Reason To be athiest?

top believer is clearly his choice to not point believers values but to mean objective truth
so regardless of the fact that believer could b wonderful persons, the point is to define god as objective concept or source

so judging that word top believer being to atheism and from, show yourself rejection to anyone else so necessarily too to objective facts existence and so their rights

i know that i sound irritating but u should know that ur pretenses and will to erase everything existence and everyone rights for god exclusive existence is irritation source

and sorry for never meaning to make points, i only write for my own freedom practical needs or else objective needs i could enjoy using by supporting them subjectively so relatively at most

but if u want a point i can invent it especially for u, or from my perspective of what u want, when u point another one existing rather then u, then u r meaning to kill everyone out of ur existence dimension including urself
so u expect everyone negative reaction to u and not their fear of that other u mean to give ur existence to, then u should enjoy more the happening of ur expectations and not react out of anger
actually my point to u is that u should be a point since u want that, why dont u join ur means to ur objective wills since u have a standing self existence fact, instead of keeping pointing else as all and nothing

top believer is clearly his choice to not point believers values but to mean objective truth
so regardless of the fact that believer could b wonderful persons, the point is to define god as objective concept or source

''Objective truth'', IS, regardless of belief or lack of.
One can still arrive at the conclusion that God exists, and remain fully atheist, or one can believe fully
in God, but act like an atheist (someone who doesn't believe in God).
Truth is not dependant on observation.

so judging that word top believer being to atheism and from, show yourself rejection to anyone else so necessarily too to objective facts existence and so their rights

I've never heard the expression ''top believer'' before, certainly not in any relgious literature.
''Belief'' IMO, is equivilent to an entrance fee, meaning you are qualified to enter into the event, and as such
get to see the show, it doesn't mean you fully understand it, as you are there, you have the oppotunity.
It's only the begining.

i know that i sound irritating but u should know that ur pretenses and will to erase everything existence and everyone rights for god exclusive existence is irritation source

It's one thing to accuse somebody of something, but it's another thing to show the accusation.

and sorry for never meaning to make points, i only write for my own freedom practical needs or else objective needs i could enjoy using by supporting them subjectively so relatively at most

No problem, I just have a bit of trouble understanding your grammar, and asked for clarification of what you
you mean. I think I have more of a grasp in this post.

but if u want a point i can invent it especially for u, or from my perspective of what u want, when u point another one existing rather then u, then u r meaning to kill everyone out of ur existence dimension including urself

What do you mean by - ''when u point another one existing rather then u''?

so u expect everyone negative reaction to u and not their fear of that other u mean to give ur existence to, then u should enjoy more the happening of ur expectations and not react out of anger

I'm not reacting out of anger.

actually my point to u is that u should be a point since u want that, why dont u join ur means to ur objective wills since u have a standing self existence fact, instead of keeping pointing else as all and nothing


What do you mean by - ''when u point another one existing rather then u''?

even by considerin that u r relative to god one, god out of urself recognition is always another
bc any less then wisper is existing absolutely as an independant fact, so there cant b a thought even but in absolute terms which justify its existence as a fact

so when u believe another even god, u r against urself freedom so against the truth of one so against everyone
which is confirmed by the fact that believing another is happening bc of another powerful outcomes that u might obtain from
why dont u believe another person or even urself positive sense for instance that u can check objectively upon, why believe is to god entity ?? how believing stop to be about proofs or absolute justification to smthg existence ??

so actually believing had become about promises or gifts u believe are gonna get
all words are deformed from their true sense and realities in sentences

and pointing another existence as the reference to urself serve that belief, since u cant know anything when u refuse to verify anything by urself

even if u believe that god is better then what u r, why dont u translate then the inferior that mean it, so we could see from ur honesty smthg true about it

sorry to speculate on nonsense but, words are free here so why not|?

while when u r aware about else superiority u become immediately a free superior sense from that fact since u can use that superiority as objective existence to built smthg upon, u can use what is already superior to copy it outside faster ways terms
then the claim that the superior is the one existing in the field of who think being inferior to, is not valid argument
Vedic literature is not the source of religion. There are unrelated texts nearly a thousand years older than anything in the Vedic tradition, not to mention oral traditions that go back to the dawn of civilization.