Religion And God


Registered Senior Member
You can call him Allah, Jesus, or Jehovah. Billions of people around the world believe he is the omnipotent protector in the sky that will always be there to protect you and make you feel safe. (As long as you follow his rules) I am not one of those people. I don’t believe in the fairytales that were written in religious books. I would describe myself as an Atheist – Agnostic – Buddhist – Transhumanist. I believe the power of god is within us. We are god. We have the power to continue living like primitive apes, or we can chose to evolve into a race / entity that is has more control of the space in which we exist. (The molecules and atoms around us, the chemical reactions within our bodies, Ect.) My definition of god is an entity or life form that has full control of the space in which it exists. We may never be in full control of our reality, but it is something to strive for. Our technology evolved from us using sticks and stones to create fire and sharp blades. In the present we are splitting atoms and flying in space. I don’t think any of us can comprehend some of the things that we could be doing in the future.

Unfortunately, the powers that be (religious leaders, dictators, politicians, and a large percentage of the wealthiest people in the world) do not want the majority of the people in the world to think the way that I do. Religion is a tool that the leaders in our cultural hierarchy have been using to control the way that people think and act for thousands of years. It is also a tool that men use to control women. Sometimes I wonder, what percentage of the politicians and religious leaders actually believe in the crap that comes out of their mouths? Do they really believe in god and the words that they quote from religious books, or are they just using religion to control people and put more money in their pockets? Most of the people at the top of our cultural hierarchy do not want the majority (the poor, the working class, and the uneducated) to be enlightened, because they see it as a threat to their privileges. They want obedient voters, workers and worshipers that they can control and manipulate. Most of the underprivileged people in the world don’t have anything but their belief in god and an afterlife. And Americans can’t understand why so many Muslims are willing to blow themselves up to kill their enemies. If I was a poor uneducated Muslim living in a violent environment I would probably be willing to blow myself up also. All I have to do is strap on a bomb and send a couple of infidels to hell and I don’t have to worry about Americans dropping bombs on my head anymore. I don’t have to worry about hunger, disease, or violence anymore. It seems like a good deal to me.

It would be nice if the underprivileged and uneducated were the only people that are deeply religious, because then there would be fewer politicians trying to force their irrational beliefs on people. There would also be no discussions about things like creationism and intelligent design in the science classes of public schools in the U.S.A. I think intelligent design is a theory that was created by intellectuals that refuse to give up their irrational belief in god because it makes them feel safe.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light. ~ The Holy Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about creation and infinity because it is beyond our comprehension. (How can something be created from nothing? How could god exist before the beginning of existence? Ect.) I would be more inclined to believe in an intelligent design theory if the bible and other religious books were written a little differently. For example, In the beginning god created an infinite number of strings with eleven different dimensions. Then god decided to make the strings vibrate. Over a period of time the vibrating strings evolved into something that humans will one day call subatomic particles. Genesis could then go on to explain the process of the subatomic particles evolving into atoms, molecules, amino acids, RNA, DNA, Ect. I would definitely be religious if the authors of the bible had some knowledge of the scientific theories and facts that we would learn in the future, but there is no scientific information in the bible.

I believe the reign of humanity will soon come to an end if we don’t rid ourselves of our primitive beliefs and evolve into what some people would call god. Our inevitable extinction could come in the form a large asteroid or a nuclear war. Or it could come in the form of chemical and biological weapons. I am sure that you are use to hearing doomsday scenarios from some religious leaders because it was written at the end of the bible, but unlike most of them I believe that the end could come next year or in a hundred years. I have no way of knowing what will happen in the future, but I do know that the human body is very fragile. We take a lot of things for granted. We have an illusion that the environment on this planet will always be suitable for humans. Everything that we have accomplished during our approximately 100,000 years on this planet could easily come to an end.

The universe or god (what ever you want to believe) gave us the ability to accomplish amazing things. We have the ability to use our technology to eliminate most of the misery that we are living with in the present. Unfortunately we are living in a world with two groups of idiots that have a lot of power in our society. In one group we have the Islamic fundamentalist. And in the other group we have the neo conservative Republicans. One group is constantly saying the solution to all of our problems is more weapons and more Jesus, while the other group is saying the solution to all of our problems is more weapons and more Allah. The end result is a lot of misery, death and destruction.

The point that I am trying to make is that religion and the worshiping of gods has to become a thing of the past. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the belief of a creator or higher power, but most of the religions that are practiced in the present have done more harm than good. There is nothing that I could write to prove or disprove the existence of a higher power, but the belief of an omnipotent man in the sky that thinks and acts like a human is ridiculous. We have to stop hoping that god that we can’t see, touch, or hear, will solve all of our problems. We are god. We created him / her / it. The solution to all of our problems is within us.
It is not god or religion that makes war. It is people. If it were not religion, it would be something else. And it is lack of faith in themselves and in others that lead to distrust and suspicion. Unless you can wave a magic wand, as long as there are diffrences between people, and there is no respect for these differences, people are going to kill each other. They'll just need to find a fresh excuse, that's all.
samcdkey said:
It is not god or religion that makes war. It is people. If it were not religion, it would be something else.
agreed to an extent, however, you show your children how to act by example. so for the religious plebs, their belief in god has not helped.
samcdkey said:
And it is lack of faith in themselves and in others that lead to distrust and suspicion.
no it's the faith they have in their leaders, be they gods, preachers or kings, that makes them like that.
samcdkey said:
as long as there are diffrences between people, and there is no respect for these differences, people are going to kill each other.
and most of those differences, are due to religion. take that away, and put them under the same banner, a common goal, you will see an amasing change.
pavlosmarcos said:
agreed to an extent, however, you show your children how to act by example. so for the religious plebs, their belief in god has not helped. no it's the faith they have in their leaders, be they gods, preachers or kings, that makes them like that. and most of those differences, are due to religion. take that away, and put them under the same banner, a common goal, you will see an amasing change.

I wish I had your certainty.

WHO’s World Report on Violence and Health defines violence as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation. Each year, over 1.6. million people worldwide lose their lives to violence. Violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15-44 years worldwide, accounting for 14% of deaths among males and 7% of deaths among females. For every person who dies as a result of violence, many more are injured and suffer from a range of physical, sexual, reproductive and mental health problems. Moreover, violence places a massive burden on national economies, costing countries billions of US dollars each year in health care, law enforcement and lost productivity.

World Report on Violence

Abuse of Human rights
Human rights abuse is abuse of people in a way that violates any fundamental human rights. It is a term used when a government violates national or international law related to the protection of human rights.
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, fundamental human rights are violated when:
A certain race, creed, or group is denied recognition as a "person". (Article 2)
Men and women are not treated as equal. (Article 2)
Different racial or religious groups are not treated as equal. (Article 2)
Life, liberty or security of person are threatened. (Article 3)
A person is sold as or used as a slave. (Article 4)
Cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment is used on a person (such as torture or execution). (Article 5) (See also Prisoners' rights)
Punishments are dealt arbitrarily or unilaterally, without a proper and fair trial. (Article 11)
Arbitrary interference into personal, or private lives by agents of the state. (Article 12)
Citizens are forbidden to leave their country. (Article 13)
Freedom of speech or religion are denied. (Articles 18 & 19)
The right to join a union is denied. (Article 23)
Education is denied. (Article 26)
Human rights violations and abuses include those documented by non-governmental organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, International Freedom of Expression Exchange and Anti-Slavery International.
Only a very few countries do not violate human rights at all according to Amnesty International. In their 2004 human rights report, (covering 2003,) the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Costa Rica are the only (mappable) countries that did not violate human rights.
Some people believe human rights abuses are more common in dictatorships or theocracies than in democracies because freedom of speech and freedom of the press tend to uncover state orchestrated abuse and expose it. Nonetheless human rights abuses do occur in democracies. For example, the Macpherson report found that the British police had been institutionally racist in the handling of the death of Stephen Lawrence. Amnesty International has called the running of Guantanamo Bay detainment camp by the United States "a human rights scandal" in a series of reports [9]

Death by torture
samcdkey said:
WHO’s World Report on Violence/Abuse of Human rights
it just shows how evil man came be to man, because of dogma, it's no wonder that plebs kill each they know no better.

we need education and a common goal.
man for man, and not man for a god.
It is not god or religion that makes war. It is people. If it were not religion, it would be something else. And it is lack of faith in themselves and in others that lead to distrust and suspicion. Unless you can wave a magic wand, as long as there are diffrences between people, and there is no respect for these differences, people are going to kill each other. They'll just need to find a fresh excuse, that's all.
It is not god or religion that makes war. It is people. If it were not religion, it would be something else. And it is lack of faith in themselves and in others that lead to distrust and suspicion. Unless you can wave a magic wand, as long as there are diffrences between people, and there is no respect for these differences, people are going to kill each other. They'll just need to find a fresh excuse, that's all.

Are you trying to tell me that if every Muslim woke up tommorrow as atheists, that there would be the same amount of violence?

Give me a break...
samcdkey said:
It is not god or religion that makes war. It is people. If it were not religion, it would be something else. And it is lack of faith in themselves and in others that lead to distrust and suspicion. Unless you can wave a magic wand, as long as there are diffrences between people, and there is no respect for these differences, people are going to kill each other. They'll just need to find a fresh excuse, that's all.

So,if religion were eradicated and people began getting educated and taking responsibility for their actions, wouldn't that facilitate the need for faith in oneself, each other and ultimately mankind? Could not the differences be dealt with in this context, hence people would stop killing each other?

If all people needed was an excuse, why are you not killing your neighbors, or the guy who cuts you off in traffic?
samcdkey said:
It is not god or religion that makes war. It is people. If it were not religion, it would be something else. And it is lack of faith in themselves and in others that lead to distrust and suspicion. Unless you can wave a magic wand, as long as there are diffrences between people, and there is no respect for these differences, people are going to kill each other. They'll just need to find a fresh excuse, that's all.
No. You are almost completely mistaken. It is the following that leads to real distrust, suspicion, and violence.

Real sources of violence, based on human survival/nature:

1) Need for resources (food,shelter,territory)
2) Need for mates (male competition for females/females inciting competition among males)
3) Dominance, self-respect, security.
4) Ideologies

If you are well fed, have a comfortable abode, and land to support your food/shelter needs, this goes away as a source of violence. Of course, as your population expands, it comes back.

Males will always compete for mates and females will always choose the male who fits her requirements most closely. The rule of law has reduced this source greatly, but it will always be with us.

Items in #3 are related closely to #1 and #2.

Now, political and nationalistic ideologies are clearly related to numbers 1,2, and 3 above. They also tend to give groups a binding cohesion that helps when times are tough (food is scarce, barbarians are invading, etc.). Religious ideologies can provide a similar function.

So, my question is, if religious ideologies were eliminated from the equation, what other fundamental source of violence would people replace it with that they don't already engage in?

Whay you are saying is that reducing the violence factor from a reference value of 1 to possibly 0.6 by reducing a major driver of avoidable violence, is pointless.

People don't commit violence for no reason. Well fed, well housed, secure people do not risk injury for the fun of it. You may have noticed that many of the recent terrorist/religious-fanatic profiles include well fed, well housed people. Middle to upper class college educated people. Why would they blow themselves up? Guess. If they weren't indoctrinated with a massive dose of R-virus as children, maybe they'd stay at home and watch the game on weekends instead of practicing bomb making techniques.
If you are well fed, have a comfortable abode, and land to support your food/shelter needs, this goes away as a source of violence. Of course, as your population expands, it comes back.

Yes, this is why you never see developed and highly secular countries in conflict. The US by stark contrast, is highly developed, however extremely religious, hence wars.
samcdkey said:
It is not god or religion that makes war. It is people. If it were not religion, it would be something else. And it is lack of faith in themselves and in others that lead to distrust and suspicion. Unless you can wave a magic wand, as long as there are diffrences between people, and there is no respect for these differences, people are going to kill each other. They'll just need to find a fresh excuse, that's all.

I think it is obvious that violence would exist in our society with or without religion. Our violent instincts existed long before we created organized religion. The problem that I have with most religions is the fact that it prevents us form achieving our full potential. The religious leaders of Christianity (especially Catholicism) have a bad habit of preventing or interfering with the important work of scientists and rational thinkers. In the past you could be jailed or executed for saying that the world is not flat and the sun does not revolve around it. In the present religious politicians are preventing abortions and stem cell research. In the future it will be something else.

Religious people have a common phrase that they like to use. “We don’t have the right to play god.” I think that is exactly what we have to do if we really want to make this world a better place. I believe that we all have to work together towards a common goal. (Complete control of our reality) When I observe the behavior of humanity I see a highly evolved disorganized colony of ants. I believe that our science and technology could bring some order to our colony.

I am not saying that our technology could create a perfect world, but it could definitely eliminate most of the problems that we have to live with. I truly believe that it is possible for us to create a global utopian society where the murder of one person during a 24-hour period would be a tragedy. I am one of those people that believes no limits should be placed on the work of scientists if their discoveries and inventions could make the world a better place for the future generations. Things like nano technology, genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence could have a profound change on the way that we think and live by the end of this century.

Imagine what it would be like to live in a world where everyone’s basic needs are taken care of. Imagine what it would be like to experience anything that you desired in a virtual reality. Imagine what it would be like to live in a world where we had control over every molecule within our bodies. We would have a completely different perception of reality. For example, imagine that you found yourself in a situation where you were being raped and tortured. You could simply turn on an internal switch, and you could be experiencing an objective reality. No pleasure, no pain, just information that your neurons and your futuristic internal computer software would be processing. The nanobots in your body could function like an advanced version of transcranial magnetic stimulation. They could block all of the incoming information from your pain receptors. Your internal software would recognize that your body is being harmed, but you would not be able to feel the pain.

Some of the things that I just wrote may seem like science fiction to some of you, but it is much more plausible than the information in religious books.
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q0101 said:
I think it is obvious that violence would exist in our society with or without religion. Our violent instincts existed long before we created organized religion.

Welcome to Sciforums!

Are you violent? What was your last act of violence? Have you killed anyone lately or had the urge to do so? Why or why not?

So, perhaps you were correct in that violence existed in our society with or without religion, but we haven't had the opportunity to trial run a society without religion, since theists have controlled the world for centuries and their mindsets and decision making processes were based on religious thought.

By simply substituting religion for education, we could achieve the utopian society you describe.
(Q) said:
Welcome to Sciforums!

Are you violent? What was your last act of violence? Have you killed anyone lately or had the urge to do so? Why or why not?

I would not describe myself as a violent person. I do have the potential to be violent and kill a person without mercy, but that is a potential that we all have. I don’t really believe in the concept of good and evil. I believe in logical and illogical behavior. I think evil is really ignorance or an inability to control ones emotions and think rationally.
q0101 said:
I would not describe myself as a violent person. I do have the potential to be violent and kill a person without mercy, but that is a potential that we all have.

A potential perhaps, but only within the depths of our imagination. Our own sense of reason and rationale precludes the need to go beyond that. As intelligent beings, we have placed the notion of violence and killing behind us as an evolutionary property of ourselves from which we evolved and moved on.

A thinking man need never resort to violence, and only if violence is presented and is the only means by which to defend oneself. Again, the concept would not materialize if the violence did not present itself in the first place.

So, we must determine where the current violence exists in the world and what makes it predominant. Those who are involved in that violence are primarily theists, who base their decision making processes on religious thought, the same thought that has permeated our society for centuries.

Eradicate religion and the thought processes based on religion dissapear, and eventually, so does the violence.
(Q) said:
A potential perhaps, but only within the depths of our imagination. Our own sense of reason and rationale precludes the need to go beyond that. As intelligent beings, we have placed the notion of violence and killing behind us as an evolutionary property of ourselves from which we evolved and moved on.

A thinking man need never resort to violence, and only if violence is presented and is the only means by which to defend oneself. Again, the concept would not materialize if the violence did not present itself in the first place.

So, we must determine where the current violence exists in the world and what makes it predominant. Those who are involved in that violence are primarily theists, who base their decision making processes on religious thought, the same thought that has permeated our society for centuries.

Eradicate religion and the thought processes based on religion dissapear, and eventually, so does the violence.
Oh yeah? Let's see how 'highly evolved' the thinking man is when he confronts the violent man and is met by the business end of an AK-47. Then he pulls the trigger. Natural selection. Mr. Kill You wins, and he lives on to propagate his violent genes to the next generation. The capacity to kill is highly advantageous. Violence will live on regardless of religion because of evolution.
Has anyone actually tried to define God in Its true reality?

G - Generation
O - Operation
D - Destruction

A universal force that exists everywhere in matter, space and energy throughout the universe. NOT some universal monarch that lives in heaven.
God is inside everyone of us, so why can we not realise him? Due to three things: rajas - passion, tamas - lethargy and sattwa - illusion. All of these are created by our minds.

In buddhist meditation we learn to clear the thoughts and feel the true bliss inside oneself - that is what the hindus call atman and what the buddhists call nirvana, what the christians call heaven. Hell is mere suffering, in any shape or form. The mind is Satan, lol Jesuss' disciples failed to understand what Jesus was trying to say and so they thought that some Devil existed. The devil is the mind, which creates attachment to worldly objects and when the objects perish, we suffer, simple buddhist belief. If you tried to split any particle into an even smaller particle, you would eventually end up with an atom, which can be further broken down into components, which can be further broken down and down and down. There is no end to it. This concept of infinity itself is God. Everything you feel, taste, smell, see, hear is just a perception of the world created by the five senses controlled by the mind. All colour is is merely different frequencies of light, all touch senses are just created by simple nerve impulses, as are sounds, sight, smell, and taste. If any of these sense organs did not exist, the perception of the world as it is would not exist as it is. Therefore the world is an illusion created by the five senses and controlled by the mind. By constantly percieving the world through the limited perception of our sense organs, we fail to see the true reality of the universe. We fail to recognise the Godhead that is omni-present and is the atman, soul inside of us. Think about it, it is possible to control your body and it is possible to control your thoughts created by your mind inside your brain, but who is the controller? Close your eyes, meditate on this, ask yourself who am i? Dont call yourself a name, that is once again created by your mind via the five senses, if you had been named differently you would have a different name, one's name only exists via sound and therefore via the sense of hearing and therefore via the mind. Meditate...
shut down your five senses, shut off your thoughts, stop thinking, forget about the world, do not let the mind create a feeling of reality, feel as though you do not exist in the physical world. Who are you now? You are in the state of anhatta, you are feeling the beginning of the true reality beyond the restrictions of the physical dimensions. You come closer to the reality of being, the omnipresent force that pervades all. If you meditate for twelve years, you will be immersed inside this feeling of oneness, you will feel the true happiness. You have become one with Brahman, as the hindus call it. Think about it, what is happiness? When you eat ice cream, you tell me you feel happy. Where does the happiness come from? The ice cream? That remains the same matter throughout the process of swallowing and digesting. The happiness comes from inside you, it is inside you, not in the ice cream. It is always present, but we use outer influences to try and stimulate it. We try and percieve the happiness through the limited perception of our sense organs, governed by the mind. The true happiness can not be percieved by the mind. That true happiness itself can only be realised by meditation. Meditation is not only sitting down cross legged. If you worship Jesus, concentrate on him, think only about him always. This is the same as meditation. The mind is the Satan that prevents us from realising God. The true bliss inside you is God. Everything i have said comes from the philosophy of Vedanta, devised by the ancient Hindu sages. When we worship a god, we are in fact meditating (but only if we concentrate on the Lord, not just make the gestures or roll the beads, one could be praying and thinking about something else, the mind is not controlled and so this is not meditating.
Student of Yoga said:
Has anyone actually tried to define God in Its true reality?

G - Generation
O - Operation
D - Destruction

A universal force that exists everywhere in matter, space and energy throughout the universe. NOT some universal monarch that lives in heaven.
God is inside everyone of us, so why can we not realise him? Due to three things: rajas - passion, tamas - lethargy and sattwa - illusion. All of these are created by our minds.

In buddhist meditation we learn to clear the thoughts and feel the true bliss inside oneself - that is what the hindus call atman and what the buddhists call nirvana, what the christians call heaven. Hell is mere suffering, in any shape or form. The mind is Satan, lol Jesuss' disciples failed to understand what Jesus was trying to say and so they thought that some Devil existed. The devil is the mind, which creates attachment to worldly objects and when the objects perish, we suffer, simple buddhist belief. If you tried to split any particle into an even smaller particle, you would eventually end up with an atom, which can be further broken down into components, which can be further broken down and down and down. There is no end to it. This concept of infinity itself is God. Everything you feel, taste, smell, see, hear is just a perception of the world created by the five senses controlled by the mind. All colour is is merely different frequencies of light, all touch senses are just created by simple nerve impulses, as are sounds, sight, smell, and taste. If any of these sense organs did not exist, the perception of the world as it is would not exist as it is. Therefore the world is an illusion created by the five senses and controlled by the mind. By constantly percieving the world through the limited perception of our sense organs, we fail to see the true reality of the universe. We fail to recognise the Godhead that is omni-present and is the atman, soul inside of us. Think about it, it is possible to control your body and it is possible to control your thoughts created by your mind inside your brain, but who is the controller? Close your eyes, meditate on this, ask yourself who am i? Dont call yourself a name, that is once again created by your mind via the five senses, if you had been named differently you would have a different name, one's name only exists via sound and therefore via the sense of hearing and therefore via the mind. Meditate...
shut down your five senses, shut off your thoughts, stop thinking, forget about the world, do not let the mind create a feeling of reality, feel as though you do not exist in the physical world. Who are you now? You are in the state of anhatta, you are feeling the beginning of the true reality beyond the restrictions of the physical dimensions. You come closer to the reality of being, the omnipresent force that pervades all. If you meditate for twelve years, you will be immersed inside this feeling of oneness, you will feel the true happiness. You have become one with Brahman, as the hindus call it. Think about it, what is happiness? When you eat ice cream, you tell me you feel happy. Where does the happiness come from? The ice cream? That remains the same matter throughout the process of swallowing and digesting. The happiness comes from inside you, it is inside you, not in the ice cream. It is always present, but we use outer influences to try and stimulate it. We try and percieve the happiness through the limited perception of our sense organs, governed by the mind. The true happiness can not be percieved by the mind. That true happiness itself can only be realised by meditation. Meditation is not only sitting down cross legged. If you worship Jesus, concentrate on him, think only about him always. This is the same as meditation. The mind is the Satan that prevents us from realising God. The true bliss inside you is God. Everything i have said comes from the philosophy of Vedanta, devised by the ancient Hindu sages. When we worship a god, we are in fact meditating (but only if we concentrate on the Lord, not just make the gestures or roll the beads, one could be praying and thinking about something else, the mind is not controlled and so this is not meditating.

Very nice... I read some parts of the Upanishads and the Bhagvaad Gita, but I've never looked at the Vedantas...

Can you tell me where to start?
Most of my knowledge of Vedanta comes from the book "Vedanta Treatise" by Swami Parthasarathy,
however most of the knowledge of Vedanta is contained in a nutshell in the Gita, but more completely in the Upanishads and Brahmasutras. The problem is that there are so many Upanishads (definately over 108 but total number unknown) it is difficult to find the right one. Each Upanishad contains a part of Vedanta and each Verse in the Upanishads contains many layers of meaning, as in most poetry and so it is unadvisable to go directly to the scriptures and try to understand them. I would recommend reading commentaries on the Upanishads for example the one by Adi Shankaracharya to help you appreciate the many different meanings. The same goes for the Gita, and any other scripture including the Bible. Those who read the Bible take it for granted word for word, they do not read with humility and hence they find it contradicts itself, for example in the Bible Jesus says that heaven is both small as a seed and gigantic as a mountain. The readers take this literally. They look for only the easily found meaning.
Here are more publications on Vedanta.
Vedanta is known as Jnana yoga in the Gita, it is the union with God through using and applying knowledge.
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Student of Yoga said:
Most of my knowledge of Vedanta comes from the book "Vedanta Treatise" by Swami Parthasarathy,
however most of the knowledge of Vedanta is contained in a nutshell in the Gita, but more completely in the Upanishads and Brahmasutras. The problem is that there are so many Upanishads (definately over 108 but total number unknown) it is difficult to find the right one. Each Upanishad contains a part of Vedanta and each Verse in the Upanishads contains many layers of meaning, as in most poetry and so it is unadvisable to go directly to the scriptures and try to understand them. I would recommend reading commentaries on the Upanishads for example the one by Adi Shankaracharya to help you appreciate the many different meanings. The same goes for the Gita, and any other scripture including the Bible. Those who read the Bible take it for granted word for word, they do not read with humility and hence they find it contradicts itself. They look for only the easily found meaning.
Here are more publications on Vedanta.
