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"Twit" And you think that a one word reply like this is of "value"

What i value is different to what you value. Your attack on what i value is actually a compliment. Because if someone who values rubbish is against ones values then that’s a good sign.

Although your pathetic one word response was an attempted put down, because it has come from you i take it as a compliment. Thank you. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"Twit" And you think that a one word reply like this is of "value"

Your statement was so utterly stupid there was little else worth saying.

What i value is different to what you value. Your attack on what i value is actually a compliment.

What? You made an idiotic claim and then came back with "you're using words", as if anyone would have thought they were anything other than words. So basically it's one idiotic claim and one idiotic statement in two posts. You're on a roll.
Most people deep down know that God exists. The more they scream no, no, no the more they reveal their inner turmoil.

You deserved to be called a twit here. Your attempt to label all non-believers as being in denial has no merit.