Religion, AKA oldest scam in the book

i am a taoist and i agree with godless 100% it is disgusting to see the vatican property so lavish. and in jail i read the bible 2 times old and new testiments, so dont assume i havent given it a "chance" please. yes the bible has good advice (partially) apart from the many contradictions and kinda, do it my way or burn for existance kinda approach.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
i am a taoist and i agree with godless 100% it is disgusting to see the vatican property so lavish. and in jail i read the bible 2 times old and new testiments so dont assume i havent given it a "chance" please.

I only made that assumption because you were yoking religion to greed as though religion was created as a vehicle to realise greedy aims. Whilst this may be the case sometimes, it is only when the actual message of the religion is being misrepresented that greed is the net result.
Given that you have read the bible a couple of times, would you not agree that Jesus' message is not 'rip people off in the name of God' but rather 'put other's before yourself' ?

