Relevant Excerpts Regarding War in Gaza.

Orthodox Jews oppose serving in the military, not Israel. They're more scared of dying than they philosophically oppose the state.

Sure, but if the secular Zionists were to leave, would they be concerned with maintaining a Jewish state? Or would they rather live in peace with their neighbours as they have always done?
So chips, are all your conclusions as worthless as your bit about Jews and the judicial system?
Swarm: Is there some reason you are being disrespectful? The Western Judicial system is founded on the Jewish beiz-den rather than the Roman Court. The founding fathers were strongly aware of this.

S.A.M.: They should, that's the purpose of this thread. Showing that ideologically (From Torah excerpts) Orthodox Judaism supports war under certain circumstances. Try to remember that it's the Extreme-Orthodoxy that harasses civilian Palestinians, not "Zionists". Out of ignorance, not out of obligation.
S.A.M.: They should, that's the purpose of this thread. Showing that ideologically (From Torah excerpts) Orthodox Judaism supports war under certain circumstances.

Not for land. Thats heresy.

Chaim Hazaz in Had'rasha writes the following :

To my mind... Zionism and Judaism are not at all the same, but two things quite different from each other, and maybe two things directly the opposite to each other! At any rate, far from the same. When a man can no longer be a Jew, he becomes a Zionist... .Zionism begins with the wreckage of Judaism... .Zionism is not a continuation, it is no medicine for an ailment... It is uprooting and destruction, it is the opposite of what has been, it's the end... I believe that this land of Israel already is no longer Jewish. Even now, let alone in the future. Time will tell, as they say. That's its hidden core, that's the power it will yet unfold. Yes! At any rate, it's a different Judaism, if you choose to fool yourselves and keep the name, but certainly not the same as survived for two thousand years, not at all the same.
The Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox who support the existence of Israel do so on the basis that this State facilitates the coming of the Messiah. It allows conditions to exist to encourage the Messiah. They remain disappointed however that the State is secular and do all they can to promote religious laws. Certainly rites of passage are governed by Orthodox religious law
-From your link.

But there's no way to know the accreditation of this man, or his knowledge.
Israeli Judaism is a little different, there's no doubt...but it's not all bad. They do certain things that normal Judaism doesn't. For example, when living outside of Israel Orthodoxy has less of a career in the normal world. Inside Israel you HAVE to have a career, not everyone can be a business man. Many of the practices are different, but they are required. It's long been known that many of the traditions Jews held could not survive if the Jews had a nation, hell...ideally various holidays we celebrate are ideally supposed to disappear. The man writing this is clearly unaware that Judaism inside Israel is much less strict to certain adherences as Judaism outside Israel. Many of the Ultra-Orthodox in Israel seem to intentionally ignore this fact too, they have reasons which are complicated at unnecessary to explain right now.

Outside Israel, adherence to the Sabbath is MUCH more stringent. Inside Israel there are doctors...we can't let people die because it's the Sabbath. But no one has codified these laws until the mid 1900's...because there was no need.
In response to that:

One of the most articulate and vocal critics in Canada today of Israel's policies towards the Palestinians is Rabbi Reuben Slonim. He is a spiritual Zionist in the tradition of Ahad Ha-am. His criticisms of Israel's policies eventually led to a break with his congregation in Toronto. However, he does have a small, but devoted, following among the Canadian Jewish community. In 1983 he wrote:

Today we Jews are losing [the] humanism and universalism of Judaism, all for the sake of Jewish statehood. We love Israel, and so we should, but we are so blinded by that love that we are willing to pay a prohibitive price for it. We condone acts we would declare unconscionable anywhere else in the world: nuclear weapons are wrong but necessary for Israel; apartheid is wrong, but for the sake of Israel's survival we will tolerate it; human rights are critical, but not for the Palestinians; we have a right to a state but Palestinians do not. Our racism towards Arabs would be regarded as anti-Semitism if others spoke of us in the same light. In all things we need to remember that the Jewish people and the Jewish state are but instruments, not ends in themselves; that what is good for the world is good for the Jews, not what is good for the Jews is good for the world; that the ultimate goal of the Jew, if he be truly Jewish, is to serve humanity.
Say then instead; "Some Orthodox Jews disagree with Israel" rather than "Orthodox Judaism disagrees with Israel."

The old addage...."2 Jews, 3 Opinions" is the cause here.
Jews basically created the judicial system in all 1st world countries. Jews are so closely tied to justice that the American/British judicial systems even use HEBREW WORDS!

The Judges room is called a den...
Den in Hebrew means a Judge.
Rebuttal in English is to argue to make void.
Buttal in Hebrew means "make void".

Jews are allowed to pass the bar-exam without having ever attended law school...simply from studying Talmud, Jewish Law.

There are others...

Americas idea of morality is BASED on Judaism...Abraham Lincoln said so himself. All of the founding fathers would agree.

Hey one of Americas favorite super heroes...Super Man's name was Kalel...which means "Voice of G*d" in Hebrew.

Yes, because of a couple of similarities between Hebrew and English, and Superman's Kryptonian name, modern law is based off Jewish law.

Try Roman & English, for the US, anyway. The Founding Father's had a huge chubby for Neo-Classicism.
Oh Orthodox Judaism does disagree:

Torah opinion of the sages of the sephardim in Jerusalem

"Regarding the elections to the government in the Land of Israel, we have determined in accordance with Judaism to publicly declare and to publicize Torah opinion, that according to Law, it is FORBIDDEN FOR ANY JEW WHOSE FOREFATHERS STOOD AT MT. SINAI TO G-D FORBID PARTICIPATE IN THE ELECTIONS TO THE KNESSET OF THE HERETICS, AND NO POWER IN THE WORLD SHALL PERMIT THIS IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. Anyone taking part in these elections violates this prohibition, and it is as if he agrees with the laws of the state WHICH ARE AGAINST the laws of the TORAH. He thereby gives power to the forces of evil and those desecrating G-d's name. We must remain apart from the sectarians and heretics and not to join with those who are rebelling against G-d. WHOEVER FEARS G-D SHALL TAKE CARE NOT TO BE SEDUCED BY ANYONE, AND SHOULD WARN HIS HOUSEHOLD NOT TO BE CAUGHT INTO VIOLATING THIS PROHIBITION.

Grand Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum:

The words of the saintly Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, author of the VAYOEL MOSHE (in Hebrew, written in 1958) ring clearly when we view events in the Middle East:

"...if we place all the immodesty and promiscuity of the generation and the many sins of the world on one side of the scale, and the Zionist state on the other side of the scale by itself, it would outweigh them all. Zionism is the greatest form of spiritual impurity in the entire world. They are polluting the entire world. They have polluted the Jewish people with their heresy, Heaven help us. It is no surprise why G-d's anger comes down from heaven. It is necessary to repent and escape from them more than from a lion who is chasing a person to kill him."

"It has been explained that before the coming of the Messiah this regime will come to an end, as Messiah cannot come any other way, since the Zionist state holds up the redemption of the world. We need G-d's mercies that divine intervention should bring about the end of the state. May G-d have mercy on us all."
Sure, but if the secular Zionists were to leave, would they be concerned with maintaining a Jewish state? Or would they rather live in peace with their neighbours as they have always done?

Slaves in the US lived in peace with their neighbours for many years also.
Oh Orthodox Judaism does disagree:

Torah opinion of the sages of the sephardim in Jerusalem

Grand Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum:

1. A large percentage of Israel is Sephardic, they even use the Sephardic dialect.

2. Anti-Zionism is a loud loud force, not a large large force in the Jewish world.

3. I don't make decisions by Sephardic Rabbis, I am Ashkenaz.

4. There's only one Sephardic sage in existence today who has the lawful accreditation to posek (Make decisions), and none of these 3 are him. He happens to live in Israel.
Can you show me a statement by a rabbi that says Zionism is Judaism?
Can you show me a statement by a rabbi that says Zionism is Judaism?

Rav Kook - Posek (Highest accreditation) of Pre-Israel, Chief Rabbi directly preceding the entry into Israel
- His accreditation is the highest that can exist of Rabbis today. He's allowed to make Rabbinical laws, a rare quality in Rabbis. His word is the word of the Jews in most cases.

Rav Kook on the Torah Portion

Israel Independence Day

Redeeming the Land

Israel Independence Day: Redeeming the Land

In 1930, at a building dedication for the JNF (Jewish National Fund) - the organization established to redeem land in Israel - Rav Kook spoke about the rights of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.

Righteous and Faithful

The prophet Isaiah proudly called out, "Open, O gates, so that the righteous nation that keeps faithfulness may enter in." [26:2] Isaiah mentioned two qualities of the Jewish people:

They "keep faithfulness" - they are true to their special covenant with God. They are a "righteous nation" - they act in a fair and just manner.

This righteousness is expressed not only among individuals. Also on the national level, in our relations with other peoples, we aspire towards equitable dealings. Thus, even as we take the necessary steps towards repossessing our land, we do so in a kind and just way. As we return to the Land of Israel, we eschew taking it by force, but use peaceful ways, paying for property in full. This is so, even though our rights to the Holy Land were never abrogated.

Eternal Rights

Our eternal rights to the Land of Israel have a legal foundation in Halacha. Rabbi Nachshon Gaon, the ninth-century head of the Academy of Sura, wrote that any Jew can use land as the basis for an acquisition ("kinyan agav karka"). Even if the individual does not own real estate, he always possesses his personal inheritance of four cubits in the Land of Israel. [quoted in the responsa of Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg] From here we learn that, even during those times when the Land of Israel was stolen from us, this theft does not void our rights to the Land.

While there is a rule that 'land cannot be stolen', it is likely that the conquest of land in war may be considered a form of acquisition that nullifies prior ownership of property. However, that is only true for land that the owners have the right to buy and sell. With regard to the Land of Israel, the Torah established, "The land cannot be permanently sold, for the land is Mine." [Leviticus 25:23] The special bond between the Land of Israel and the Jewish people has a Divine force that cannot be nullified. No form of acquisition, whether by purchase or conquest, can cancel a Jew's rights to his portion in the Land. And certainly nothing can revoke the rights of the entire Jewish people to their holy inheritance.

Peaceful Conquest

However, since we are a "righteous nation", we try as much as possible that our repossession of the Land of Israel be through consent, by peaceful purchases. This way, the nations of the world cannot lodge complaints against us. As the Midrash says, "Regarding three places, the nations of the world cannot claim, You are occupying stolen territory", since they were bought at full price: the Machpela cave in Hebron, the field in Shechem, and Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. [Breishit Rabba 79:7]

As we return to our country and renew our ownership of the land, we exercise both our eternal rights of Divine inheritance, and also the common and accepted means of monetary acquisition. The JNF, which has proudly taken upon itself this great mission of redeeming the Land, works towards fulfilling Isaiah's stirring call. Let the gates of Eretz Yisrael open up, "so that the righteous nation that keeps faithfulness may enter in!"

[adapted from Moadei Hare'iya pp. 413-415]
Sam, I'm curious: do Christians and Jews ejected from - what is it? every other country in the islamic world - have the right to not consent and get their lands back?

Maybe your response would be in the "love it or leave it" category you selectively favour.
And there you go.

Israel just killed 900 people who do not consent.

Ahh, but the consent was given for a small piece of land. Once they have legally acquired one piece of land they were legally allowed to proceed into other pieces of land.
Not precisely. They were forced to capture land to avoid being wiped out.