Reality as God

Actually its about linguistics

And its not about " beliefs " as it is accepting what is written as truth of happenings , real happenings back 6000yrs ago

No different from 6000yrs from now and they think our history is nothing more than myths

like the bible...
tch tch river..
read his link..
from it:
Ancient language scholar Michael S. Heiser states he has found many inaccuracies in Sitchin's translations and challenges interested parties to use this book to check their validity.[15][20] Prof. Ronald H. Fritze,[21] author of the book Invented Knowledge: False History, Fake Science and Pseudo-religions,[21] mentions the example of Sitchin's claim that the Sumerian sign Din-Gir means "pure ones of the blazing rockets", adding that "Sitchin's assignment of meanings to ancient words is tendentious and frequently strained."[22] Fritze also commented on Sitchin's methodology, writing that "When critics have checked Sitchin's references, they have found that he frequently quotes out of context or truncates his quotes in a way that distorts evidence in order to prove his contentions. Evidence is presented selectively and contradictory evidence is ignored."[22]
Did you down load the pdf Dywyddyr ?
Oh look, another attempt at diversion
Does "the PDF" say anything particularly different? E.g. does it say that Sitchin got it right after all?
Did you down load "it"?
What did you gather from "it"?

PS: when you say "the PDF" which one do you mean, there are a number of them linked from that page.
(This is probably more evidence that you don't actually read (or perhaps read but don't take any notice of) anything anyone says).
Since I gave that link to you I fail to see what point you're trying make.
Perhaps, as usual, you don't have one and think that repetition (of anything) is somehow evidence for your claims.
Since I gave that link to you I fail to see what point you're trying make.
Perhaps, as usual, you don't have one and think that repetition (of anything) is somehow evidence for your claims.

Well lets start with

An analysis of the cylinder seal (VA 243) that Sitchin uses to argue that the Sumerians knew there were 12 planets.
This analysis focuses on the demonstrable fact that the "sun" symbol*on this seal (which is essential to allegedly depicting the solar system)*is not the sun.* The actual sun symbol used on literally hundreds of*seals, monuments, and other artwork from Sumer and Mesopotamia is shown to the reader via photos and compared to the symbol on this seal.* It's not even close.* I include examples where Sitchin's symbol occurs side-by-side with the real sun symbol so there can be*no mistaking the fact that the Sumerians and Mesopotamians did in fact distinguish these symbols.* This analysis erodes the entire foundation of Sitchin's 12 planet hypothesis

Where are these examples , from the second last statement
Well lets start with
Where are these samples , from the second last statement
So you're incapable of clicking the link (the yellow text at the start of that statement) that leads you "1) An overview of Cylinder Seal VA 243 - A fairly thorough treatment of the problems with Sitchin's interpretation and use of this seal is available (free) as a PDF file HERE." and ALSO incapable of then clicking that link to relevant the PDF?
And you expect anyone to believe that you're capable of doing any rational checking? Of anything?
No wonder you believe: you're only capable of "understanding" things that someone spoon-feeds to you.
So you're incapable of clicking the link (the yellow text at the start of that statement) that leads you "1) An overview of Cylinder Seal VA 243 - A fairly thorough treatment of the problems with Sitchin's interpretation and use of this seal is available (free) as a PDF file HERE." and ALSO incapable of then clicking that link to relevant the PDF?
And you expect anyone to believe that you're capable of doing any rational checking? Of anything?
No wonder you believe: you're only capable of "understanding" things that someone spoon-feeds to you.

oh I did
dwy, I may be wrong, but I think he is coming round to believing sitchen is wrong.
(Although I doubt it and he's asking some bloody strange questions. If he HAD truly found the relevant PDF then why bother asking me where the examples are?).
If reality is God then God should be free to act and do anything and everything He wills, including be evil, lending Him total free will.

Imagine, if you will, a time machine. Because the written words of the ancients were forgotten and learning was far removed from the sacred texts, the machine of which we speak was the closest way to examine the question at hand. Nowhere can we find in the steady stream of time, outside of the poetic, where Reality is God. But upon the question of evil we find the ancient Hebrew word ra. Translated as 'bad,' gloomy,' ugly,' evil,' calamitous,' malignant,' ungenerous,' and 'envious, depending upon the context (Genesis 2:9; 40:7; 41:3; Exodus 33:4; Deuteronomy 6:22; 28:35; Proverbs 23:6; 28:22) Our machine hones upon calamitous . . . and Isaiah 45:7, and a reference much later, the machine indicates, of the King James Version. Linguistics is a remarkable travesty of time for which our machine is prepared. It says: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

Researching: Machine says: Ra. Evil. Calamity through justice.

Researching: common syntax example: The parents of a child say that their child is not to play in the busy street. To the child this is (Hebrew Ra: Bad). The child doesn't realize that the parents know better than him/her and so decides to play in the street anyway. This is (Hebrew Ra: bad) What happens next is, (Hebrew Ra: bad, or evil). The child is discovered in the road and is punished, as in grounded, by the parents. To the child this is (Hebrew Ra: bad) but it could have been a lot worse, in that whatever happened to the child would be (Hebrew Ra: Really bad).

It's amazing what the time machine can reveal!

Reality? Huh. Is subjective and quite possibly (Hebrew Ra: Really bad)

Grow up.
If reality is God then God should be free to act and do anything and everything He wills, including be evil, lending Him total free will. Hence God is neutral and passive. Because that is a true act of free will. To be neither good nor evil, but subtle and occasional. As reality itself, God is subject to nothing and is capable of anything including appearing out of the blue and taking form. Hence, God walks the earth everyday as Christopher Langan said, in the form of man. As reality, God cannot become unreal unless He wanted to, if He were to do that then He would not exist. Hence God obeys reality and must therefore be scientifically plausible and realistic. A question I pose is that is it possible for God to become unreal if He is reality? Langan says "existence is everywhere the choice to exist."


The four realities to me are

Nature , meaning , energy and matter . In the forms of plasma and atomics

Spiritual realm


As well I see NO point at all in believing in any " god " at all

Even the concept is disturbing to me

When we finally get to the point when any form of " god " whether from the bible , the Annunaki or where ever

Is not in control of our thinking upon ourselves and who and what we should be

We as Human Beings , will never be free to make OUR OWN future and destiny

As well I see NO point at all in believing in any " god " at all

Even the concept is disturbing to me

When we finally get to the point when any form of " god " whether from the bible , the Annunaki or where ever

Is not in control of our thinking upon ourselves and who and what we should be

We as Human Beings , will never be free to make OUR OWN future and destiny


But, you sincerely don't know. Atleast we have a history of belief to go with, abeit a violent history, a faithful one. Would have dr. King stood against his aggressors if he didnt believe in his passive words. Jesus Christ wouldn't have turned the other cheek if he didnt believe he could get back up.
But, you sincerely don't know. Atleast we have a history of belief to go with, abeit a violent history, a faithful one. Would have dr. King stood against his aggressors if he didnt believe in his passive words. Jesus Christ wouldn't have turned the other cheek if he didnt believe he could get back up.

The thing is though , we are no better off
But, you sincerely don't know. Atleast we have a history of belief to go with, abeit a violent history, a faithful one. Would have dr. King stood against his aggressors if he didnt believe in his passive words. Jesus Christ wouldn't have turned the other cheek if he didnt believe he could get back up.
Yes! Actually many people involved in the civil rights movement were non-believers.