Religion, AKA oldest scam in the book


having beleifs and faith is all well and good, but why the need for a middle man churches are unnecesary and is only a ay to make money look where it predates to, people were more gullible back then and preying on peoples fear of death. i am very spiritual myself but dont need to give to the collection plate to beleie in what i believe does anyone have something to add to this? feel free to say whatever you like its all opinions even if its stupid.

less pointless arguing, more calm productive debates... plus some stupid people because it would be boring otherwise if it wasnt for stupid people inteligent people wouldent be so great

Not to be a jerk, but could you try to use better English? Proper spelling, grammar, et cetera, would help with anyone appreciating your ideas.
beyondtimeandspace said:
Complete modern assumption.

that's not complete modern assumption.. As science progresses, people are less and less gullible, that's why we used believe in such idiocracy such as sun rotate around hte earth, but now we don't..

It also could be that we are not "more" gullible but just have less and less blind faith.. When someone is completely faithful towards something (religion as an example), we loose sight of any valid counter points, thus we can be tricked to do/believe anything our faith requires.. However, as science and critical thinking continue to marginalize faith, we can finally say we are becoming more and more selective in our believes (or not, considering more than half of americans voted for Bush, but that arguable)..
I don't think gullibility is the issue, but lack of knowledge.

Ancient people could not diagnose illnesses, explain how the world or universe worked, etc. As a result of that they provided the only answers they could, and the answers that seemed rational to them.

Modern day man, (in general), knows that these ancient folk were wrong. We cannot blame them for that - we can only blame those in 2005 who believe those opinions and beliefs to be true.

as an example we could look at the plagues.. Imagine what would be going through your mind if you woke up to a "river of blood". Even today the mass majority of people wouldn't be able to explain it. Could you diagnose pfisteria? Do you even know what that is? Most likely not, and these ancient people that were recording the events wouldn't stand a chance. To them the "river of blood" was an angry god getting even. If you went back in time and said: "No, it was pfisteria", they wouldn't understand a word of it.

Future plagues, (such as the bubonic plague), no longer had the 'god excuse' attached. Nope, mankind had progressed so now the plague was blamed on rats, (although that in itself is not entirely accurate). Because man had advanced, had attained more knowledge, god took a back seat and real explanations took over.

I respect and appreciate these ancient people trying so hard in a world they could not explain or understand. I have absolutely no respect or appreciation for those in 2005 that put 'faith' in those explanations.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
having beleifs and faith is all well and good, but why the need for a middle man churches are unnecesary and is only a ay to make money look where it predates to, people were more gullible back then and preying on peoples fear of death. i am very spiritual myself but dont need to give to the collection plate to beleie in what i believe does anyone have something to add to this? feel free to say whatever you like its all opinions even if its stupid.

less pointless arguing, more calm productive debates... plus some stupid people because it would be boring otherwise if it wasnt for stupid people inteligent people wouldent be so great

you are compleely right about 'middel men'....a big and very old scam for sure. bothe West AND EASt...etcAnd a big part of this scam is the strategy yto kmake us totally afraid of death, and to GUILTus. tis latter technique is designed to divided us in have heard of the political strategy 'divde and rule/conquer' yeah? well tis is what they --the middlemen did/do with the individual. the claim you are part 'good' part 'bad'. that 'they' represent 'good' and can 'help' ypou not succumb to the 'bad'....what a fakin SCAM
furtivefelon said:
that's not complete modern assumption.. As science progresses, people are less and less gullible, that's why we used believe in such idiocracy such as sun rotate around hte earth, but now we don't..

That isn't being gullible, if i didn't know better i would believe that the sun went around the earth, gullibility is not about knowing the truth it is about your attitude to unproven theories
EmptyForceOfChi said:
having beleifs and faith is all well and good, but why the need for a middle man churches are unnecesary and is only a ay to make money look where it predates to, people were more gullible back then and preying on peoples fear of death.

Religious houses of worship provide a social function and are a good form of local community help. Also, not all religions are equal. Christianity and Judaism may be fear-mongering but perhaps Hinduism, Buddhism and Sufism are not.
android said:
Religious houses of worship provide a social function and are a good form of local community help.

Lap Dacing Clubs provide a social function

If you are looking for good comunity help i don't know what churches do, there are a lot of good causes in each comunity and those need suport
EmptyForceOfChi said:
i am very spiritual myself but dont need to give to the collection plate to beleie in what i believe

Neither does anyone else.

There is only one thing that cannot be explained, or understood by means of logic, and that is the purely holistic, completely actually infinite. All else can be explained through logic.

That an event can be explained scientifically does not mean it was not an act of God. Why should a God who created a universe and all the laws therein proceed to act within that universe by laws contrary to those he created for it? Because the explanation "God did it" is given, we assume they had no other explanation for it, and this of course is based on the idea of technological progression as being the standard of scientific knowledge. The greater the technology of research, the greater the tool of research, the greater the capacity to explain. What one should realize is that the less technology one has at his disposal, the greater the necessity that he uses the capacities of his brain. The real truth is that we don't know to what extent that capacity was used, nor do we know how much that capacity can be used to come to know the world about us without the use of tools.

Technological advancement as being the measure of the advancement of a society may be a fallacy.
yeah i could spell better and use better grammer but i think it is kinda irrelivent aslong as my point has gotten across just im a busy man and cant really correct everything i just type and post

but i am actually sorry if i confuse some people with my lack of grammer
i just think organised religion is a cult and brainwashes people into giving up some cash

my views might not appeal to every1 but what good would that be if everyone was the same
More than cash. For Christ sakes, California's Charles Manson and his groupies formed a religion based on the Beatle's White Album in the late 60's that condoned a murderous rampage. If you doubt what I say then read Helter Skelter. Gullible or did they really believe in it? Serious religions should take a look at that case to see how easy it is to start a flock and then pause to think about their own beliefs.
Helter Skelter was biased tripe. They didn't have a religion, and only a few murdered anyone.
Whatever you want to call it. By the same token Christianity isn't a religion, not all Christians kill people. The bible isn't biased tripe??
Did anyone really hear the surmon given? and in the end the preachers passes his plates to be distributed in the flock, while a church assistance says the words: Dig deep in your pockets & remember we rathre have the kind that folds rather than the kind that gingles.

Yes it's from an Eddie Murphy movie, but nevertheless the assumption is that all churches are after a bit of your cash, for other activities such as a fine automobil for the preacher.

It's truly sad that some give what they can hardly afford, while the bastard that made them feel like shit with some bs surmon on any Sunday drives a Lexus and lives a life of luxury on the shoulders of fools that think that they are doing good.

If you doubt that organized religion is not about money, then go to the Vatican and see the wealth on display. This one notion and fact is what made MedicineWoman start doubting her devotion to religious faith.

Jesus washed peoples feet. This was in stark contrast to the actions of the religous hypocrites of the day who enjoyed their highly esteemed positions as if they were somehow favoured above all else by God and therefore beyond reproach or rebuke. They used this position in an incredibly exploitative way. I am pretty sure that people will take up the religous mantle to suit their own need for approval and honor in society until the end of time but this should not adulterate or be confused with the actual message of Christianity.
Jesus challenged those with false motives and it was this that ultimately led to the revolt against him.
Funnily enough, by attacking the hypocrisy of the modern church, you are indeed agreeing with Jesus.
If the churches hypocrisy turns you off, try reading the bible. Even if you still end up as a atheist at least you will be able to have an objective view of what it is about.


i am a taoist and i agree with godless 100% it is disgusting to see the vatican property so lavish. and in jail i read the bible 2 times old and new testiments so dont assume i havent given it a "chance" please.