Religion gives to man discipline

Not necessarily. Many texts depict holy conquerors murdering, pillaging, and raping their way through the land. I'd hardly call that self-control.
It sounds like we're underestimating the amount of discipline required to go thousands of miles just to rape and pillage.

Although, I'd agree with arauca. Different philosophies have provided specific mental exercise which could have historically benefited our culture. The very concept of abstaining from a behaviour is unnatural, though necessary for our society to have enough for all.
It sounds like we're underestimating the amount of discipline required to go thousands of miles just to rape and pillage.

Who says they had to go thousands of miles? And if they did, who says they didn't rape and pillage all the way there?

Although, I'd agree with arauca. Different philosophies have provided specific mental exercise which could have historically benefited our culture. The very concept of abstaining from a behaviour is unnatural, though necessary for our society to have enough for all.

Well, he didn't say "philosophy," he said "religion." There are philosophies entirely outside the sphere of religious belief, and his comment excludes those, so you might want to reconsider your answer. Or not.

And if not, then what beneficial "mental exercises" has religion given to mankind? And while you're at it, what the hell do you mean by "mental exercise?"
It takes practice to learn how to abstain from behaviour. That practice is an exercise, it's a mental exercise no different than mind-games or logic puzzles. Most religion's encourage some form ranging from looser modern Lutheranism to stricter Buddhism. Religions put forth a philosophy, in fact, for some Eastern religions such as Taoism that's their entire scope.
It takes practice to learn how to abstain from behaviour. That practice is an exercise, it's a mental exercise no different than mind-games or logic puzzles. Most religion's encourage some form ranging from looser modern Lutheranism to stricter Buddhism. Religions put forth a philosophy, in fact, for some Eastern religions such as Taoism that's their entire scope.

I disagree that abstinence from certain behavior is anything at all like a logic puzzle. That's simply not true. But that aside, what behaviors did religion teach man to abstain from that was beneficial to us? Don't duck the question.
I disagree that abstinence from certain behavior is anything at all like a logic puzzle. That's simply not true.
Oh, that's a great point, I never thought of using that proof.

But that aside, what behaviors did religion teach man to abstain from that was beneficial to us? Don't duck the question.


How about Taoist Wu Wei, or Jesus' golden rule? The latter probably existed before Christianity, though the majority who know of it today learned it through their religious teaching.
Oh, that's a great point, I never thought of using that proof.

You didn't use any proof. You simply said it was, without qualification. That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. But even without my favorite Hitchensian maxim, I see no correlation between abstinence and logic puzzle, or brain teasers. The former is the prohibition of an action, typically under the threat of punishment--be it here or the hereafter--while the latter is an exercise meant to strengthen the mind. What am I missing here?

How about Taoist Wu Wei, or Jesus' golden rule? The latter probably existed before Christianity, though the majority who know of it today learned it through their religious teaching.

I admit that I am not up on my Taoism, so I will only speak of the Golden Rule: There is no "probably" about it; some form of it has appeared in every society dating back to the first, and has appeared independently in all of them. That it does appear without the need for migration proves that it's a moral standard inherent to society. We don't need to be told; it is innate.
This thread confuses religion with the normal mode of civilization, to establish order. Perfect example: the Code of Hammurabi, having no pretext of religion, just purely a civil law. Yet this was the basis for the 10 commandments, and the 10 commandments are typical of the religious rules that are the basis for this thread.
You didn't use any proof. You simply said it was, without qualification. That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. But even without my favorite Hitchensian maxim, I see no correlation between abstinence and logic puzzle, or brain teasers. The former is the prohibition of an action, typically under the threat of punishment--be it here or the hereafter--while the latter is an exercise meant to strengthen the mind. What am I missing here?
Mental discipline.

I admit that I am not up on my Taoism, so I will only speak of the Golden Rule: There is no "probably" about it; some form of it has appeared in every society dating back to the first, and has appeared independently in all of them. That it does appear without the need for migration proves that it's a moral standard inherent to society. We don't need to be told; it is innate.
Beginning in what year of human evolution?
Religion have brought discipline to man and teaches man self control

Can we have the discipline and self control (if you like those things) without the religion? Does the religion have to be a theist one? Do you call all systems of discipline and self control a religion?
This thread confuses religion with the normal mode of civilization, to establish order. Perfect example: the Code of Hammurabi, having no pretext of religion, just purely a civil law. Yet this was the basis for the 10 commandments, and the 10 commandments are typical of the religious rules that are the basis for this thread.

Why? Because yours and common knowledge extends to the 10 commandments? Perhaps there are more interesting ventures within the framework worth exploring which are not so...trite. Perhaps some of those ventures require real consideration which shouldn't be so easily dismissed. Sometimes there are multiple questions to an answer, and its the question which is right.
It does not take mental discipline to abstain out of fear of punishment.
Swing and a miss! Three strikes and you're out buddy, better luck next thread. If you don't understand why, review the series and see how you've been bested by the dolt.
Hey, before you go off in a "Report" pushing in frenzy, sleep on it Come back, re-read the sequence (with the monicker's removed if possible) and see who is "trolling".
Hey, before you go off in a "Report" pushing in frenzy, sleep on it Come back, re-read the sequence (with the monicker's removed if possible) and see who is "trolling".

It's you. Look at the bullshit you've posted here. You're a troll, that's what you do. That's what you did when you were...I'm guessing CheskiChips?

What exactly is your problem here?


Swing and a miss! Three strikes and you're out buddy, better luck next thread. If you don't understand why, review the series and see how you've been bested by the dolt.

A review of our previous exchanges would explain why I have so little patience for him.

Also, he's a sock puppet. I PM'd Tiassa about it. I can send you a copy, if you like?
I know who he is.

It seems to me you took exception to his comment in post #3 for some unknown reason, and things have spiralled from there.

Hence my query: what exactly is your problem here?