Religion affecting Technological Advancement


You can wrap up a piece of shit in pretty paper, make it look all is still a piece of shit.

Islam and christianity are BOGUS, both massive hoaxes played on ignorant masses by power hungry control freaks.

You assertions about islam and science are laughable.

Why don't you post stuff about how islam urges muslims to kill non muslims?
Originally posted by Master of Illusion

You can wrap up a piece of shit in pretty paper, make it look all is still a piece of shit.

Islam and christianity are BOGUS, both massive hoaxes played on ignorant masses by power hungry control freaks.

You assertions about islam and science are laughable.

Why don't you post stuff about how islam urges muslims to kill non muslims?

Check this out:

...And see what is... urrr... who is laughable. :p :D

and also what you mention about killing stuffs, shows where your source came from. Not valid info, I guess. Perhaps CNN on FBI :D :D

Jihad is “a religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of the Prophet Muhammad [the Prophet]. It is an incumbent religious duty, established in the Qur’an and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined specially for the purpose of advancing Islam and repelling evil from Muslims”

Muslims must fight and kill in the name of Allah.

They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

As far as science and islam are concerned, I am still laughing......


“Islam” very recently started futile/meaningless propaganda of the possession of scientific theories from the divine source. This unique and untrue claim has been carefully orchestrated and manipulated by some unscrupulous Muslims with the help of two western medical scientists mainly for three purposes: (a) to continue monopoly business of Saudi Kingdom’s revenue from Hajj pilgrimage; (b) to rejuvenate Islamic fundamentalism; and (c) to earn easy money by those two western scientists.
Master of Illusion,

Yep, you're obviously got info from wrong source. :D :D.
Philosphy of jihad is not like what you said. Muslim is strongly forbidden to start a war. Jihad is to defense rights. Muslim is also strongly forbidden to force someone else to become a muslim. They have duty to spread info about Islam, but, I say again strongly forbidden to force someone else to become a muslim.

Try to compare two of both side. See from both side of point of view. And you'll understand what's really going on. Be ojective and learn more. Hope we meet again. For start check out on thread: Religions Exchange in this section. C ya.
Yea!! right...

Originally posted by ismu
Master of Illusion,

Yep, you're obviously got info from wrong source. :D :D.
Philosphy of jihad is not like what you said. Muslim is strongly forbidden to start a war. Jihad is to defense rights. Muslim is also strongly forbidden to force someone else to become a muslim. They have duty to spread info about Islam, but, I say again strongly forbidden to force someone else to become a muslim.

Try to compare two of both side. See from both side of point of view. And you'll understand what's really going on. Be ojective and learn more. Hope we meet again. For start check out on thread: Religions Exchange in this section. C ya.

Then explain 9=11?

extremists?, or nuts?.

Jihad is "holy war" if anything different please elaborate, source, as we understand it in the west, it's about war, however we've might of been misled, very unlikely, though it could happen.
Re: Yea!! right...

Originally posted by Godless
Then explain 9=11?

extremists?, or nuts?.
Do you mean 9/11? Yes. Obviously it's an extremist. That action has done by few people is not represent 1.8 bilion Muslims in the world.

Originally posted by Godless
Jihad is "holy war" if anything different please elaborate, source, as we understand it in the west, it's about war, however we've might of been misled, very unlikely, though it could happen.
Yes. Jihad is a holy war TO DEFENSE. Again, i say that moslem are forbidden to starts a war.
You can start joining on this thread:
Islamic and Christian holy wars
They've provide some links in their posts to take a look from both side point of views.
jihad and "defense"

Yes. Jihad is a holy war TO DEFENSE. Again, i say that moslem are forbidden to starts a war.

The odd thing is the interpretation of the word "defense". It could mean in defense of your life, but that is obviously not what jihad means. Since it is in a religious holy book, jihad would logically be the defense of religion. So how far do you go to "defend" your religion? Do you defend an Islamic nation from attackers? Probably, but every nation would defend itself if another attacked it. So jihad cannot be telling a nation to do what it would do anyway.

What if the attack was not literally interpreted as a physical attack then? What if a Muslim's government is ruled by people who disagree with Islam? Do you defend Islam by bringing down that government? What if another neighboring country was non-Muslim and exposed Muslims to forbidden behavior, or made laws contrary to Muslim beliefs? Would the Muslim country "defend" its fellow Muslims in a neighboring country by bringing down that government?

Of course, then you have an attack by an Islamic nation which starts a war. But it is completely justified as a defense of Islam because they first put a few Mosques into the neighboring country to "defend". And they don't even look according to themselves like they are starting a war. No Quaran problem, and plenty of power to be gained.
Alright dan.

Good going on that last post, it's very interesting how the thought process works. However Ismu me thinks didn't think of it this way, he believes "jihad" is for self preservation, at least this is how I perceived it at first, however now you've got me thinking some other options.
Someones quote:
"There is only one evil race, and its the HUMAN race "
This basically means, there is only one good race, the human race. And it can be proven logically. There are a number of races in the world, but all are human (in this context at least). So if every race is evil (people living in North America, Asia, Europe, Africa, etc..), then everyone is also good. Because, evil is a relative term. On the other hand, there are lots of species, but humans are the only ones who kill their own kind for little apparant reason.. so humans could be said to be the only evil species.

But to more relavant matters.

Religion has definently affected technological advancement. You could say, as somebody has, that religion was also doing their own research; so the fact that they were halting other's made it all right. But in reality, they were more interersted in researching their own religion than anything usefull. To explain anything that wasn't religious in nature, see this example:

If meat was left out for too long, flies would grow in it. Most theists decided that flies must be evolving from meat, a very quick and convenient answer. But Francesco Redi, using a scientific method, proved that flies only layed larva in the meat, and the larva would grow into flies. This helps prove that most theists weren't interested in research of a useful nature.

Religion still hampers science, although not most. But it is, of course(!), when it comes to ethics. Best example of this would be stem cell research. This research is VERY promising. It could maybe let people with broken spines walk again. Or people with brain tumors avoid mental retardation once the tumor is removed. But science needs ethics right? Who is to say that the church has the best ethics. The bible isn't very ethical. Many church leaders were good to go with a little boy or nun. When it comes down to it, the people will usually vote on such matters, but in lots of places theists outvote atheists or smarter theists. Proof that democracy doesn't work if your nation is full of brainwashees.

Right now we are living in a time of massive scientific breakthroughs. Science is racing ahead. Maybe if true science wasn't held back so long ago, the science race would have started then too. (not a very catchy term)

.Edit. to add conclusion above...

Edit again... And what about people so brainwashed by religion that they won't accept medical care (a fine example of technology!).. It's madness!
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i gess i could be taken that way but itis mainly there for all those idiots who keep saying "oh there just arabs, they are BORN evil"