Religion and Government: Should Christians Leave Their Religion Behind in Government?

Where state and church are constitutionally separate spheres, if your religious beliefs oppose the secular law, you have no business going into politics in the first place.
Choose before the question of loyalties comes up in public debate. If you have entered politics, knowing that a conflict of principles existed, you have betrayed both your faith and your constituents; therefore, you should be both impeached and excommunicated.

To offend your faith against reality would be illogical. My faith is synonymous with religious throw down. My faith roles with things like dope, and the imagination I would say that which is secular to faith does not mater. Faith, how do you not follow it? What is the faith of man? I believe if every single one of us shares in salvation. My faith dictates super powers, so really we must be able to. Or logically speaking we do not exist, check, should not.

Say it with me, let my faith shine.
Where state and church are constitutionally separate spheres, if your religious beliefs oppose the secular law, you have no business going into politics in the first place.
oh lord, where to start.
what part of the constitution "separates" church and state?
secular law? where do you think most of our laws originate?
oh lord, where to start.
what part of the constitution "separates" church and state?

The First Amendment prevents congress from promoting or impeding religious practice. The philosophy of our founders goes well beyond that, of course. You're familiar with Jefferson's "Wall of separation" are you not?

secular law? where do you think most of our laws originate?

Better question: Where do you think most of our laws originate?
So your contention is that today's legal code is based on Babylonian law? Really?

Law are adjusted with need in time > the Jews adapted some from the Egyptian , and we adapted some from Jews and so on , We all pass some knowledge and information down to next generation.
Despite all of the previous posters ignoring the voters rights I suggest that the voters should have say.

I guess I just think it is more important what the people say than what the government dictates when it comes to beliefs.

Democracy rules.

For all you communists there are ships leaving everyday.
To offend your faith against reality would be illogical. My faith is synonymous with religious throw down. ...
Say it with me, let my faith shine.

Sure. Go. Shine! Just don't run for Congress. How simple does it need to get?
oh lord, where to start.
what part of the constitution "separates" church and state?
secular law? where do you think most of our laws originate?

There are many countries in the world. (Yeah, it's a shock. Other countries exist. Most of them have constitutions. Shock #2: All constitutions are not identical!) In the ones that separate church and state, it's a good idea for preachers to stick to their pulpits and politicians to run for office, and not to confuse the two. A lot to wrap your head around - take all the time you need.
oh lord, where to start.
what part of the constitution "separates" church and state?
It's sometimes called freedom from religion:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion Amend. I.

secular law? where do you think most of our laws originate?
They originate as bills in the House or Senate (at least in the US.)
Law are adjusted with need in time > the Jews adapted some from the Egyptian , and we adapted some from Jews and so on , We all pass some knowledge and information down to next generation.

No, our laws are not based on Jewish law. Our laws--modern laws--are based on secular principals of fairness and justice, at least when the laws are fair and just. Sometimes they are based on the whims of corrupt politicians in favor of certain well-funded lobbyists. Some backwards laws and state constitutional amendments are based on a fundamentalist view of scripture, but those are few and far between, as well as mostly coming off the books.
Law should be founded centered on love. If you have ever felt the "Passing Spirit" we could bass life on what makes that function. Ask what faith entails to have asserted himself. Assertion would have existed from an early date, before any explosion.
Law are adjusted with need in time > the Jews adapted some from the Egyptian , and we adapted some from Jews and so on , We all pass some knowledge and information down to next generation.

Law is natural. Need is natural. Time is natural. You science boarders really complicate it.

Outlaw who offend the needs of other, and he who make complexities out of time, and our birth. Know, you don't pass it down as much as you posses it. Want to teleport, meet Omni first.
oh lord, where to start.
what part of the constitution "separates" church and state?
secular law? where do you think most of our laws originate?

There are many countries in the world. (Yeah, it's a shock. Other countries exist. Most of them have constitutions. Shock #2: All constitutions are not identical!) In the ones that separate church and state, it's a good idea for preachers to stick to their pulpits and politicians to run for office, and not to confuse the two. A lot to wrap your head around - take all the time you need.
it comes as no shock that you have evaded the questions i put to you.
it comes as no shock that you have evaded the questions i put to you.
Which question?

oh lord, where to start.

That's not up to me. Start anywhere you like.

what part of the constitution "separates" church and state?

That would depend on what country's constitution applies to you. Some do, some don't. I said where the constitution separates church and state - in the US, yes; in Iran, no; in China, the church probably doesn't figure at all; in Finland, the reform separating secular and religious judicial powers was passed in 1870 (Sorry, i don't know the section and paragraph.)

secular law? where do you think most of our laws originate?

All laws originate in the rulership of human organizations, each according to the needs and interests and understanding of their times. Secular law pertains to the civil judiciary, on such matters as property, contract and personal liberty; canon law pertains to matters of faith and religious observance, and is administered by the hierarchy of the religious body.
The modern secular laws with which most of us are familiar originate as bills or amendments in a legislative body, such as Congress or Parliament, Knesset or Duma, and are voted into law.