Reality as God


If reality is God then God should be free to act and do anything and everything He wills, including be evil, lending Him total free will. Hence God is neutral and passive. Because that is a true act of free will. To be neither good nor evil, but subtle and occasional. As reality itself, God is subject to nothing and is capable of anything including appearing out of the blue and taking form. Hence, God walks the earth everyday as Christopher Langan said, in the form of man. As reality, God cannot become unreal unless He wanted to, if He were to do that then He would not exist. Hence God obeys reality and must therefore be scientifically plausible and realistic. A question I pose is that is it possible for God to become unreal if He is reality? Langan says "existence is everywhere the choice to exist."

If reality is God then He/It must obey the rules and laws required to be reality. Which leads us to ask, what truly is reality? What is its definition?

It doesn't help to define one absolute metaphysical variable as another absolute metaphysical variable. Reality may BE God, but since we don't know what either of these are, then we are just as mystified as before.
It doesn't help to define one absolute metaphysical variable as another absolute metaphysical variable. Reality may BE God, but since we don't know what either of these are, then we are just as mystified as before.

I disagree on the latter point. It's true we don't have all the answers but the whole point is to inquire and if we're lucky we open up new doors. The answers can come from inquiry. When we obsess over something we tend to dream about it and the dream may provide us with earth shattering answers.
It doesn't help to define one absolute metaphysical variable as another absolute metaphysical variable. Reality may BE God, but since we don't know what either of these are, then we are just as mystified as before.

One of the motivations for equating 'reality' and 'God' might be because it makes it easier to introduce personalistic pronouns like 'He' (in caps, of course) and verbs like 'act', 'do' and 'wills'. Many people seem to be a lot more comfortable thinking about impersonal abstractions when they are imagined as if they were people.
Actually goodliness holds the keys of the holy. God can't be evil. Evil, or not moral is hopeless, or no hope.
If reality is God then God should be free to act and do anything and everything He wills, including be evil, lending Him total free will. Hence God is neutral and passive. Because that is a true act of free will. To be neither good nor evil, but subtle and occasional. As reality itself, God is subject to nothing and is capable of anything including appearing out of the blue and taking form. Hence, God walks the earth everyday as Christopher Langan said, in the form of man. As reality, God cannot become unreal unless He wanted to, if He were to do that then He would not exist. Hence God obeys reality and must therefore be scientifically plausible and realistic. A question I pose is that is it possible for God to become unreal if He is reality? Langan says "existence is everywhere the choice to exist."

If unreality is god, even more wild nonsense can be claimed & anything goes because it is unreality.
The word God is a linguistic creation, thinking practicaly it is probably origin of the word good. :D what came first the word god may have walked first as the word good and there evolved the word good. :)
One of the motivations for equating 'reality' and 'God' might be because it makes it easier to introduce personalistic pronouns like 'He' (in caps, of course) and verbs like 'act', 'do' and 'wills'. Many people seem to be a lot more comfortable thinking about impersonal abstractions when they are imagined as if they were people.

Mother Nature? Father Time? The Grim Reaper? Ronald McDonald? lol!