Rebirth of Durga

Well if you intend to discuss biology I'll reopen it. The opening post did not suggest any such intention.
That, Sam, is because the opportunity to poke fun at you was simply too good to pass up. Humour first, discussion later.

You seriously can't see the funny side? Really truly? *grin*

Meh. Never mind.
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My guess is that an equal number of severely deformed children are born in America and Britain, but they are marked as TLC only, and die very quickly as a result.

Not born. They are sometimes aborted, probably often.
In India, they usually don't have the sort of medical diagnostics available in the West.
She was lucky to be born in India rather than the West.
They will superstitiously treat her as a Goddess.
In the west she would be a scientific curiosity for her short life.

I don't know how long she will live in India, but in a British Hospital
she would be dead within days or weeks.
She was lucky to be born in India rather than the West.
They will superstitiously treat her as a Goddess.
In the west she would be a scientific curiosity for her short life.

I don't know how long she will live in India, but in a British Hospital
she would be dead within days or weeks.
Do you know how many doctors from the US and Britain and around the world volunteer in third world countries like india to help kids with birth defects and life threatening problems?

Are you an idiot?