
And since you think the best physicists are mathematicians, I was foolish to expect anything scientific and objective from you.

Clearly there is NO scientific validity in my arguments about Lorentz Invariance. Just because you cannot refute my objections, you have resorted to insulting me.

In the words of the late, great Kurt Vonnegut...

So it goes.
don't break Lorentz invariance. We will always measure c at 300,000km/s because light defines our time.

And I'll repeat my objection, for the umpteenth time. Lorentz Invariance means more than just haivng the laws of physics remain the same in every reference frame. There is a deeper mathematical structure to the Lorentz Group than just this naive picture. You can either accept my criticisms, or go learn the maths yourself. If oyu choose the latter, then you can come back and tell me why I'm wrong.
If there is a moderator floating around here, by Farsight's own admission, this thread belongs in the pseudoscience bin.

Farsight said:
Maybe we aren't using the same definition of space. I'm trying to think in ontological terms of what's actually there, the thing that gives us space to move around in.

Ontological = metaphysical.

Farsight has admitted that his ideas are metaphysical in nature, therefore they do not belong in this forum.
If there is a moderator floating around here, by Farsight's own admission, this thread belongs in the pseudoscience bin.

Ben, that won't happen, even if you incant "Prophet" three times. The woo-woos are embraced at this site.
Hi Farsight,
You've been given a fair chance to show that your ideas are scientific and don't belong in the Pseudoscience forum. I don't think you've achieved that.

In particular, I think that your idea is not sufficiently distinguished from Relativity. It's hard to tell, because it doesn't seem well-defined. Perhaps it's a different paradigm that boils down to the same thing as Relativity. I can't tell.

Please review James R's post on [post=289505] Science and Pseudoscience[/post]. I think you need to work on the testability, definition, and delineation of your model before it can be considered science.

I've read the link Pete. I definitely intended these essays to be challenging and rather provocative, but I like to think they're well grounded in science and so are at worst speculation rather than pseudoscience.

RELATIVITY+ is a shift in interpretation, based upon the view Einstein reached with Godel in 1949 that Spacetime is a Space. Yes, I certainly do need to work on the testability, definition, and delineation of this "toy model", which is why I'm asking for feedback. It's a shame however that much of the feedback is abusive and seeks to kick the model into the pseudoscience bin to be dismissed unread. The rebuttals tend to be axiomatic and very hostile rather than sincere open feedback that says Sorry Farsight, your model is wrong because... followed by a clear reasoned explanation of why. Hence my confidence in it is actually growing. As to whether my confidence is misplaced, time will tell.
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The rebuttals tend to be axiomatic and very hostile rather than sincere open feedback that says Sorry Farsight, your model is wrong because... followed by a clear reasoned explanation of why. Hence my confidence in it is actually growing. As to whether my confidence is misplaced, time will tell.

You lying little shit. You did receive reasoned explanations as to why you were wrong when you first came here but ignored them and started tossing out insults instead.
Farsight's greatest hits.

As compiled by BenTheMan...

Just look at yourself. You talk of argument and logic. Yet there is none from you, just insults. You are a bully. And like all bullies, you're a coward to boot.

Anti relativity? Me? You are so blinded by your intellectual arrogance that you think I'm anti-relativity? That really takes the biscuit. You and I are done.

Don't make me laugh. You belong in a medieval theocracy.

You are utterly non-rational. And utterly, utterly, dishonest. What's the matter, are you so paranoid that String Theory is a busted flush that you feel the need to hammer down any nascent competition? On a goddamn physics forum for chitchat?

Bah, your credibility is shot to pot.

One of my personal favorites:

I'll do some physics.

This irony almost made me shit my pants:

But if there's one thing all this has taught me, it's that people think they understand something when actually they don't. I can't rule myself out of this.

Because this is real physics, the best physics you'll ever see, but you skimmed it and dismissed it because you simply cannot believe that a guy on a bulletin board can explain anything at all.

This is the greatest:

But you’ve picked on the wrong guy this time bud. I’m streetwise. I'm fast. I’m strong. Literally. I’ve spent my last few weekends doing a patio, nobody beats me at arm wrestling, and I’ve never lost a fight. Oh, and I’m smart. You can see I’m smart. Ten times smarter than you are. You think you know it all about space and time? You don’t know the first thing about space and time. And I’ll prove it. I’ll wipe the floor with you. Here’s the ring:


Come on, step into my ring. Examine the ideas, look at their merits. Be rational. Then watch me knock you flat on sneering preening back. LOL, you won’t. Because despite all the intellectual arrogance, you’re afraid to. All you can do it hurl abuse and sacred incantations from the safety of your ivory tower.

Bah, you're just a chickenshit bully.

Yes, Farsight, you have been quite civil! I especially like the fact that you threatened me with physical violence, despite never meeting me. (Hint: I am a redneck and sleep with a loaded .357 under my bed. No shit.)

Anyway, it's been nice knowing you. I changed my signature under my avatar in honor of you:)
Shall we start looking at some of the previous posts Ben? Let's see now, my post 93:

Farsight said:
Just look at yourself. You talk of argument and logic. Yet there is none from you, just insults. You are a bully. And like all bullies, you're a coward to boot.

was preceded by your post 90:

BenTheMan said:
This is the point where the crackpot goes off on his own, among his crackpot friends, and talks about how he's sooo much smarter than some physicist on the internet. In Farsight's mind, I can assure you, he has won, and no amount of argument or logic can change that. It makes me cringe to think that people like him raise childeren and vote.

And let's look at the context of that medieval theocracy:

Farsight said:
But what you won't actually do, is actually read what they're saying and engage them in rational open-minded dialogue or focus on the points of issue. Scientific discipline? Don't make me laugh. You belong in a medieval theocracy.

Threats of physical violence when RELATIVITY+ is my ring?.

James, all this abuse and insults is getting way out of hand. It's deliberate, rather like this from another string theorist:
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Shall we start looking at some of the previous posts Ben?

Sure. Look all you want. But then again, I never said this:

LOL, so link to them Q. And in case it escaped your notice, I've been on the receiving end of the insults.

I just pointed out that you are a hypocrite and a moron.

The difference is that I make no attept to claim that I never insult people. And I don't cry about it when people insult me. So cut and paste all you want.

In fact, cut and paste MORE. I quite like the way that I respond to your crackpottery. I know I am witty and intelligent, so please spread the word.

I insult only those who deserve it.
I almost cut and paste that one myself, as I think it quite accurately describes your attitude to the whole situation.
You lying little shit.
Is that really necessary?
It is the start. The heretics that doth deny the almighty Lorentz Invariance shall perish. The heathens shall burn.

To all: Beware the evil pseudoscience that doth seek to destroy faith in the holy Laws of Physics. Join with me my brethren in the blessed crusade against the dark angel Farsight and all who seeketh to tempt souls into straying from orthodoxy. United we must stand against this new onslaught of evil if we are to prevail, and together must we pray for those who have strayed from the path to salvation and eternal life. For remember, "energy cannot be destroyed", and "he who accepteth Lorentz Invariance as his Savior shall be energy, for matter and energy are one".

Lorentz Invariance loves you all. Even you Farsight, fallen child of the Symmetry.
Nope, it was irony, but the double irony is that that's how you are.

Shrug, the penny will drop sometime. And you BenTheMan will end up teaching RELATIVITY+.