Religion and Human Rights

Is voting a human right or not?

Parmalee thinks voting is a religion brought about by atheists.

I suppose some people think if it wasn't for voting and human rights Rwanda wouldn't have happend. Who's fault is Rwanda, Parmalee? Could it be God?
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i'm not even sure what the hell that means, but carry on with making my point!

You said - "the religion subforum: it is the place where all of the "atheists" get to reveal how truly religious they are"

Religion is the killing machine and doesn't allow voting, did I make your point?

Now play dumb and pretent you don't understand your posts.

Is voting a human right or not?
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You said - "the religion subforum: it is the place where all of the "atheists" get to reveal how truly religious they are"


Religion is the killing machine and doesn't allow voting, did I make your point?

no, and frankly that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. (edit: on second thought, you did make my point--but it is not so clear here. one must extrapolate.)

Now play dumb and pretent you don't understand your posts.

i understand my posts perfectly. as to whether others do, you can solicit opinions on that matter as i'm certainly not going to bother--but you clearly do not.

Is voting a human right or not?

God didn't invent voting.

had i the patience ... well, i don't.

i suggest you review the bottom of page 16 and the entirety of page 17--again and again, until you understand the point that is being made; because, frankly i am not going to highlight, copy and paste a bunch of excerpted posts to make a point which has already clearly been made.
you---no, and frankly that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. (edit: on second thought, you did make my point--but it is not so clear here. one must extrapolate.)

me---make your own point, I don't plan to.

you---i understand my posts perfectly. as to whether others do, you can solicit opinions on that matter as i'm certainly not going to bother--but you clearly do not.

had i the patience ... well, i don't.

i suggest you review the bottom of page 16 and the entirety of page 17--again and again, until you understand the point that is being made; because, frankly i am not going to highlight, copy and paste a bunch of excerpted posts to make a point which has already clearly been made[/i

me--Is voting a human right or not? You stepped in and made comments on your own. You can't get your head out of your religious ass long enough to understand anything. Religion is ignorance chow down.
you---no, and frankly that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. (edit: on second thought, you did make my point--but it is not so clear here. one must extrapolate.)

me---make your own point, I don't plan to.

you---i understand my posts perfectly. as to whether others do, you can solicit opinions on that matter as i'm certainly not going to bother--but you clearly do not.

had i the patience ... well, i don't.

i suggest you review the bottom of page 16 and the entirety of page 17--again and again, until you understand the point that is being made; because, frankly i am not going to highlight, copy and paste a bunch of excerpted posts to make a point which has already clearly been made[/i

me--Is voting a human right or not? You stepped in and made comments on your own. You can't get your head out of your religious ass long enough to understand anything. Religion is ignorance chow down.

oh, i'm religious? thank you for telling me what i believe; but for clarity's sake: can you please show me the posts from which you've drawn this conclusion?

at this point, i don't even know why i bother, especially with such a closed-minded, presumptuous bigot such as yourself--and an especially religious one at that, the sort for whom i have the least patience.

so, your question: "is voting a human right, or not?" sure, voting is a right; but i am not sure of what value this response is, as you have made it abundantly clear that you do NOT now what a "right" is.

and, i suppose if we are to draw any conclusions from an example of ONE (i.e. that would be you): "religion is ignorance chow down." well, you are clearly religious and you are clearly ignorant, so that would have to be a definitive: well, i suppose so.

and, as to making my point: i have already done so, it was a very simple and straightforward point to be made at that. but the fact is, as i have said repeatedly now, you are making my point for me quite well, so why should i bother reiterating this point?
so, your question: "is voting a human right, or not?" sure, voting is a right; but i am not sure of what value this response is, as you have made it abundantly clear that you do NOT now what a "right" is.

Now that we agree voting is a right, I am satisfied. Voting is the exercising of "making a choice". On the one hand we have the religious claiming people have a choice, but when it comes to voting, then God didn't make any provision. Well, I vote.
Why is having a choice stupid?

Having a choice isn't necessarily stupid (though I could argue that, in some instances, it is counter-productive), but voting says that all men ought to have equal authority, and that is nonsense because not all men are equal. There are men that are more talented, and more virtuous than others; this, you cannot deny. So these men, then, are best fit to be rulers; the elite, the best of the best, and the most noble and most intellectually capable, must be the men to rule.

In so far as the masses are ignorant and incapable, voting is stupid because it gives them power. Power has to be earned.
Now that we agree voting is a right, I am satisfied. Voting is the exercising of "making a choice". On the one hand we have the religious claiming people have a choice, but when it comes to voting, then God didn't make any provision. Well, I vote.

i don't believe that anyone has said here that "voting is NOT a right." the matter at stake is: what is a right? and this is clearly--as per the past 3 pages--where your problem lay.
I just said voting shouldn't be a right, but a privilege.

a "privilege" would still be a "right." i think that you intend, "voting should not be a universal right (that is, within the respected group being addressed)--correct?
Of course voting is a right, because the law says so. I didn't disagree with that.

Sometimes the law is stupid; would you disagree?

Maybe sometimes we find old laws that don't or no longer fit the changes in society as it evolves. The law is part of the human evolutionary process, it is changing with the times. Human rights are meant to be for everyone regardless which country. Human rights aren't going extinct like kingdoms are, instead they are taking over.
Maybe sometimes we find old laws that don't or no longer fit the changes in society as it evolves.
Even new laws can be stupid, though.
The law is part of the human evolutionary process, it is changing with the times.
Laws are subjective.
Human rights are meant to be for everyone regardless which country.

Then human rights are stupid.
Unless you are saying all men are equal? I can easily contest such a statement.
Even new laws can be stupid, though.
Laws are subjective.

Then human rights are stupid.
Unless you are saying all men are equal? I can easily contest such a statement.

Speaking of human rights, one person's garbage can be another person's prize. :)

Yes, laws can be stupid, and there is mechanism in place for the repealing of those bad laws. Old religious text have no such mechanism.
Speaking of human rights, one person's garbage can be another person's prize.

Yes, laws can be stupid, and there is mechanism in place for the repealing of those bad laws.

Then by all means, let us repeal these absurd 'human rights' that you speak of, for men are not equal, and it does not follow, then, that all men have equal authority.

Power must be a privilege earned, not a right given, because not all men are capable of wielding it and using it. Only the elite, the best and most noble and most gifted, ought to wield power. It is foolish to disagree.
Then by all means, let us repeal these absurd 'human rights' that you speak of, for men are not equal, and it does not follow, then, that all men have equal authority.

Power must be a privilege earned, not a right given, because not all men are capable of wielding it and using it. Only the elite, the best and most noble and most gifted, ought to wield power. It is foolish to disagree.

Dream all you want about the doing away with human rights, however, the UN is still punishing violators who had power at the governmental level.

Voting can shut the mouth of a politician, especially a dumb one.