religion does NOT poison society

If in moderation and not taken too seriously I think most religions are probably pretty harmless.


Greek and Roman mythology are fascinating as are the Iliad and Brothers Grimm, in moderation and not taken too seriously, harmless.

Why not the Abrahamic myths be taken with an equally sized dose of salt?
(Q) said:

Why not the Abrahamic myths be taken with an equally sized dose of salt?

I would think the answer obvious: numbers. There are lots and lots of Abramists who feel "oppressed" because people don't recognize their religion as Truth. The last thing they want to cope with is the idea that what will make their faith functional in the world is a massive pillar of salt.

• • •​

Michael said:

owned mistyped

Ah. Thank you. I see.

That's pretty stupid. Is it an alpha geek thing?
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