Relevant Excerpts Regarding War in Gaza.


This is truthfully in the right section, though a cross-topic thread.

Here are some quotes regarding the reasons to declare war by Jewish (Orthodox Judaism) law.

Deuteronomy 20:10 said:
When you approach a city to do battle with it you shall offer it terms of peace. And if they respond in peace and they open the city to you, then all the people in the city shall pay taxes to you and be subservient. But if they do not make peace with you, but choose to make war, you may besiege them. The Torah requires seeking peace before making war.

Jewish Philosophy said:
Jewish Law differentiates between two types of war; milkhemet mitzvah, an obligatory war, and milkhemet ha-reshut, a voluntary war. Obligatory wars are primarily wars of self-defense, while voluntary wars are those made for national glory. Unlike obligatory wars, the king could only declare a voluntary war with the consent of the Sanhedrin, ancient Israel’s 71 person judicial body.

Yesha Rabbinical Council said:
During time of war, enemy has no innocents.

Joshua, before he entered the Land of Israel, sent three letters to its inhabitants. The first one said that those that wish to flee should flee. The second one said that those that wish to make peace should make peace. The third letter said that those who want a war should prepare to fight a war.

Deuteronomy 20: 2 said:
Efrat, Israel - And it will be, when you come near to warfare, the priest shall step forward and speak to the nation. He shall say to them, Hear, Israel, you are coming near this day to warfare against you enemies. Do not be afraid, for it is the Lord your G-d who walks alongside of you to wage battle for you...
followed as commentary...
B.T. Sotah 42a said:
The Sages of the Talmud expand on this morale-uplifting message of the priest-Kohen to the soldiers before battle: The Priest-Kohen anointed for War would speak in the sacred tongue (Hebrew). Dont let your heart become faint. The Lord of hosts, the G-d of Israel, it is He who wages war with us, it is He who walks with us to save us in all of our battles. This is because our war is His war, and our victory is His victory .

and finally...

Maimonides said:
Apparently the Torah believes that there are some wars which, despite the blatantly negative assessment of war in light of our ultimate goal of world peace, are nevertheless necessary and mandatory. First we must always attempt to make peace and try to convince our enemy to accept the Noahide laws of morality.

Other can be found as well. Exegetic interpretation shows that war is in fact NO prohibited by the Jewish religion if certain principals are followed.
war is not prohibited by Jewish religion and you dont need rabbis or religious text to tell you that, just look at corpses of thousand of Palestinians. And more dying as of this moment.

So yes, war is not prohibited.
Can I ask one thing CheskiChips?

I'll ask, no need to answer.

What have the Jews actually done to promote world peace exactly?
Can I ask one thing CheskiChips?

I'll ask, no need to answer.

What have the Jews actually done to promote world peace exactly?

Jews basically created the judicial system in all 1st world countries. Jews are so closely tied to justice that the American/British judicial systems even use HEBREW WORDS!

The Judges room is called a den...
Den in Hebrew means a Judge.
Rebuttal in English is to argue to make void.
Buttal in Hebrew means "make void".

Jews are allowed to pass the bar-exam without having ever attended law school...simply from studying Talmud, Jewish Law.

There are others...

Americas idea of morality is BASED on Judaism...Abraham Lincoln said so himself. All of the founding fathers would agree.

Hey one of Americas favorite super heroes...Super Man's name was Kalel...which means "Voice of G*d" in Hebrew.

At the forefront of every humanitarian movement is a much so that people think it's a conspiracy...neo-NAZIs...and actually REAL NAZIs. What have Jews done for the world? Tame it. Hitler was against Jewish MORALITY, it blamed it for the taming of Europe. He wasn't wrong. Without Jews...there is no justice.

Look at every nation in the world...the percentage of Jews is directly correlated to the justice and wealth of the Nation (by the average citizen). China has no Justice, no Jews. India has no Justice, no Jews. They have chosen a different path of justice and morality. Those nations that have followed behind the Jewish train of thought have grown wealthy and righteous.

Jews did nothing for the world?
So we can blame the Jews for mess that the world is in?

Jews are .05% of the population. They can't do everything.

I think creating the Justice Systems that are the most effective is a great accomplishment.

If you want to blame someone for the Western Systems...blame the non-Jews. Non-Jews added that "Cause" is punishable in court, and now it's tied up with so many's tied. Jews never condoned Cause as punishable.

Blame yourself.
I've taken enough blame thank you.

btw this China you speak of produce at least 75% of the posessions in your house under slave labour. Look who made your kettle.
I've taken enough blame thank you.

btw this China you speak of produce at least 75% of the posessions in your house under slave labour. Look who made your kettle.

My Kettle...American made. Nearly everything in my house is American made accept perhaps some of my clothing. My book are made in Israel...I make intention to do so. It's not my fault that you don't make the extra effort to never step foot into a wal-mart.

So you're out of argument ehh?

I proved Jewish law says the war is justified, you said Jews have never done anything for the world. I proved that to be blatantly false...then you bring up what I purchase as supporting slave labor when you actually support slave labor far more than I do because I intentionally avoid it. hmm...Just admit you're wrong.

I have been to America, I know what a typical house is like over there. I didn't even know you were American/Jew.

I have been to walmart.

I was never in an argument, with you.

Can you give me a link to your kettle please?
Let's take a moment to praise the Jews:

Moment over:

Their paln for world peace in just wonderful, they are superhuman, what did some say, something in hebrew meant superman, hence why the yanks told the story of superman, wow, beings from out space bringing truth and justice and the american way.

Jews are amazing.

Now the money will go soon, businesses will obviously too, we will then see how amazing you are when you have nowt.
Can I ask one thing CheskiChips?

I'll ask, no need to answer.

What have the Jews actually done to promote world peace exactly?

Out of curiousity, what are the rest of us doing, too? Maybe if we all stopped trying to kill them every ten years or so, they might have a chance to justify their continued breathing to your sort. :D