Religion gives to man discipline

I know who he is.

It seems to me you took exception to his comment in post #3 for some unknown reason, and things have spiralled from there.

Hence my query: what exactly is your problem here?

Yeah, he's the guy you permabanned as three or four different personalities yet let him troll the forums as a fifth.

Anyway, I didn't take exception to anything he said until post #14. What isn't clear about this? And why are we having this conversation on the thread and not via PM?
I should have known better than to set foot in the 'Religious' subfora again. JDawg, I made clear concise points in post 3, 5,7,10,12 and by 14 I was sick of 'discussing' something which was not reciprocated with any real effort. I may have mixed a bit of humor along with it but nothing of offense, so I'm not sure why you've become upset when I refused to continue on.
I should have known better than to set foot in the 'Religious' subfora again. JDawg, I made clear concise points in post 3, 5,7,10,12 and by 14 I was sick of 'discussing' something which was not reciprocated with any real effort. I may have mixed a bit of humor along with it but nothing of offense, so I'm not sure why you've become upset when I refused to continue on.

No, you didn't, and when you were refuted, you resorted to the same tactics that got you banned as Mr. Chips, CheskiChips, and the various other puppets you've created since.

I made the mistake of taking you seriously. It won't happen again.
Not necessarily. Many texts depict holy conquerors murdering, pillaging, and raping their way through the land. I'd hardly call that self-control.

What ever you intent to make out of it to be a leader you need discipline, meaning you have to have your people under your control.

Self control means my emotion don't overcome my rational.

Next If primitive man was not organized he would not be able to dorm large community.

So please don't mix up our present mentality separate from earlier man.
Religion have brought discipline to man and teaches man self control

But even if it was true, religion was developed by human beings. Therefore discipline and self control are qualities that man was already capable of. :shrug:
It takes practice to learn how to abstain from behaviour. That practice is an exercise, it's a mental exercise no different than mind-games or logic puzzles. Most religion's encourage some form ranging from looser modern Lutheranism to stricter Buddhism. Religions put forth a philosophy, in fact, for some Eastern religions such as Taoism that's their entire scope.

Have you ever lived among people who are not educated ?

Again you are out of touch with uneducated people , yet they are human