearly mistaken there is plenty of evidence for God, and many people are satisfied
with it. You might contend that the evidence does not convince you. Then you would not be
incorrect about your statement above but as its stated - you are under delusions about what others
Paul299 said:
Atheists are a funny bunch ignoring the big questions as if they are answered.

Were did the universe come from
Were did life come from
Were does conscience come from
And how do we know that there are answers that are TRUE. They just push the problem farther back -thinking that this “solves” the problem.
You don't really seem to have a clue about what atheism is and/or what science is.

Atheism is merely a lack of belief in God.
We choose not to BELIEVE there is a God - as no evidence has yet been given to support his existence.

Science on the other hand DOES SEEK ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS YOU RAISED. What Science does NOT do is say "God did it" and leave it at that - that doesn't actually say ANYTHING about the question being asked.

There might well be something beyond our Universe.
We might well have been seeded by a giant turtle outside our Universe.
We don't know yet. We don't have the answers.
But we're not going to BELIEVE anything that has no evidence, and we're not going to be satisfied by an unsubstantiated claim that "God did it!".

Paul299 said:
They says "this might have happened or that could have happened"- this is just blind faith.
No, these are obviously theories.
There is no belief that they are the absolute truth. But if a theory fits the known EVIDENCE, and can be used as a model to make predictions, then it is accepted as an approximation of the truth. This is part of science.

Even were the concept of God postulated as a theory - it has no predictive ability about it. It is a useless theory.

Paul299 said:
Faith in interpretations of the world mixed with guess work with a large case a-priori rejection of anything that messes with the desired outcome of rejecting any thing that could be tainted with GOD.

They then say that Atheism is not a religion - HAAAAA that’s funny.
:bugeye: :rolleyes:
You just don't have a clue, do you?

Please provide valid evidence that God exists.
Then I, and I'm sure all the other atheists, will happily accept that he does.
Paul299 said:
"But there is no scientific evidence for God - I think everyone is in agreement on that"

Sarkus your clearly mistaken there is plenty of evidence for God, and many people are satisfied with it.

That is what I and all other non-believers have been waiting for!

Nothing ever posted has been valid to date.

But please be the first to prove us all wrong.
"But please be the first to prove us all wrong."
You still fail to understand - you can not prove any thing- especially to some one who does not
want to except what you are trying to prove, no matter what evidence you give them.

God could come and talk to you face to face and you would still find a way to reject it.

Lots of evidence- the proof is yours to decide.

When you say prove us all wrong - Its all ready been decided on your part.

You prove to me that I am wrong!
The best "proof" is to go to God and give yourself to HIM, only by jumping the line so to speak-
by faith will you know that God is real.-

Why do people believe in God?

Two reasons-they ether make a mental consent that God is real. It’s a general belief they have.

Or they have found/experienced something that is a reality in there lives. God is alive and
interacts with His Children.

Only the second one has any real weight.

How Do I know that God is Real- because I have encountered GOD, even after being raised in a
ant religious/anti-God home.

I can also justify my beliefs to my self from evidence of the world- but that does not cause my

If you are honest with your self - you too can find GOD - by being willing... don't look for
"proof" but look for GOD. Seek GOD and He will be found by you. Its an act of the will.
Paul299 said:
"But please be the first to prove us all wrong."
You still fail to understand - you can not prove any thing- especially to some one who does not want to accept what you are trying to prove, no matter what evidence you give them.

You prove to me that I am wrong!
Again you show your lack of understanding of what atheism is, and science.

You are the one that claims God exists.
The burden is of proof is on the one who makes the claim, not on the rest of us to disprove it.

Most Atheists I know do not make the claim that God does not exist.
We merely do not BELIEVE that he does exist - which is different to believing that he does not exist.
You prove to me that I am wrong!

If you come to me dragging a rope with a noose behind you, claiming you've just captured a unicorn, can I prove to you that you're wrong because the rope is simply dragging on the ground?

No, because you'll claim the unicorn is dead and you're dragging it behind you.
(Q) said:
You prove to me that I am wrong!

If you come to me dragging a rope with a noose behind you, claiming you've just captured a unicorn, can I prove to you that you're wrong because the rope is simply dragging on the ground?

No, because you'll claim the unicorn is dead and you're dragging it behind you.
M*W: If he comes to me dragging a rope with a noose in it, claiming he'd just captured a unicorn, could I prove to him that he is wrong because the rope is simply dragging on the ground?

Yes, because he will feel the unicorn (a bull horn will work just fine, but in Texas we have Longhorns, so that's what I'd use) being shoved up his ass sideways and strung up to a Live Oak tree. That's the law around here.