Religion = Divided Humanity

saw this eye opening docu. someweeks ago. told of beginnings of monotheism......the monument to teir maiiin maaaan of montheistic religions, Abraham. and inside they have to have armed guards to divide and protect the religion's s followers, Muslims, aews and Cristians, under the'prophet's roof!

organized religion divided for sure
There have been science reports on the green glassfound in the sands of India, that could only be made in a nukes five million degree heat or the 5000 year old Indian book that talks of fighter planes droping nuclear bombs, also giving scematics for hundreds of different type flying machines...

A) No, there are no 'scientific' reports concerning the glass claiming it was done by nukes, (or aliens). Those claims are made by pseudoscientists and idiots - such as childress and von daniken.

B) You are omitting the facts in this case - namely that the glass has been dated as being around 28 million years old. As a consequence of that we can instantly rule out that people had anything to do with it.

I suppose it is worth considering that it was caused by a "naturally appearing nuclear bomb", a bomb not designed by man, but something that exists regardless to man's existence and can cause serious devastation.

So, the question is: where will we find a naturally occuring nuclear bomb? I suppose it is also worth asking whether it has to be nuclear to form glass from sand. The answer to the latter question is "no". So now we're just looking for some kind of devastating, fast travelling thing that comes out of the sky and hits the ground. Hmm.. let me think.

I suppose it is worth delving further into the evidence to see if that helps - because I cannot think of any fast moving, crash landing object that is naturally occuring. Ok so, this 'glass' has high contents of iridium. Now, iridium has low concentrations on earth but is prevalent, (funnily enough), in an object that tends to fall out of the sky and crash land on planets - causing mass devastation and turning sand into glass.

Just incase you have no idea what I'm talking about: meteorites. Big ass, damn fast moving rocks that crash land and can more than easily turn sand into glass.

Our only remaining question now is: where is the impact crater? (in either case we would expect one), but then we must take into account that this is in a desert - with frequent sand storms/sand shifts etc. Of course we must also take into account 'soft impacts', (such as Tunguska), where no crater was formed, but the damage was done. Ok, there have been several ideas as to the cause of Tunguska, (yes, even nuclear bombs), but science is focused on the idea that it was a 'soft impact' meteorite, (or perhaps mini black hole). There are no aliens or invisible nuclear bombs as far as science is concerned - regardless to what some 2000 year old text written by wandering shepherds says.

Sure, you can buy the word of the uneducated - the simpletons that thrive on conspiracy theory, on spasticated beliefs that are not supported in any way whatsoever. I would simply ask that you one day take 5 minutes out to be realistic.

or the 2000 year old Inca golden model of a jet fighter, that when scaled up and was made out of wood actualy flies.......

Please provide a source for this, and please tell me why - if these Incas that happened to live in the middle of a jungle had the ability, did not make these jet fighters out of wood.

The scriptures say:"As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man"
This tells me they were just like us then....

'Just like us' as in: 2 feet, 2 arms, 2 ears and a head or 'just like us' as in: having Apple Ipods and crazy deluded religious fools?

Also a man who lived 40 years ago that had thousands of visions that all came true, vidicating him as scriptural major prophet..said "Some fanatic got a hold of the bomb in the days of Noah, and blew it...thats what caused the flood.

A) Source material concerning this person

B) Since when did nuclear bombs cause rain, (and serious 40 day rain that covered even the highest mountain)?

It was powerfull enough to throw the earth off it's then perfect axis to the sun.

Do tell, what is the 'perfect axis'?

Further to which, if this man made bomb was powerful enough to throw the earth of it's axis, then there would certainly be more remaining evidence than a tiny patch of desert glass.

There was enough water vapor floating up there in the air to cover the mountain tops when she tilted and cooled.

So.. given that it had never rained and all this 'water vapour' had been stuck "up there" for a few millennia.. how did anything grow or survive?

The bible says untill that time there had never been a cloud in the sky, or rain fall upon the earth

Please cite passage.
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1) Do tell, what is the 'perfect axis'?

2) The bible says untill that time there had never been a cloud in the sky, or rain fall upon the earth ” Please cite passage


1) The earth is considered to be tilted at 23 1\3 degrees from being on an axis spinning with it standing staight up with the sun...
This is what causes the seasons, for example at winter solstilice (dec.21) when the sun is closest to the earth it's winter, because the earths tilt to the sun is so great then. Also a perfect circle is 360%, the orbit of earth now takes 365 1\4...So what happened ..?
The original calenders had 12 months of 30 days each- 360 days

2) GENESIS 2:5-6 :And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and [there was] not a man to till the ground.
But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
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1) The earth is considered to be tilted at 23 1\3 degrees from being on an axis spinning with it standing staight up with the sun...
This is what causes the seasons

This is not an answer to what I asked. You said that the earth was thrown off of it's perfect axis, (so it is now at 23 1/3 degrees). My question was: what was it's perfect axis.

2) GENESIS 2:5-6

A) Gen 2:5 says nothing concerning clouds, (but you claimed it did).

B) While there was no rain at this time, there was also no plants, no animals, no people - pretty much nothing. It does not go on to mention that it only started to rain when the earth lost it's "perfect axis", but only brings up the rain issue before god has created anything living. I see no valid reason to assume that it didn't ever rain until Noah's time.

From a realistic perspective, it would seem that the writers mentioned all this because of the area they lived - an area where it rained very little, and plants grew generally because of 'feeding' from local river sources as opposed to from the sky.
I answered the questions, but you slithered around amitting defeat again,... lord snake.
Get off the smack.

The only queston I asked is a piece of piss, (even for you).

You mentioned the "Perfect axis". I am asking you what that perfect axis is - (what tilt etc).

A very simple question that has not been answered.

If you don't want to answer it, just say so - but kindly don't try and run away by pointing blame at me. It's pathetic and childish.