Rebirth of Durga

Captain Kremmen

All aboard, me Hearties!
Valued Senior Member
A child has been born with two faces in the northern village of Saini Sunpura,
in Northern India. Villagers are hailing her as the reincarnation of the Goddess Durga.

The Great Goddess Durga is said to be exquisitely beautiful. Her form is blindingly bright (devi), with three lotus-like eyes, ten powerful hands, lush hair with beautiful curls, a red-golden glow from her skin and a quarter moon on her forehead. She wears a shiny oceanic blue attire emitting fierce rays. Her ornaments were carved beautifully of gold, with ocean pearls and precious stones embedded in it. Each god also gave her their own most powerful weapons, Rudra's trident, Vishnu's discus, Indra's thunderbolt, Brahma's kamandal, Kuber's gada, etc. Himalayas gifted her a fierce whitish golden lion. On the end of the 8th and beginning of the 9th day of waxing moon, Chanda and Munda came to fight the goddess. She turned blue with anger and goddess Chamunda leaped out of her third eye. Her form was the most powerful one with 3 red eyes, blood-filled tongue and dark skin; who finally killed the twin demons with her sword. This form of the divine goddess is worshipped during the sandhikshan of Durga Puja festival, as sandhi/chandi puja. Finally on the tenth day of waxing moon, goddess Durga killed Mahishasura with her trident.
from Wiki.

Your thoughts.
(jokes about being two faced will not be appreciated)
Its pretty common in India to assign divine properties to children who are out of the norm.
I'm surprised that the baby is fully functional... can eat from both mouthes, etc. if she lives, it will be very interesting.
i wonder if she will be able to develop the ability to use the duplicated parts separately..
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But this definitely shows multiple heads and arms in Hindu mythology is not really a myth.

I was taught in school snakes never can have more than one head and it was all myth; until I saw some with two or three heads.
But this definitely shows multiple heads and arms in Hindu mythology is not really a myth.

I was taught in school snakes never can have more than one head and it was all myth; until I saw some with two or three heads.

Hi, long time no see.
What do you make of this?

Is there something in the water in India??? First was the 8 limbed girl and now this girl.

I know the family is refusing medical care for her, and really, what could be done. They are taking care of her and loving her which I find admirable. I think a lot of poor parents would be taking her on tour and making a fortune showing her off. Here they would go on the talk-show circuit and then writing a book.
A child has been born with two faces in the northern village of Saini Sunpura,
in Northern India. Villagers are hailing her as the reincarnation of the Goddess Durga.

The Great Goddess Durga is said to be exquisitely beautiful. Her form is blindingly bright (devi), with three lotus-like eyes, ten powerful hands, lush hair with beautiful curls, a red-golden glow from her skin and a quarter moon on her forehead. She wears a shiny oceanic blue attire emitting fierce rays. Her ornaments were carved beautifully of gold, with ocean pearls and precious stones embedded in it. Each god also gave her their own most powerful weapons, Rudra's trident, Vishnu's discus, Indra's thunderbolt, Brahma's kamandal, Kuber's gada, etc. Himalayas gifted her a fierce whitish golden lion. On the end of the 8th and beginning of the 9th day of waxing moon, Chanda and Munda came to fight the goddess. She turned blue with anger and goddess Chamunda leaped out of her third eye. Her form was the most powerful one with 3 red eyes, blood-filled tongue and dark skin; who finally killed the twin demons with her sword. This form of the divine goddess is worshipped during the sandhikshan of Durga Puja festival, as sandhi/chandi puja. Finally on the tenth day of waxing moon, goddess Durga killed Mahishasura with her trident.
from Wiki.

Your thoughts.
(jokes about being two faced will not be appreciated)

Its common in india for people to misuse scriptural references in the name of sentimentalism (it just takes a slightly different form than the kooky stuff the sentimental bible of the states tends to churn out) - in some places you can literally find an incarnation of god on every corner.

The method for determining who is an incarnation is that one should see it through scripture - and as your scriptural reference indicates, there seems to be more to an incarnation of durga than merely having two faces ....
Hi, long time no see.
What do you make of this?


Hey Jana, how are you and where did you disappear?!

Nothing much to make out - I don't think this is an incarnation or anything.
But I take this as a cue that myths are not really myths, and multiple heads and arms were probably much common in earlier days.
Is there something in the water in India??? First was the 8 limbed girl and now this girl.

I know the family is refusing medical care for her, and really, what could be done. They are taking care of her and loving her which I find admirable. I think a lot of poor parents would be taking her on tour and making a fortune showing her off. Here they would go on the talk-show circuit and then writing a book.

Good point! Parents in America would exploit the hell out of something like this child.
taking even the tiniest peek at indian culture, i can't understand why anyone would think it's a groundbreaking discovery that India is good at making deformed babies.
regardless of reason, its been going on for a long, long, long, long, long time. Its sad for the children, but at the same time so fascinating to watch how their society reacts so differently than, well, anywhere that i can think of off the top of my head. It goes against everything that we have accepted in nature to be instinctive. Are they the only culture to historically embrace their deformed/imperfect children?
taking even the tiniest peek at indian culture, i can't understand why anyone would think it's a groundbreaking discovery that India is good at making deformed babies.
regardless of reason, its been going on for a long, long, long, long, long time. Its sad for the children, but at the same time so fascinating to watch how their society reacts so differently than, well, anywhere that i can think of off the top of my head. It goes against everything that we have accepted in nature to be instinctive. Are they the only culture to historically embrace their deformed/imperfect children?
I've also noticed how people in the west are more body conscious - like for instance sometimes a woman may call in sick for work because she has a pimple. Whereas in a place like india its kind of like "life goes on" even if you have a tropical boil on your nose.
taking even the tiniest peek at indian culture, i can't understand why anyone would think it's a groundbreaking discovery that India is good at making deformed babies.
regardless of reason, its been going on for a long, long, long, long, long time. Its sad for the children, but at the same time so fascinating to watch how their society reacts so differently than, well, anywhere that i can think of off the top of my head. It goes against everything that we have accepted in nature to be instinctive. Are they the only culture to historically embrace their deformed/imperfect children?

My guess is that an equal number of severely deformed children are born in America and Britain, but they are marked as TLC only, and die very quickly as a result.
I've also noticed how people in the west are more body conscious - like for instance sometimes a woman may call in sick for work because she has a pimple.
oh yes, becuase in the US all women are lazy and materialistic and live their lives like Paris Hilton. we're an entire country full of skinny blondes in clothing store windows.
for the sake of your own intelligence, please tell me you have never been to the US and were simply typing out the first lousy example that came into your head regardless of the fact that its BS (just in case you actually thought that example had quality = seriously. no one does this.). I'm sure you must also think that its silly for such simple and preoccupied women to work and have a career, but golly-gee summa us western wimens are tryin to make somethin of ourselves, and your presumptuous example is slightly insulting.

My guess is that an equal number of severely deformed children are born in America and Britain, but they are marked as TLC only, and die very quickly as a result.
i was thinking more on a historical level.. in centuries past it seems most cultures usually killed off anyone that might not be a prime breeder.. but even thousands of years ago India worshiped their less fortunate.
oh yes, becuase in the US all women are lazy and materialistic and live their lives like Paris Hilton. we're an entire country full of skinny blondes in clothing store windows.
for the sake of your own intelligence, please tell me you have never been to the US and were simply typing out the first lousy example that came into your head regardless of the fact that its BS (just in case you actually thought that example had quality = seriously. no one does this.). I'm sure you must also think that its silly for such simple and preoccupied women to work and have a career, but golly-gee summa us western wimens are tryin to make somethin of ourselves, and your presumptuous example is slightly insulting.
It wasn't a gender stab
even the men are more bodily conscious in the west
its kind of a cultural trope

(BTW I referred to the pimple thing because it was an actual scenario I encountered just recently and was more surprised by how others reacted to it rather than the lady in question)
Woops, you're so right Sam. Missed it completely.

Fascinating, just the same. I wonder how the world would look through four eyes working simultaneously through the same brain function. Not that this is apparent yet, but if all four blink at the same time it would seem to follow that only one brain is being used.
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Woops, you're so right Sam. Missed it completely.

Fascinating, just the same. I wonder how the world would look through four eyes working simultaneously through the same brain function. Not that this is apparent yet, but if all four blink at the same time it would seem to follow that only one brain is being used.

Well if you intend to discuss biology I'll reopen it. The opening post did not suggest any such intention.
Are female fetuses more prone to conjoined twin deformities? Or are they just stronger so they survive it til birth?