Religion and Birth Control


Valued Senior Member
This question is mainly for those who question or reject the idea of contraception and birth control. What are your opinions on the various up-and-coming male birth control pills.

If you support them then tell me why, if you oppose them then state your reasoning.
They're an excellent idea!
Because I don't want Spidergoat to have kids either.
Hey now, if anyone shouldn't be having kids it's me. We don't need any other twelve year olds building anymore cannons or imploding fifty gallon steel drums. That's not what the world needs right now, lol.
The Earth is overpopulated.
False. Few months ago I came across this site where I found the world population to be approximately 6,276,000,000. I then checked and found the area of Texas as 268,601 square miles. One square mile is 640 acres and hence the area of Texas is 268,601x640=171,904,640 acres. Thus if you fit the entire population of the world into Texas each person would have

171,904,640/6,276,000,000 = 0.027 acres.

0.027 arces is the same as 1176.12 square feet.

A quick search on a web site that lists homes for sale and I see that the average 3 bedroom home, so I take it that this would be for 3 to 4 people (that is a couple sharing one bedroom) is just over 2000 square feet. So 1176.12 square feet for one person is a big area.
This question is mainly for those who question or reject the idea of contraception and birth control. What are your opinions on the various up-and-coming male birth control pills.

If you support them then tell me why, if you oppose them then state your reasoning.

I guess I have no opinion of male birth control since I'm a woman. I do have to say my favourite is the vasectomy
@Mind Over Matter --

So, care to address the topic of the thread?

@Orleander --

So does that make it alright for me to say that my favorite female birth control method is a tubal ligation?
@Mind Over Matter --
So, care to address the topic of the thread?
The answer is very simply if you understand the underlying theological philosophy. The bible says that creation is good and that God created the Earth and everything on it, saw that it was good, and said it should all "go forth and multiply." It is very simple logic that if something is good and it reproduces itself, you want it to go on growing and reproducing. So for the Catholic Church to say that birth-control is good, they would be implicitly saying that human life is bad. They cannot say that human life is bad because they believe that humans are created in God's image with the purpose of re-creating themselves and the creation. For them to say that reproducing too much is sinful, they would have to define limits to God's bounty, which they do not believe in. Islam is the same; the Koran discourages mercy-killings in times of hunger, drought, or poverty because "God will provide." The Catholic Church doesn't decry the NFP method, however, because they believe that sexuality is pro-creative in the sense that it results in a pro-creative and happy marriage, which is conducive to raising children. So, in practice, Catholics are allowed to have sex that isn't directly geared to reproduction although there are no guidelines as to exactly how many or few children a couple should have. I suppose couples are allowed to find out for themselves how many children God has planned for them. It is silly, though, to expect that the Catholic Church would every prescribe population-control since that implies that God will not ultimately provide. No child is unwelcome for people who have true faith in God's creation. They just don't want them to be seduced into evil.
If you support them then tell me why, if you oppose them then state your reasoning.
I oppose artificial birth control. Some reasons -

The BCP is linked to higher rates of breast cancer and in July 2005 World Health Organisation researchers reported that although uterine and ovarian cancer risk is lower, there are higher risks of cervical and liver cancers with combined birth control pills.

Low dose pill is just as bad, especially for women who smoke, and has the added advantage of being much less effective, therefore generating potential income for the abortion business.

F.D.A. Warns of Sleeping Pills’ Strange Effects
.D.A. Warns of Sleeping Pills’ Strange Effects

The most widely prescribed sleeping pills can cause strange behavior like driving and eating while asleep, the Food and Drug Administration said yesterday, announcing that strong new warnings will be placed on the labels of 13 drugs.

. . . .

The review was prompted, in part, by queries to the agency from The New York Times last year, after some users of the most widely prescribed drug, Ambien, started complaining online and to their doctors about unusual reactions ranging from fairly benign sleepwalking episodes to hallucinations, violent outbursts, nocturnal binge eating and — most troubling of all — driving while asleep.

Night eaters said they woke up to find Tostitos and Snickers wrappers in their beds, missing food, kitchen counters overflowing with flour from baking sprees, and even lighted stoves.

Sleep-drivers reported frightening episodes in which they recalled going to bed, but woke up to find they had been arrested roadside in their underwear or nightclothes. The agency said that it was not aware of any deaths caused by sleep-driving.

Taken from this website

The lining of the uterus becomes thinner, making it more difficult for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus should ovulation occur and fertilization take place.

Another one here

The pill as a form of abortion
In cases when the pill prevents the implantation of an embryo, this may be considered a form of chemically induced abortion since the egg is actually fertillized at this point.

Hormonal contraceptives make all users 3- to 6-times more likely to clot. For women who are already prone to clotting (due to clotting disorders, age 35+, obesity, or tobacco use), using hormonal contraceptives is like throwing fuel on the fire. 5% - 8% of Americans have clotting disorders. Most people learn of their clotting disorder after they clot (unless you specifically ask to be tested). Doctors do not test for these disorders before prescribing hormonal contraceptives, even if your family has a known history of clotting disorders.

Here are two even-keeled webpages that discuss the known risks and side effects of hormonal contraceptives: (this one goes into more depth on the possible cancer link, citing specific studies.)
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@MOM --

The bible says that creation is good and that God created the Earth and everything on it, saw that it was good, and said it should all "go forth and multiply."

But in order to continue to multiply one of two things must happen, either our population must decrease or we must slow the rate at which we multiply to a sustainable level.

It is very simple logic that if something is good and it reproduces itself, you want it to go on growing and reproducing.

Only to a point as it's also simple logic that too much of a good thing quickly becomes deadly. Humans are no different in this regard.

So for the Catholic Church to say that birth-control is good, they would be implicitly saying that human life is bad.

How do you figure that? Not only does birth control(in the form of condoms) save lives but it prevents abortions, which the RCC considers to be a sin worthy of excommunication(even though genocide isn't). Not only this but going through multiple pregnancies, especially back to back pregnancies, is incredibly dangerous to the woman's health. Shouldn't considering humans "good" involve caring for those that are already here rather than condemning millions of them to die needlessly every year?

I oppose artificial birth control.

Despite the risks that come with it I still consider it to be superior to the alternatives. There are only three forms of natural birth control that work, plague, famine, and war. Given the options available, the artificial birth control is the lesser of two evils.

Not only that, but the new male birth control pills wouldn't suffer from many of those problems(many of them aren't hormone based at all). They show no mood altering side effects, no signs of an increased risk of cancer, and no negative effects for the sex drive. I'm pretty sure that addresses the technical concerns about artificial birth control.

I'm not sure why you included information about sleeping pills though, that's irrelevant to the topic at hand.
This question is mainly for those who question or reject the idea of contraception and birth control. What are your opinions on the various up-and-coming male birth control pills.

If you support them then tell me why, if you oppose them then state your reasoning.
a lot has to do with one's reasoning on where life begins

Since the general (pro-life) consensus is that life begins at conception, this doesn't really fit in the same category (at least for the day after variety) .

That isn't to say that it automatically condoned, merely that the arguments for the protection of life in the womb are not applicable.

Arguments against it would fall under the category of implications of using something for what it is not designed (IOW the consequences of excessive sex life on the mind or attitudes towards child rearing, the family unit, infidelity, prodigy that arises as a consequence of failed contraception etc)
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@MOM --

But in order to continue to multiply one of two things must happen, either our population must decrease or we must slow the rate at which we multiply to a sustainable level.

Only to a point as it's also simple logic that too much of a good thing quickly becomes deadly. Humans are no different in this regard.
The problem is that you only know that based on assumptions and human (i.e. fallible) methods of estimation. Plus, for all you know limiting population growth results in levels of wealth and lifestyles that end up resulting in more deaths and childlessness. Thus if people would limit their family-size on the assumption that doing so will keep population growth under control, it could end up backfiring as population actual spirals into a degenerative, pattern of destruction. The fact is that no one can ultimately predict human behavior. Personally, I can see having just one or two kids with the faith that they will prosper but someone else may feel like having more kids is a safety precaution against losing one or more to tragedy at some point. Religion is not a "threat to survival of humanity." Different people interpret religion differently and have different numbers of kids or don't have kids at all. As I have save in other thread, the good thing about religion is that it keeps people living in hope and good faith, which is good for preventing the world from being overrun by death-driven nihilists.

@How do you figure that? Not only does birth control(in the form of condoms) save lives but it prevents abortions, which the RCC considers to be a sin worthy of excommunication(even though genocide isn't). Not only this but going through multiple pregnancies, especially back to back pregnancies, is incredibly dangerous to the woman's health. Shouldn't considering humans "good" involve caring for those that are already here rather than condemning millions of them to die needlessly every year?
Wiki has lots of stats on abortion.

The CDC compiles the # of abortions as REPORTED... the numbers are going down.

This site has some older stats.

It shows that 54% of those getting an abortion used a failed contraception. Abortion is their Back-up Method.

46% apparently didn't think they could get PG, didn't want to use contraception, or didn't expect to be having sex... so no contraception...

Artificial methods are not required to do this.
Chastity or NFP will accomplish it nicely.

As for the condom alone, I thought this was a rather well balanced article.
Faced with such arguments about the failure of condoms and sex education campaigns, the reaction is often to call for more of the same. A typical example was the recent news from Australia, where it was found that 60% of Australian women who have unplanned pregnancies were using contraceptive pills or condoms...

...Epstein also criticized the organizations and the United Nations for playing down the role of infidelity in the spread of HIV/AIDS. She recounted her experience at an international AIDS conference in Bangkok, where researchers presenting evidence about the importance of fidelity in preventing infection were "practically booed off the stage."...

Despite the risks that come with it I still consider it to be superior to the alternatives. There are only three forms of natural birth control that work, plague, famine, and war. Given the options available, the artificial birth control is the lesser of two evils.

Not only that, but the new male birth control pills wouldn't suffer from many of those problems(many of them aren't hormone based at all). They show no mood altering side effects, no signs of an increased risk of cancer, and no negative effects for the sex drive. I'm pretty sure that addresses the technical concerns about artificial birth control.
Abstinence is 100% safe.
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@MOM --

But in order to continue to multiply one of two things must happen, either our population must decrease or we must slow the rate at which we multiply to a sustainable level.
or alternatively reduce or eliminate artificial standards of existence.

A general law of existence you could say is that anything done artificially will ultimately fail ... even artificial solutions such as birth control.
This question is mainly for those who question or reject the idea of contraception and birth control. What are your opinions on the various up-and-coming male birth control pills.

If you support them then tell me why, if you oppose them then state your reasoning.

Do you eat when you're not hungry?
Do you think it is healthy to eat when you're not hungry?

Why have sex if you don't want to have children?
False. Few months ago I came across this site where I found the world population to be approximately 6,276,000,000. I then checked and found the area of Texas as 268,601 square miles. One square mile is 640 acres and hence the area of Texas is 268,601x640=171,904,640 acres. Thus if you fit the entire population of the world into Texas each person would have

171,904,640/6,276,000,000 = 0.027 acres.

0.027 arces is the same as 1176.12 square feet.

A quick search on a web site that lists homes for sale and I see that the average 3 bedroom home, so I take it that this would be for 3 to 4 people (that is a couple sharing one bedroom) is just over 2000 square feet. So 1176.12 square feet for one person is a big area.

This is a joke yes?? Because you could build a house for everyone the earth is not overpopulated?

Those 6,276,000,000 people as of now have consumed 3,399,707,000,000,000 liters of water this year. 70% of that went to producing food to feed that population. Texas' water supply with it's current population is in the very high stress catagory. That is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to what is wrong with your post above, If it was sarcasm then disregard this.