Religion = Divided Humanity


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
Religion is no more than a tool of the power mongers. The Jews know they are right!! The Muslims, they know they are right too!!! And BY GOD ALL the Christians know they are right too!

RELIGION DIVIDES THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD INTO KILLING EACHOTHER. Take the Middle East and Israel for example, enough said, point made.

NOTE: This does not mean there is no god, it means he doesn't care for organized religion!!!
If peoples start to create ther own gods, there will always be conflicts against each other. So it doesn't make any difference.

My god is better then your god... so i would say both Gods & Religions = Divided Humanity.
Simple thing to do would cause a catastrophe that unites all mankind for sake of species. This would, obviously mean either no government sponsorship of any religion, or government sponsorship of all religions, in addition to something crazy like Hacker from the nuke storyline or an alien invasion or something else fucky like that.
Other than that, religion shall be the downfall of our species.
An asteroid is going to hit the earth and with the help of science we will unify to build that technology to not let the asteroid hit the earth.
I don't think an asteroid aimed at earth will be enough to unite mankind. I think that one country (say the U.S.A. or Japan) could stop it. I think it will take something akin to an invasion by aggressive aliens, and by then it will be too late. We are doomed. Doomed I tell you.
Mythbuster said:
Well... some thing like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ?

Yeah, it would be hilarious if we got "paved over" for an interstellar freeway or something. Just the thought of it cracks me up. :D
If the threat is averted, sure. :) How are we gonna stop someone who thinks our solar system would be better with a freeway through it and maybe a fast food joint out around Mars somewhere?
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Hmm... well I'll get my towel ready then, stick out my thumb and hitch a ride to the restaurant at the end of the universe! I'll be happy and humanity will be dead... no more religion, no more strife!
An asteroid is going to hit the earth and with the help of science we will unify to build that technology to not let the asteroid hit the earth

And while scientists do their utmost to stop it happening, the religious masses will just sit down and talk to the clouds. When the scientists finally prevail, the religious masses will all say; "thanks god" - and forget all the actual work that was done by the people that actually prevented the disaster.

Like Twain said:

'Just so with diseases. If science exterminates a disease which has been working for God, it is God that gets the credit, and all the pulpits break into grateful advertising-raptures and call attention to how good he is! Yes, he has done it. Perhaps he has waited a thousand years before doing it. That is nothing; the pulpit says he was thinking about it all the time. When exasperated men rise up and sweep away an age-long tyranny and set a nation free, the first thing the delighted pulpit does is to advertise it as God's work, and invite the people to get down on their knees and pour out their thanks to him for it. And the pulpit says with admiring emotion, "Let tyrants understand that the Eye that never sleeps is upon them; and let them remember that the Lord our God will not always be patient, but will loose the whirlwinds of his wrath upon them in his appointed day."

They forget to mention that he is the slowest mover in the universe; that his Eye that never sleeps, might as well, since it takes it a century to see what any other eye would see in a week; that in all history there is not an instance where he thought of a noble deed first, but always thought of it just a little after somebody else had thought of it and done it. He arrives then, and annexes the dividend.'
Never realized Twain was such a bitter man...........of course Twain wasn't even his real name.
Do you realize your quoting a fictional character.....

God is slow to respond for a purpose, He is long-suffering towards man - willing to give him ample space to repent.
All men in pulpits don't represent Him, but if your truly being drawn to God for the truth, He can lead you to the ones that are.
He has given gifts to men, a five- fold ministry from God.
Prophets, Apostles, Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers.
There are men on earth with these Gifts to hear from God....., But you won't find God in any organized religions, Jesus had nothing but scathing rebuke for them and their leaders, who lead men astray in the name of God.

I beleive God uses doctors and scientists..... He used them to destroy the world once before.
Did you know it was a big nuke that threw the world off it's axis to the sun, congealing all the vapors in the air from a world that was perfectly balanced like a terarium, and caused the rain to fall for 40 days.
They found green glass in the sands of India, only a nuclear blast they say could turn the sands to that kind of glass......also the "Veda" says there was a war once with flying machines and a bomb with "the power of the sun" that destroyed the armies on both sides.
God has always used man to bring about His will, that's what we were created for - To be made in his image, and reflect that image.
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If there is a god, he is a douche-bag, and I don't want to know him. I'm pissed to say that I wasted 20-30 years of my life on his spiteful, arrogant little ass. I'm with SnakeLord on this one. god is a dumb-ass.
TheVisitor said:
Never realized Twain was such a bitter man...........of course Twain wasn't even his real name.
Do you realize your quoting a fictional character.....

God is slow to respond for a purpose, He is long-suffering towards man - willing to give him ample space to repent.
All men in pulpits don't represent Him, but if your truly being drawn to God for the truth, He can lead you to the ones that are.
He has given gifts to men, a five- fold ministry from God.
Prophets, Apostles, Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers.
There are men on earth with these Gifts to hear from God....., But you won't find God in any organized religions, Jesus had nothing but scathing rebuke for them and their leaders, who lead men astray in the name of God.

I beleive God uses doctors and scientists..... He used them to destroy the world once before.
Did you know it was a big nuke that threw the world off it's axis to the sun, congealing all the vapors in the air from a world that was perfectly balanced like a terarium, and caused the rain to fall for 40 days.
They found green glass in the sands of India, only a nuclear blast they say could turn the sands to that kind of glass......also the "Veda" says there was a war once with flying machines and a bomb with "the power of the sun" that destroyed the armies on both sides.
God has always used man to bring about His will, that's what we were created for - To be made in his image, and reflect that image.

M*W: Mark Twain was not a fictional character. Mark Twain is a pseudonym. Samuel Clemens was the man's name. It's not uncommon for writers to have pseudonyms. What the fuck is "TheVisitor," if not a pseudonym. Grow up you silly bastard.
of course Twain wasn't even his real name.
Do you realize your quoting a fictional character.....

Although MW, (rudely :D ), beat me to it, would you say I am now quoting a fictional character? (unless your name really is visitor)? I really fail to see what you're trying to say.

God is slow to respond for a purpose, He is long-suffering towards man - willing to give him ample space to repent.

I thought mini-god suiciding himself meant everyone was forgiven?

I beleive God uses doctors and scientists....

Thus negating their free will.. right?

Did you know it was a big nuke that threw the world off it's axis to the sun, congealing all the vapors in the air from a world that was perfectly balanced like a terarium, and caused the rain to fall for 40 days.

Well, there's something for new scientist magazine. *end sarcasm*

They found green glass in the sands of India, only a nuclear blast they say could turn the sands to that kind of glass

Who is "they"?

also the "Veda" says there was a war once with flying machines and a bomb with "the power of the sun" that destroyed the armies on both sides.

The mahabharata, yeah. Same text also says a lot about people trading heads with elephants.

God has always used man to bring about His will

Thus negating man's free will. A sorry state of affairs.
SnakeLord said:
The mahabharata, yeah. Same text also says a lot about people trading heads with elephants.

This is kind of off-topic but why is it difficult for you to believe that anybody could have come up with flying machines before the Wright brothers?
This is kind of off-topic but why is it difficult for you to believe that anybody could have come up with flying machines before the Wright brothers?

I don't personally see where I stated or implied such a thing. However, is there any evidential reason to actually assume that the stories told by ancient people are factual? My example shows that not only did they make mention of flying things, but that a kid who had his head chopped off had it replaced with an elephants head and was walking around as if nothing happened.

So where do we draw the line? One sentence might sound like it has some basis in reality, but given all the clear and utter nonsense, why should that be taken as a literal truth?

It's worth looking at the human mind. Is the human mind, (even an ancient one), incapable of imagining flying machines? If they had horse drawn carts for example, and had seen birds flying through the air, what is to stop their imaginations from conjuring up images of flying people, or people on flying carts - or, to look at the arab world - people on flying carpets?

You don't need to work for aerospace to imagine things having the ability to fly, and those flying things don't need to exist for you to write about them.

Time machines don't exist, and yet Jules Verne did a nice enough job writing about them.

Terminators don't exist, and yet Cameron did a good enough job of creating a visual story.

What we need to establish is why anyone would instantly take these old stories as factual. Find me a jumbo jet that dates back to 1 AD and we can proceed.

I guess some people here have a really low opinion of the human ability to daydream and imagine. They mentioned flying machines so they must have existed! There's no possible way whatsoever that these people could have made it up.

So where do we draw the line?
There have been science reports on the green glassfound in the sands of India, that could only be made in a nukes five million degree heat or the 5000 year old Indian book that talks of fighter planes droping nuclear bombs, also giving scematics for hundreds of different type flying machines...or the 2000 year old Inca golden model of a jet fighter, that when scaled up and was made out of wood actualy flies.......
All these mearly back up what I already knew.
The scriptures say:"As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man"
This tells me they were just like us then....
Also a man who lived 40 years ago that had thousands of visions that all came true, vidicating him as scriptural major prophet..said "Some fanatic got a hold of the bomb in the days of Noah, and blew it...thats what caused the flood.
It was powerfull enough to throw the earth off it's then perfect axis to the sun.
There was enough water vapor floating up there in the air to cover the mountain tops when she tilted and cooled.
The bible says untill that time there had never been a cloud in the sky, or rain fall upon the earth....the earth was in such perfect balance the ground was watered from the dew that condensated from the air in the cool of the night.
The same "spirits" that gave them of Noah's day, the secret to the power of the stars...
Wispered it into the ears of Nazi scientists today....
God don't take the spirit ...just the man.
You see now how that works?
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Sounds like alot of propaganda for people with weak minds Visitor. It is EVIDENCE which we use as PROOF, not written word.
PS Thanks for ruining the thread with your bullshit Visitor!!