Reason of a Silent Mind

All righty! I'm gonna take some issue now.

1. Things DO CHANGE but they also DO LAST. That's why you're here. If you dismiss all things as ephemeral then you're not doing your duty as a living thing.

Even a little hamster wants to have children. In its tiny hamster way, it still knows what it's for. Its job is pretty simple, but that doesn't make it any less important, not just to all hamsterkind, but to that individual hamster.

We humans have the double-edged sword of symbolic language. This means that the idea of propagating ourselves becomes very complicated, because we don't only need to have children - if we just have kids and then ignore them, then they are adopted by the TV and the church and so on, and cease to think of you as being part of their lives.

When this happens, it will HURT. It's not about pity or posessiveness. It's about realizing that you ceased to have an effect, like if you tried to touch someone but your hand passed through them instead.

So, we also try to pass on what we think to our children and hope that they learn to think like us, or ideally better than us. This is our hope for humankind - not that it's perfect now, but that it will keep improving. More difficult than the hamster! But as a reward for being in the society, we get the better life, and the better life came from the process of passing on ideas to our children in the first place.

Generally it is only the comfortable person who wishes for suffering. Those who are already suffering wish that they could be comfortable, because experience has made them wise to the fact that suffering is not the best thing in the world.


Malaise is one of the diseases that can come to the comfortable person, like bedsores from someone who sits for too long. It usually represents the extreme boredom of painless inactivity.

Some people get very bad cases, and commit suicide. Others sit and yearn for a feeling strong enough to prod them into doing something. This is why comfortable people often wish for suffering.

"What fun it would be to be chased by wolves!" They think to themselves. "To be a samurai in an ancient war! To be a gladiator in the Circus Maximus! What unity of feeling, what intense sensation that would bring me."

This idea usually comes from a misunderstanding of what it is to be in those situations, since the samurai, the gladiator, and the lupine pursuee would switch places with our modern person in a heartbeat. It's true that being in terrible danger tends to unify your philosophy and straighten out your priorities, but it's generally not worth the risk.

The danger of malaise is that it brings with it a misunderstanding of the benefits of your life; people under its depressive spell often denounce all aspects of their life because they all fall under its greyish cloud.

As such, people in this condition will despise their material conditions as damaging, even if they are not - that is, a family that loves them, a society that provides for them, a worldwide network that lets them communicate relatively freely.


Being concerned with your material condition does not necessarily mean rubbing fistfuls of money on your face while oinking like a pig. When it comes to things like feeding yourself, taking care of your family, preventing your own death and so on, they are things we should take very seriously. These are all deeply related to our material condition.

However, when people are afflicted with malaise they may disdain even very basic benefits as being harmful. When they do this, they lose sight of the fact that what they hate is the system that made them, and their thoughts.

However, what they should be concerned with is where the ideological failure came from, not the physical one. Physically most of us are much better taken care of than the Roman gladiator. Ideologically we suffer certain problems, usually that the things that we are taught to believe are insufficient to even explain what we see in the world. This is why people often don't know what to do, because the current popular philosophy is a disaster.


As such, to salve this particular problem, there are many different people who will sell you the truth, in one form or another. They'll tell you it's God, or Environmental Psychology, or Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. They're all trying to explain things for us, in exchange for some service.

Religion is particularly interesting because the service that they require is that you believe them. You don't even need to give them money in many cases. All they ask is that you believe "the truth" and tell it to as many other people as you can. Information all propagates virally, in a sense.

But - how do these people know? They know because someone else told them. They know because they heard a thing and it feels right to them. They know because it fits with other things they believe, and they know because it fits with such evidence as they have compared it to.

This is not the truth - this is circumstantial evidence. Unfortunately, there is no other way to learn things. This is why Hume did not believe that it was possible to truly know anything - because your experience is miniscule compared to the world as a whole, so you can't take it to be representative even of a general trend.

Our view of the world is necessarily restricted to what we are able to learn, and obviously the things that we learn are not canonical descriptions of reality, because they can't be. The reason why symbolic language is important is that it permits us to give a wider scope of experience to our children, and to other people, than they will get on their own through trial and error.

Does that mean we should believe everything we are told? Of course not. Does it mean we are qualified to judge the veracity of the things we are told? Probably not very well. But, it does mean that we can admit one thing to ourselves.

Anyone who tells you that they know the truth is almost definitely lying. Why? Because there's no source. Great efforts have been commited to try to invent a source, but the only things you can know are those you have experienced yourself and those you have been told by other people.

Why don't I believe the argument from faith? That is usually everyone's next question. I can only say it is because, if you want to see something badly enough, you'll see it eventually. In this sense the old Medieval Christian White Magic (you know, Hagith, Ophiel, Aratron) is as true as anything else. Say something enough times, and you'll believe it. Anyone who doesn't agree is just an infidel.

Since we don't know how other people see things in the first place, the fact that other people believe something to be "the truth" in this sense is no reason to believe it yourself. And the fact that it works if you try hard enough is not a reason to believe it either.

So, how do we operate in the universe? By attempting to correlate our personal observations to create a unified whole. The whole of our observations will never be the whole of the universe - that's life. (Apparently.)


Don't talk to me about objective experience. Our experience is subjective by its nature - that's why science is difficult to advance. The idea of a pure, objective, inner sense is PROBABLY something that's been invented to describe another of our subjective experiences, and even if it is real THERE'S NO WAY TO KNOW. I don't care if you say it feels right or you know it's the truth. Everyone says that about everything.

So, why don't I afford your beliefs the same status I do to, say, gravity? Because a thousand other people believe a thousand other contradictory things that they believe just as strongly as you believe yours. I still have fundamental questions that no one has been able to answer, even if they "know the truth", because there are still questions that DON'T HAVE A TRUE ANSWER.

But I'd still like an answer to one of my most important questions.

Why do you have a name for your own formlessness? Naming is not objective by any measure. Why "warrior" or "ghost"? Why not "banana", if none of them fit?
... Why do you have a name for your own formlessness? Naming is not objective by any measure. Why "warrior" or "ghost"? Why not "banana", if none of them fit?

For somoene like you. To just call something nothing, you cant talk about, so how will YOU, understand, if YOU dont put a name to it, its seems like YOU cant, so the only way to truly know is to experience it first hand before you can Understand? You see what I mean? Warrior Ghost, banana... there all words,
Why not name a Lion a Fish if thats what your applying!
I use the term warrior to best describe the point. To help someone like YOU to get an idea, the how to remain focus for the reason be, and yet the spirit warrior is not the point.

I use the term warrior for lack of better term todescribe wat it may take to have self control, to be more one, more aware with Silence.. to be nothing.... and yet you cant grasp that cuz your mind, yourself, brings up the illusion that you are something, thru your constant thinking and acting and labels and forms. Like what a Greek Roman philosopher said ages ago when he said "We think, therefore we are!" which is the stupides thing to say.

And thats why part of why I use the term warrior cuz it takes everything, it seems, especially for you to be one with the silence, to be one with nothing which is everything- infinity, the spirit, the self thats everything. Thats the Abstract, thats the Objective! It opens up avenues of perception, awareness of the essence of everything around you.

If you are a part of everything how would you treat everything?
With Respect? and a real warrior acts with the upmost respect.
One should treat all challenges with respect, for it isnt an enemy, its a friend for its an experience to learn, and thats the gain. And yet what he learns doesnt make hiim, doesnt make the world around him...thats the warriors advantage... it just makes him more aware of whats going on around him. Makes him more perceptive.
Thats an example of what is to be formless...everything touches him yet he doesnt touch it.
All life is a lesson. and I stress that enuff.

(Did you even try to really find out, think deeply to attempt to find the answer of the question I asked you earlier? About what makes you you, and if so why you think that makes you you?About what makes you so different , when every emotion , every thought you had and every aspect of your life probably someone can relate to.?)

I use the term warrior as a best descprition to achieve the reason..
A warrior, is aware. A warrior, has death on his back. A warrior, has dicipline. A warrior, has honor and respect. A warrior, fights for something. A warrior has control. A warrior, is cunning, ruthless, patient, sweet. A warrior is careful. A warrior, is prudent. A warrior, is perceptive. A warrior, adapts. A warrior, learns best in experience. A warrior, has no self but his mission. And more..!

ANd yet your going to say something like thats subjective... when you dont even know the REASON AND WHY. To be subjective is to act for the self first.

I've been telling you, the Hows, the Why's, within your constant question of the WHAT, and even telling you the Whats, and even leading you to the What by giving little points of the Hows and why. Giving tips, that will lead you to something else, within my answers of your constant Whats. Your so focused on the self... the word. YOur barely moving anywhere, and I gave enuff to help you move but you fail to see it.

Remember to be Fluid not Constant! You ask Whats, without even asking it.
And it wont lead you anywhere.
Its like a lil boy saying whats that, whats this, what is, what what what. Whats that- A tree, Whats that- a bush, whats that grass... within that what hes creating a seperation... but there all plants in essence. What is he doing? Going to the store. Whats he getting? Food. What does he do with it? Eat it.

Its like a kid thats knows what Division is yet doesnt know how to problem solve.
Its like a fat boy that constantly eats without reason, but just to eat.

"But - how do these people know? They know because someone else told them"
--DOOOOo they really KNOW by someones word? Remember theres a differnce between words and actions. The warrior uses the word to be more aware of what he wants to know, he remains open minded without being gullable yet doesnt believe, it till he realizes it. To not believe yet try to belive... that is faith, that is to be open. All truths is found from within... and that goes deeper than you may think.

To believe everyone without experience and yet think you know it thru someone else, without experience to some degree, is both fickle, and arrogant.
I remember someone told me the fruit of Knowledge, bears the seeds of arrogance.

Your not open not fluid, to what I'm showing you, that your not even moving anywhere. You keep comparing it with what you Know, and YET You dont even seem to know what I'm talking about.
So it all this seems useless at the moment. A waste of my wordly "time".

"So, how do we operate in the universe? By attempting to correlate our personal observations to create a unified whole. The whole of our observations will never be the whole of the universe - that's life. (Apparently.)"
--First off you will never understand the WHOLE or be Unified with the whole, with your personal. The universe isnt personal.
Space... is Formless... Empty... and to be one with it you must be it. And thats the warrior in essence... nothing. So when your nothing, formless, emtpy, there is only silence, and awareness for everything, the objective.

Sigh all the answers to your questions of the What has been spoken before we talked.. all the why's and hows have already been spoken before we talked.

"Things DO CHANGE but they also DO LAST. That's why you're here. If you dismiss all things as ephemeral then you're not doing your duty as a living thing."
--THAT IS ONE OF THE MOST STUPIDEST THINGS YOU SAID SO FAR, besides the part of things do change.
So tell me... WHY am I HERE, WHY R U here? And what is my so DUTY as a living thing?
To say I'm ALIVE becuz I have a DUTY as a living thing to full fill is like saying GOD made me, becuz I have an obligation to do something... and yet you dont even seem to believe in god.
.... the FORM DOESNT LAST, but the EPHEMERAL DOES LAST as somethng beyond form. Its funny how you mixed in the DO Last and the ephemeral as something to dismiss, not realizing thats why it Does Last. And yet you dont see what the Essence the No-Thing of what everything is.

"I don't believe that your spirit is divided from your mind in such a way that it can save you from your own crooked thoughts, if crooked they be."
---is that YOU? You learn indeed, but what you learn is the one making you.
Are you the one so shaped that you cant absorb and dissect, and expand yourself with something else that doesnt go with your line of thinking? Just by that you are EMPTY... empty only becuz nothing can get in!

Maybe your name you chose you came up with for a reason.
Big Blue Head.
holding yourself in with a breath your head is getting so big its turned blue!

Are you even LEARNING ANYTHING? or r you that stuck, that shaped? Are you even attempting to see what I"m seeing? Or do you think this a battle of wills?

It may be funny when I answer you what I am seeing.... cuz then you will be back to nothing... and desperately try to make it ;)

I dont know if this is a mutual thing thru learning... cept thru you my perception of "Controlled Folly" has expanded a bit.

When you post something that I see, that can lead to something else, I will reply to it. Even tho you were already saying some and everytime I posted can, but thats not what your attention is on.
Everything you keep asking without the asking has already been spoken.
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You are here because something made you.

Your duty as a living thing is to make something better than yourself, or at least as good as yourself, or at the very worst to make something at all.

The world, and we, are part of a progression of change. Of course all things are transient! But the world is only full of the things that make more of themselves, for that very reason.

The only nothing that matters, is that when a person's life ends and they are gone, if they leave nothing behind them they have failed. If this happens to enough living things, then the universe will be composed entirely of rocks.

Your duty as a human being is to send forth the ideas and experiences that you have managed to collect. If everyone fails in this duty, then all that come after will be stupid, until they can collect their ideas again and push them forward.

EVEN FORMLESSNESS IS JUST A TOOL. No one believes that they understand perfectly, and no one believes that they have found out all there is to know. Without the ideas, without the words, without the names, we are still there.

We are just people. Believing in an idea of mental attitude may help you with the things you need to do but that does not make it perfect. Even your ability to take the pieces that you learn and try to fit them together in different combinations is not perfect. And above all, a thing that helps you is NOT THE TRUTH, no matter how much it helps you.
sigh....I'm sorry about that last post when I made fun of you...

Yes what your saying is indeed something good something noble to do. That in itself is a good reason to live life for.
But most dont see it like that.... they dont see in lines of the "for" everyone else but for the self...

You understand what I mean? You understand "spirit"? The spirit is for everyone and everything...becuz it IS everything yet nothing... and a "spiritual warrior" is to act for everyone and everything... you see? Thats what it means to be objective.
Thats the Why of being nothing, being formless, being empty... to get away from living only for the reason of the shaped self...
you get it now?
And the trick is to have total control of the self... and to do that one must build his silence. When one creates enuff inner silence he will find power... "personal power" as in will to act out the "intent" of the spirit. Gradually he will begin to become the magical being one is suppose to be.

Without the self... what do I live for? Everything else.
Whatever I learn, doesnt make me, doesnt shape my world, like I said earlier... for the world I see is the Spirit. So everything I learn just expands my perception to be more aware of Everything else within the world of form, to survive within this world of form... to learn and experience.

Yet to stay in this world, and actually live... I must put on a cloak...a form. That everyone else calls the self, what they thinkk makes them them. I have to live in lines of society, create a self that can easily seperate me from the silence thats everyone and everything, yet help me fit in with everyone else. Isnt it just one big IRONY!! its Like a big joke, and the only way to stay sane , is to laugh along with it. Like what you said one can forget himself if thats how he keeps thinking himself... and forget. Forget that this cloak is not me.

And this is the hard part... why I use the warrior sense... the Cloak is the "Noise" over the "Silence"... noise can easily diminish silence and thats where I need self control. Yet sound is born from silence.
I hope you are able to understand that.

"Without the ideas, without the words, without the names, we are still there"

-Yes we are still there, but we know ourselves, even better. For the ideas, words, names, wont be there to cloud our soul and perceptions. You will begin to see the formless side of everything-the spirit- without those ideas. And see yourself in everything. Formlessness isnt a tool. Its everything. We create, think we make them have forms, making them something with and by naming them and thru ideas, when thats all it is, a name, otherwise how can we come up with ideas, to understand, since the mind always wants to understand everything. So how can we come up with ideas and understanding when speaking of something with no name, speaking of nothing?....we make it something....
But yes, without labels and names there still there, seen for the essence of what they really are, a part of each other, beyond what our average senses percieve. Spirit-in-Form.
-remember theres a difference between understanding and knowing.

Perfect.... everyone and everything in the IS is already perfect. Our standards make us deny it. Why? Becuz of those ideas, whats good , bad, right wrong, etc etc. And yet those even have degrees... and still those have many views depending on each and every person.

"Your duty as a living thing is to make something better than yourself, or at least as good as yourself, or at the very worst to make something at all.
The world, and we, are part of a progression of change. Of course all things are transient! But the world is only full of the things that make more of themselves, for that very reason."

How far has Humanity truly gone? Since the medeviel days way way back how far have we gone AS a PEOPLE?
Not in our technology, or how we live within society. Yes we expanded our knowledge.
BUT how far have WE as PEOPLE gone? So how much have we as people changed, beyond the material knowledge?
If all laws were taken away... do you think that will be safe?

Like Machiavelli off the "prince" said... a King must assume all men are wicked- to keep himself and his people safe.... thats 1 part, why there are laws.
Man behaives due to necesity cuz of the laws. But when he believes he sees an opportunity to act wicked and can get away with it he will act it out.
- he said something like that.

But a change is going to be coming...and I'll be here to experience it, fully. I've died and come back, thousands of thousands of times to refine, and strengthen, for this chance I'm having at the moment, to learn and experience this opportunity, that has already begun.
-you ask why I'm here? To change...within form, to take my soul conscious my awareness to the formless.... and expand my experience and learn.
I'll speak of that later.

I'm here becuz something made me?
What if I said whatever made me made me to be aware of itself. Like what I said about sound born of silence. If there was no sound, there would be no silence... for then thats all there is, so how would you know it? Like a deep sea fish doesnt no what water is for thats what its a part of.

What if I told you I'm here becuz EEEYYYYEEEE wanted to be here?
What if I said I made an Eyedeal Comprameyez. Thru and for my Eyedeal I Comprameyez my Soul rememberance, to be here, for the Spirit. And at the same time to be here for the spirit, guides me to soul conscious.
Alot of people miss something about spirit... a lot say when you find it, it guides you, helps you, teaches you, can be influential to you for many things, in many ways.
But at the same time we influence it, wether you know it or not.
What if I told you infinity. Spirit. Doesnt even give two damns about Good, or Bad.... after all, you Humans cant even agree on what IS, good or bad. Your the only species on Earth with that concept of good and bad... and yet still manage to make life miserable for most of yourselfs... and even with the human concepts of good and bad they still manage to slowly destroy Earth...
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Even for humans, good and bad are only utilitarian. Even morality is something that we develop because it helps us, just like the laws that are supposed to be derived from it.

The only problem that we have is that sometimes complex situations may render the utility of our actions somewhat difficult to understand or verify.

If you send money to a charity, does it help? There's no way to know. So, is it good or not?

If you take a day off work because you are sick, how does it affect your job? Is it good or bad?

Usually there aren't easy answers to these questions, and so the big question that most people have all the time is "What should I do?"

Philosophy helps to answer some of these questions, but it's a work in progress and always will be. Most of the time our actions are so arcane compared to those of animals (eating, sleeping, staying out of trouble) that we'll never know if we did the right thing or not.

In general this is why humans appear to be "behind" animals. (There are other problems too... but this is a big one.)

With respect to whether we are further ahead now than we were in medieval times - that depends on the person. Standards of education are better now, and education is almost always helpful in preventing the worst kind of errors that people commit.
Indeed it is a complex situation, to understand and verify.
All that you could do, is your best no matter the situation,
one must be indifferent to good or bad, yet understand at the same time what he is doing to not compromise the situation and his peace of mind. But you must find that first.

Why Humans "appear" to be behind animals...
it has to do with Soul and Consciousness.

You have to understand that, as beings, to look at it from the "beginning" and the "end", only Soul & Consciousness matters.
Everything else inbetween is a stage. Experiences and Lessons take place inbetween this beginning and ending.

Its like to be Human is to contradict the self a lot. You may not now or a bit later... but almost all the time people do.
Like whats happening now with Iraq. They want peace so they go to war. Someone says they want to spread love to everyone yet they dont trust. Its like most of you just keep fooling yourselfs. When you begin to see the Irony of everything your close to what some say "awakening".

This contradiction of the self, this wavering peace of mind. Is what seperates you Humans from Animals.

Like I said Soul and Conscious is what matters.
Soul & Conscious remains before, within, and after the stage.
Yet to live life within this stage is to forget one or the other, it seems... for the average.

In many cultures animals are held in high regards. Like spirit guides, animal totems, martial arts, etc etc.
Cuz animals know themselves, have "peace of mind" they have no complexities like man does due to their conscious their ability to interpret. So in some cultures, to do what they need to do depending on the situation they call on a certain animal thats in accord to the situation. Or for other reason.
Lets say that Animals are more in touch with their Souls and cuz of it know what theyre about. They dont doubt themselves, they have peace of mind. They play the role on the stage better than you Humans do, and they dont even know it.
Their conscious is all on survival- instict conscious. For what? To be aware of itself... to experience and in so learn. To pass on that survival.

The closest thing I believe to achieve what is "good" is peace. Yet that is something that Humans will take a long time to achieve, for you all never had it through out history. You search for it in the wrong wayz. The answer starts from within first. The U.S. is a good example... they want to go around helping every other country to achieve peace, when within they have all these problems before they even started.
Like I said, you can't properly help others, without first helping yourself.

To gain peace for Humanity, peace not only for you all but peace with this entire world, you need harmony. Harmony is in the backround Always, of ALL creation. Like I said all truths are found from within. Look at nature, the predator feeds on the others, wether it be another predator or plant eater. To keep them within balance. Look at the trees, they filter out the air, and yet animals use them to live in and feed off of.
Or even the subtle matter, with the positve side and negative side. Harmony, not only for balance, but a balanced differences for equality.
Or peoples way to properly run a business, harmony with each other and other companies to maintain the business. What an Irony huh?
You humans have the idea without realizing it and not using it properly to help yourselfs and the world you live in.
Cuz of the Self Importance, the gain of material to please your ego, your well being. When all that is within the stage, within the beginning and ending.
Like I said to be Human it seems to contradict the self.
You people are so afraid to die that its automatically "bad".
When thats part of living. Who can say if you die from someone else or not was suppose to happen? And yet death IS suppose to happen. Thats another part of Harmony for you, life and death, yet to me their both the Same.

Now, I am able to say that I was lucky to, not once but twice encounter death, within this life. When you see all your life flash before your eyes, you will see why people say life is a dream.
You will understand even better why there is no such thing as "time"... even that is a tool, yet you cant get rid of it. You will understand why they say the Now can lead you to eternity.
You will understand why "good" or "bad" doesnt matter.
You will understand the the meaing of what you people call Karma, why they say thats the reason people are re incarnated.
You will understand why I say life is nothing but lessons and experiences, and those are the lessons.

For thats what infinity wants. Not your awarness, your soul and conscious. But your experiences. That is the cost you pay for the worth of life.
Yet you dont even have to encounter "death" to experience it. All the experiences of meeting death happens everyday all around the wrold, wether you know it or not.

What if I told you, that in death, you have different avenues to take? That you have choices.
Indeed it is a complex situation, to understand and verify.
All that you could do, is your best no matter the situation,
one must be indifferent to good or bad, yet understand at the same time what he is doing to not compromise the situation and his peace of mind. But you must find that first.

Why Humans "appear" to be behind animals...
it has to do with Soul and Consciousness.

You have to understand that, as beings, to look at it from the "beginning" and the "end", only Soul & Consciousness matters.
Everything else inbetween is a stage. Experiences and Lessons take place inbetween this beginning and ending.

Its like to be Human is to contradict the self a lot. You may not now or a bit later... but almost all the time people do.
Like whats happening now with Iraq. They want peace so they go to war. Someone says they want to spread love to everyone yet they dont trust. Or what I see a lot that makes me shake my head, when someone says "man I hate that bitch, he talks alot of shit" yet he talks shit too. Its like most of you just keep fooling yourselfs. When you begin to see the Irony of everything your close to what some say "awakening".

This contradiction of the self, this wavering peace of mind. Is what seperates you Humans from Animals.

Like I said Soul and Conscious is what matters.
Soul & Conscious remains before, within, and after the stage.
Yet to live life within this stage is to forget one or the other, it seems... for the average.

In many cultures animals are held in high regards. Like spirit guides, animal totems, martial arts, etc etc.
Cuz animals know themselves, have "peace of mind" , so its easier to learn and understand them. They have no complexities like man does due to their conscious their ability to interpret. So in some cultures, to do what they need to do depending on the situation they call on a certain animal thats in accord to the situation. Or learn or for other reasons.
Lets say that Animals are more in touch with their Souls and cuz of it know what theyre about. They dont doubt themselves, they have peace of mind. They play the role on the stage better than you Humans do, and they dont even know it.
Their conscious is all on survival- instict conscious. For what? To be aware of itself... to experience and in so learn. To pass on that survival.

You people have no idea of how magical, just by being Humans Beings you are suppose to be.

The closest thing I believe to achieve what is "good" is peace. Yet that is something that Humans will take a long time to achieve, for you all never had it through out history. You search for it in the wrong wayz. The answer starts from within first. The U.S. is a good example... they want to go around helping every other country to achieve peace, when within they have all these problems before they even started.
Like I said, you can't properly help others, without first helping yourself.

To gain peace for Humanity, peace not only for you all but peace with this entire world, you need harmony. Harmony is in the backround Always, of ALL creation. Like I said all truths are found from within. Look at nature, the predator feeds on the others, wether it be another predator or plant eater. To keep them within balance. Look at the trees, they filter out the air, and yet animals use them to live in and feed off of.
Or even the subtle matter, with the positve side and negative side. Harmony, not only for balance, but a balanced differences for equality. What happens when your body is out of Harmony?...
Or peoples way to properly run a business, harmony with each other and other companies to maintain the business. What an Irony huh?
You humans have the idea without realizing it and not using it properly to help yourselfs and the world you live in.
Cuz of the Self Importance, the gain of material to please your ego, your well being, not seeing the greater picture. When all that is within the stage, within the beginning and ending.
Like I said to be Human it seems to contradict the self.
You people are so self important that your afraid to die, in reality or metaphorically, that its automatically "bad" or you cant stand the thought of it.
When thats part of living. Who can say if you die from someone else or not was suppose to happen? And yet death IS suppose to happen. Thats another part of Harmony for you, life and death, yet to me their both the Same.

Now, I am able to say that I was lucky to, not once but twice encounter death, within this life. When you see all your life flash before your eyes, you will see why people say life is a dream.
You will understand even better why there is no such thing as "time"... even that is a tool, yet you cant get rid of it. You will understand why they say the Now can lead you to eternity.
You will understand why "good" or "bad" doesnt matter.
You will understand the the meaing of what you people call Karma, why they say thats the reason people are re incarnated.
You will understand why I say life is nothing but lessons and experiences, and those are the lessons.

For thats what infinity wants. Not your awarness, your soul and conscious. But your experiences. That is the cost you pay for the worth of life.
Yet you dont even have to encounter "death" to experience it. All the experiences of meeting death happens everyday all around the world, wether you know it or not.

What if I said that in death, you have different avenues to take? That you have choices.

Hmmm I dont know why this message was posted twice.
:confused: whoops
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I'm not afraid of dying, although I realize it would be a grievous blow to my material plans here...

North American society tends to deny death (and injury, and a number of other similar things) by making them seperate from everything else. This may or may not be reflected in other societies; I'm not sure about that.

But, once you cease to deny death there aren't a lot of plans you can make for it - death's like that. One day it will arrive, sort of like a letter in the mail, probably a surprise. Not like one of those "URGENT SALES PITCH INSIDE" letters, just one of the unmarked envelopes you sometimes get. Then you open it and you're DEAD. No one's expecting any fanfares.

I still think that the time to re-evaluate is after you die... probably have a better idea what's going on then, not so many financial worries and so on. Of course, there'll be no one to tell you what to do either. That's how it goes.
Thats a step :D
But thers a difference between not being afraid and accepting it.
I mean if death came to you, will you accept it? Will you be ready for it?
Will you die kicking and screaming, regreting you didnt do this and that?

Yes, death is like that, there are no plans for it, you'll never know.
Thats why as a warrior one must always think of death... you may not know when it comes. But to think its always around the corner will always make you want to make the best of any situation.
You dont want to die being angry do you? Or disapointed at the moment of death?
All you can do is smile and say your ready. Leave with a feeling of completion, take the blow as lightly as possible.
Just smile and look at it as a new beginning. Waking from the "dream." Keep your calm with awe, to pass thru the unknown without fear. The experience of death when your prepared for death is something...sigh.. I cant explain it with words.

The time to re-evaluate is Now... I'm serious... indeed in death you will begin to realize things that you may not of knew, or realize the things your doing more clearly, like whats you said, have an idea of whats going on. The goal is to not have Any worries when you Meet death.

Someone told me something like, to take everything serious lightly and small matters seriously.

Look at death as your advisor, thats what death is... a guide.
Look to your left about arms reach away, thats where he is, hes always with you. Look there, as if there really is someone there. Ask him if its your time to go and he'll tell you.

The first time someone told me this, I did that and I felt hypnotized... I had was getting goosebumps and laughed. Becuz he was right.

I like what was said in cowboy bebop.... when a indian said something like... dont fear death, for then when it comes it will strike like lighting. Dont fear death, for he will guide you to infinity.

You want to know a Part of this Karma business when some say thats why your reborn?
I'll tell you.
When you die, and see your life flash before your eyes and cant let go of your life. Your self importance. Your ego, which in itself can create bad karma. Probably why some cultures or religions talk about being detatched.
Most people follow those experiences becuz they think thats THEM. They cant let go of themselves, for they believe thats all their is...whats the world without them... nothing as in, if their Dead they'll be nothing, so they can become afraid of the Unknown, death seemed to have struck them like a Cobra, like lighting coming out of nowhere, and werent ready.
They see their life flash before their eyes and follow it. And as I said thats all infinity wants, what spirit wants, is your experiences... infinity filters those experiences back to the world of form to pass on what it learned.
So in a way when you follow it your soul and conscious, is also being filtered back to the world of form.
Yet you dont remember anything of your past life becuz it was filtered for the Whole. Yet there can be other reasons, and other exceptions of why.

Like I posted in a different thread about a beetle, a Tiger Beetle , when I was watching National Geographic. This beetle had a baby beetle and from birth it already knew its strategy on how to kill and survive without even having the parent there to teach it. The experiences from others was taken by infinity to learn to pass it down back to the world of form, so it can survive, to be aware of itself. And theres many examples of this.

Like I said before
I've died and come back, thousands of thousands of times to refine, and strengthen, for this chance I'm having at the moment, to learn and experience this opportunity, that has already begun.
-you ask why I'm here? To change....within form, as in realizing and being whole with soul conscious.... to take my soul conscious my awareness to the formless.... and expand my experience and learn.... and take that expanded self back to form, yet attempt to remember it. And experience this expanded form within life, this world...again, but as something different yet the same. Yet at the same time I dont have too only keep coming "here." My soul rememberance was my comprameyez to be born here...and thats what I'm here to gain back, thats the change...Only within Form.
You understand there is no "time" as in your tool of measuring changes... only cycles, of changes, and refining.
one cannot change when he is unable to change perspective... to drop the self importance.... to die, for life or "reality."

Yet even in re incarnation people Can remember their past lives. Its imprinted in the souls and within spirit. It lasts Always.

Life and Death will always change a person.... its wether your ready or not too change that will give you the opportunity to be something new, experience something new, and realize something bigger.
Life and Death are the same.
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I have thought for days... all I can say in return is that I liked David Hume's story best. He was an atheist and didn't believe in an immortal soul...

His devout Christian friend, so I'm told, came to his bedside as he lay dying. The friend said:

"Now that you're about to die, aren't you afraid? You believe that you'll cease to be, because there is no God... doesn't the idea of disappearing forever fill you with fear?"

Hume's answer was:

"Before I was born, I didn't exist. I don't fear the time before I was born. After I die I won't exist. Why should I fear the time after I die?"

I'm paraphrasing of course:)

Fear is something that fades as you get older. I wonder if someday I'll not be afraid of anything; not much scares me now, but then, life is sedentary and comfortable. By the time you get old I imagine death is something you're pretty tired of, especially if all your kids try to pretend it's not real...

Still, you can always die later. That's an opportunity you'll never lose.